the haunted hotel(闹鬼的旅馆)-第47节
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one; he had just read the narrative of the contemplated murder of his
brother; planned in cold blood by a woman who was at that moment
inhabiting the same house with him。 While; to make the fatality
complete; Agnes herself had innocently provided the conspirators with the
one man who was fitted to be the passive agent of their crime。
Even the bare doubt that it might be so was more than he could endure。
He left his room; resolved to force the truth out of the Countess; or to
denounce her before the authorities as a murderess at large。
Arrived at her door; he was met by a person just leaving the room。 The
person was the manager。 He was hardly recognisable; he looked and
spoke like a man in a state of desperation。
'Oh; go in; if you like!' he said to Henry。 'Mark this; sir! I am not a
superstitious man; but I do begin to believe that crimes carry their own
curse with them。 This hotel is under a curse。 What happens in the
morning? We discover a crime committed in the old days of the palace。
The night comes; and brings another dreadful event with ita death; a
sudden and shocking death; in the house。 Go in; and see for yourself! I
shall resign my situation; Mr。 Westwick: I can't contend with the
fatalities that pursue me here!'
Henry entered the room。
The Countess was stretched on her bed。 The doctor on one side; and
the chambermaid on the other; were standing looking at her。 From time to
time; she drew a heavy stertorous breath; like a person oppressed in
sleeping。 'Is she likely to die?' Henry asked。
'She is dead;' the doctor answered。 'Dead of the rupture of a blood…
vessel on the brain。 Those sounds that you hear are purely mechanical
they may go on for hours。'
Henry looked at the chambermaid。 She had little to tell。 The
Countess had refused to go to bed; and had placed herself at her desk to
proceed with her writing。 Finding it useless to remonstrate with her; the
maid had left the room to speak to the manager。 In the shortest possible
time; the doctor was summoned to the hotel; and found the Countess dead
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on the floor。 There was this to tell and no more。 Looking at the
writing…table as he went out; Henry saw the sheet of paper on which the
Countess had traced her last lines of writing。 The characters were almost
illegible。 Henry could just distinguish the words; 'First Act;' and 'Persons
of the Drama。' The lost wretch had been thinking of her Play to the last;
and had begun it all over again!
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Henry returned to his room。
His first impulse was to throw aside the manuscript; and never to look
at it again。 The one chance of relieving his mind from the dreadful
uncertainty that oppressed it; by obtaining positive evidence of the truth;
was a chance annihilated by the Countess's death。 What good purpose
could be served; what relief could he anticipate; if he read more?
He walked up and down the room。 After an interval; his thoughts
took a new direction; the question of the manuscript presented itself under
another point of view。 Thus far; his reading had only informed him that
the conspiracy had been planned。 How did he know that the plan had been
put in execution?
The manuscript lay just before him on the floor。 He hesitated; then
picked it up; and; returning to the table; read on as follows; from the point
at which he had left off。
'While the Countess is still absorbed in the bold yet simple
combination of circumstances which she has discovered; the Baron returns。
He takes a serious view of the case of the Courier; it may be necessary; he
thinks; to send for medical advice。 No servant is left in the palace; now
the English maid has taken her departure。 The Baron himself must fetch
the doctor; if the doctor is really needed。
' 〃Let us have medical help; by all means;〃 his sister replies。 〃But wait
and hear something that I have to say to you first。〃 She then electrifies the
Baron by communicating her idea to him。 What danger of discovery
have they to dread? My Lord's life in Venice has been a life of absolute
seclusion: nobody but his banker knows him; even by personal appearance。
He has presented his letter of credit as a perfect stranger; and he and his
banker have never seen each other since that first visit。 He has given no
parties; and gone to no parties。 On the few occasions when he has hired a
gondola or taken a walk; he has always been alone。 Thanks to the
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atrocious suspicion which makes him ashamed of being seen with his wife;
he has led the very life which makes the proposed enterprise easy of
'The cautious Baron listensbut gives no positive opinion; as yet。 〃See
what you can do with the Courier;〃 he says; 〃and I will decide when I hear
the result。 One valuable hint I may give you before you go。 Your man is
easily tempted by moneyif you only offer him enough。 The other day; I
asked him; in jest; what he would do for a thousand pounds。 He
answered; 'Anything。' Bear that in mind; and offer your highest bid
without bargaining。〃
'The scene changes to the Courier's room; and shows the poor wretch
with a photographic portrait of his wife in his hand; crying。 The Countess
'She wisely begins by sympathising with her contemplated accomplice。
He is duly grateful; he confides his sorrows to his gracious mistress。 Now
that he believes himself to be on his death…bed; he feels remorse for his
neglectful treatment of his wife。 He could resign himself to die; but
despair overpowers him when he remembers that he has saved no money;
and that he will leave his widow; without resources; to the mercy of the
'On this hint; the Countess speaks。 〃Suppose you were asked to do a
perfectly easy thing;〃 she says; 〃and suppose you were rewarded for doing
it by a present of a thousand pounds; as a legacy for your widow?〃
'The Courier raises himself on his pillow; and looks at the Countess
with an expression of incredulous surprise。 She can hardly be cruel
enough (he thinks) to joke with a man in his miserable plight。 Will she say
plainly what this perfectly easy thing is; the doing of which will meet with
such a magnificent reward?
'The Countess answers that question by confiding her project to the
Courier; without the slightest reserve。
'Some minutes of silence follow when she has done。 The Courier is
not weak enough yet to speak without stopping to think first。 Still keeping
his eyes on the Countess; he makes a quaintly insolent remark on what he
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has just heard。 〃I have not hitherto been a religious man; but I feel
myself on the way to it。 Since your ladyship has spoken to me; I believe in
the Devil。〃 It is the Countess's interest to see the humorous side of this
confession of faith。 She takes no offence。 She only says; 〃I will give
you half an hour by yourself; to think over my proposal。 You are in danger
of death。 Decide; in your wife's interests; whether you will die worth
nothing; or die worth a thousand pounds。〃
'Left alone; the Courier seriously considers his position and decides。
He rises with difficulty; writes a few lines on a leaf taken from his pocket…
book; and; with slow and faltering steps; leaves the room。
'The Countess; returning at the expiration of the half…hour's interval;
finds the room empty。 While she is wonder