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the haunted hotel(闹鬼的旅馆)-第3节

小说: the haunted hotel(闹鬼的旅馆) 字数: 每页4000字

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     'There was natural curiosity to see the woman who had been preferred 

to her; and perhaps some astonishment also; not to see a more engaging 

and more beautiful person; both those feelings restrained within the limits 

of good breeding; and both not lasting for more than a few momentsso 

far as I could see。      I say; 〃so far;〃 because the horrible agitation that she 

communicated to me disturbed my judgment。                   If I could have got to the 

door; I would have run out of the room; she frightened me so!                   I was not 

even able to stand up I sank back in my chair; I stared horror…struck at 

the calm blue eyes that were only looking at me with a gentle surprise。 To 

say they affected me like the eyes of a serpent is to say nothing。 I felt her 

soul    in   them;   looking     into   minelooking;      if  such   a  thing    can   be; 

unconsciously to her own mortal self。             I tell you my impression; in all its 

horror and in all its folly!        That woman is destined (without knowing it 

herself)   to   be   the   evil   genius   of   my   life。   Her   innocent   eyes   saw   hidden 

capabilities of wickedness in me that I was not aware of myself; until I felt 

them stirring under her look。 If I commit faults in my life to comeif I am 

even guilty of crimes she will bring the retribution; without (as I firmly 

believe)   any   conscious   exercise   of   her   own   will。    In   one   indescribable 

moment I felt all thisand I suppose my face showed it。 The good artless 

creature was inspired by a sort of gentle alarm for me。                 〃I am afraid the 

heat of the room is too much for you; will you try my smelling bottle?〃                    I 

heard her say those kind words; and I remember nothing elseI   fainted。 

When I recovered my senses; the company had all gone; only the lady of 

the house   was with   me。 For   the moment   I could   say nothing to her;   the 

dreadful impression that I have tried to describe to you came back to me 

with the coming back of my life。            As soon I could speak; I implored her 

to tell me the whole truth about the woman whom I had supplanted。                      You 

see; I had a faint hope that her good character might not really be deserved; 

that   her   noble   letter   was   a   skilful   piece   of   hypocrisyin   short;   that   she 

secretly hated me; and was cunning enough to hide it。 No! the lady  had 

been her friend from her girlhood; was as familiar with her as if they had 


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                      THE HAUNTED HOTEL A Mystery of Modern Venice 

been sistersknew her positively to be as good; as innocent; as incapable 

of hating anybody; as the greatest saint that ever lived。             My one last hope; 

that I had only felt an ordinary forewarning of danger in the presence of an 

ordinary   enemy;   was   a   hope   destroyed   for   ever。     There   was   one   more 

effort I could make; and I made it。           I went next to the man whom I am to 

marry。   I   implored   him   to   release   me   from   my   promise。     He   refused。   I 

declared I would break my engagement。                He showed me letters from his 

sisters; letters from his brothers; and his dear friends all entreating him to 

think   again   before   he   made   me   his   wife;   all   repeating   reports   of   me   in 

Paris; Vienna; and London; which are so many vile lies。                 〃If you refuse to 

marry me;〃 he said; 〃you admit that these reports are trueyou admit that 

you are afraid to face society in the character of my wife。〃                What could I 

answer?      There    was   no   contradicting     himhe    was   plainly   right:   if   I 

persisted in my refusal; the utter destruction of my reputation would be the 

result。 I consented to let the wedding take place as we had arranged it 

and    left   him。    The     night   has   passed。     I   am   here;   with    my    fixed 

conviction   that   innocent   woman   is   ordained   to   have   a   fatal   influence 

over my life。 I am here with my one question to put; to the one man who 

can answer it。 For the last time; sir; what am Ia demon who has seen the 

avenging angel? or only a poor mad woman; misled by the delusion of a 

deranged mind?' 

     Doctor Wybrow rose from his chair; determined to close the interview。 

     He was strongly and painfully impressed by what he had heard。 The 

longer  he   had   listened   to   her;   the   more   irresistibly  the   conviction   of   the 

woman's wickedness had forced itself on him。 He tried vainly to think of 

her    as   a  person    to   be   pitieda   person     with   a   morbidly     sensitive 

imagination; conscious of the capacities for evil which lie dormant in us 

all; and striving earnestly to open her heart to the counter…influence of her 

own better nature; the effort was beyond him。               A perverse instinct in him 

said; as if in words; Beware how you believe in her! 

     'I have already given you my opinion;' he said。               'There is no sign of 

your intellect being deranged; or being likely to be deranged; that medical 

science can discoveras I understand it。 As for the impressions you have 


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                       THE HAUNTED HOTEL A Mystery of Modern Venice 

confided to me; I can only say that yours is a case (as I venture to think) 

for   spiritual   rather   than   for   medical   advice。    Of   one   thing   be   assured: 

what   you   have   said   to   me   in   this   room   shall   not   pass   out   of   it。   Your 

confession is safe in my keeping。' 

     She heard him; with a certain dogged resignation; to the end。 

     'Is that all?' she asked。 

     'That is all;' he answered。 

     She   put   a   little   paper   packet   of   money  on   the   table。  'Thank   you;  sir。 

There is your fee。' 

     With those words she rose。           Her wild black eyes looked upward; with 

an expression of despair so defiant and so horrible in its silent agony that 

the Doctor turned away his head; unable to endure the sight of it。                       The 

bare idea of taking anything from hernot money only; but anything even 

that she had touchedsuddenly revolted him。 Still without looking at her; 

he said; 'Take it back; I don't want my fee。' 

     She   neither   heeded   nor   heard   him。      Still   looking   upward;   she   said 

slowly   to   herself;   'Let   the   end   come。   I   have   done   with   the   struggle:   I 


     She   drew   her   veil   over   her   face;   bowed   to   the   Doctor;   and   left   the 


     He rang the bell; and followed her into the hall。             As the servant closed 

the door on her; a sudden impulse of curiosity utterly unworthy of him; 

and at the same time utterly irresistible sprang up in the Doctor's mind。 

Blushing like a boy; he said to the servant; 'Follow her home; and find out 

her name。' For one moment the man looked at his master; doubting if his 

own ears had not deceived him。              Doctor Wybrow looked back at him in 

silence。 The submissive servant knew what that silence meanthe took his 

hat and hurried into the street。 

     The Doctor went back to the consulting…room。 A sudden revulsion of 

feeling     swept    over   his   mind。     Had     the  woman      left  an   infection    of 

wickedness in the house; and had he caught it?                What devil had possessed 

him to degrade himself in the eyes of his own servant? He had behaved 

infamouslyhe   had   asked   an   honest   man;   a   man   who   had   served   him 


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                       THE HAUNTED HOTEL A Mystery of Modern Venice 

faithfully for years; to turn spy!            Stung by the bare thought of it; he ran 

out into the hall again; and opened the door。 The servant had disappeared; 

it   was   too   late   to   call   him   back。   But   one   refuge   from   his   contempt   for 

himself   was   now   open   to   him   the   refuge   of   work。         He   got   into   his 

carriage and went his rounds among his patients。 

     If   the   famous   physician   could   have   shaken   his   own   reputation;   he 

would have done it that afternoon。              Never before had he made himself so 

little   welcome   at     the   bedside。    Never      before   had    he   put   off   until  to… 

morrow   the   prescription   which   ought   to   have   been   written;   the   opinion 

which ought to have been given; to…day。 He went home earlier than usual 

unutterably dissatisfied with himself。 

     The servant had returned。           Dr。 Wybrow was ashamed to question him。 

The man reported the result of his errand; without waiting to be asked。 

     'The lady's na

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