charlotte temple-第15节
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paused; glanced her eye upon her own visible situation; and; spite of her endeavours to suppress them; burst into tears。 Mrs。 Beauchamp guessed the source from whence those tears flowed。 〃You seem unhappy; Madam;〃 said she: 〃shall I be thought worthy your confidence? will you entrust me with the cause of your sorrow; and rest on my assurances to exert my utmost power to serve you。〃 Charlotte returned a look of gratitude; but could not speak; and Mrs。 Beauchamp continued〃My heart was interested in your behalf the first moment I saw you; and I only lament I had not made earlier overtures towards an acquaintance; but I flatter myself you will henceforth consider me as your friend。〃 〃Oh Madam!〃 cried Charlotte; 〃I have forfeited the good opinion of all my friends; I have forsaken them; and undone myself。〃 〃Come; come; my dear;〃 said Mrs。 Beauchamp; 〃you must not indulge these gloomy thoughts: you are not I hope so miserable as you imagine yourself: endeavour to be composed; and let me be favoured with your company at dinner; when; if you can bring yourself to think me your friend; and repose a confidence in me; I am ready to convince you it shall not be abused。〃 She then arose; and bade her good morning。 At the dining hour Charlotte repaired to Mrs。 Beauchamp's; and during dinner assumed as composed an aspect as possible; but when the cloth was removed; she summoned all her resolution and determined to make Mrs。 Beauchamp acquainted with every circumstance preceding her unfortunate elopement; and the earnest desire she had to quit a way of life so repugnant to her feelings。 With the benignant aspect of an angel of mercy did Mrs。 Beauchamp listen to the artless tale: she was shocked to the soul to find how large a share La Rue had in the seduction of this amiable girl; and a tear fell; when she reflected so vile a woman was now the wife of her father。 When Charlotte had finished; she gave her a little time to collect her scattered spirits; and then asked her if she had never written to her friends。 〃Oh yes; Madam;〃 said she; 〃frequently: but I have broke their hearts: they are either dead or have cast me off for ever; for I have never received a single line from them。 〃 〃I rather suspect;〃 said Mrs。 Beauchamp; 〃they have never had your letters: but suppose you were to hear from them; and they were willing to receive you; would you then leave this cruel Montraville; and return to them?〃 〃Would I!〃 said Charlotte; clasping her hands; 〃would not the poor sailor; tost on a tempestuous ocean; threatened every moment with death; gladly return to the shore he had left to trust to its deceitful calmness? Oh; my dear Madam; I would return; though to do it I were obliged to walk barefoot over a burning desart; and beg a scanty pittance of each traveller to support my existence。 I would endure it all chearfully; could I but once more see my dear; blessed mother; hear her pronounce my pardon; and bless me before I died; but alas! I shall never see her more; she has blotted the ungrateful Charlotte from her remembrance; and I shall sink to the grave loaded with her's and my father's curse。〃 Mrs。 Beauchamp endeavoured to sooth her。 〃You shall write to them again;〃 said she; 〃and I will see that the letter is sent by the first packet that sails for England; in the mean time keep up your spirits; and hope every thing; by daring to deserve it。〃 She then turned the conversation; and Charlotte having taken a cup of tea; wished her benevolent friend a good evening。 CHAPTER XXII。 SORROWS OF THE HEART。 WHEN Charlotte got home she endeavoured to collect her thoughts; and took up a pen in order to address those dear parents; whom; spite of her errors; she still loved with the utmost tenderness; but vain was every effort to write with the least coherence; her tears fell so fast they almost blinded her; and as she proceeded to describe her unhappy situation; she became so agitated that she was obliged to give over the attempt and retire to bed; where; overcome with the fatigue her mind had undergone; she fell into a slumber which greatly refreshed her; and she arose in the morning with spirits more adequate to the painful task she had to perform; and; after several attempts; at length concluded the following letter to her mother TO MRS。 TEMPLE。 NEW…YORK。 〃Will my once kind; my ever beloved mother; deign to receive a letter from her guilty; but repentant child? or has she; justly incensed at my ingratitude; driven the unhappy Charlotte from her remembrance? Alas! thou much injured mother! shouldst thou even disown me; I dare not complain; because I know I have deserved it: but yet; believe me; guilty as I am; and cruelly as I have disappointed the hopes of the fondest parents; that ever girl had; even in the moment when; forgetful of my duty; I fled from you and happiness; even then I loved you most; and my heart bled at the thought of what you would suffer。 Oh! never; never! whilst I have existence; will the agony of that moment be erased from my memory。 It seemed like the separation of soul and body。 What can I plead in excuse for my conduct? alas! nothing! That I loved my seducer is but too true! yet powerful as that passion is when operating in a young heart glowing with sensibility; it never would have conquered my affection to you; my beloved parents; had I not been encouraged; nay; urged to take the fatally imprudent step; by one of my own sex; who; under the mask of friendship; drew me on to ruin。 Yet think not your Charlotte was so lost as to voluntarily rush into a life of infamy; no; my dear mother; deceived by the specious appearance of my betrayer; and every suspicion lulled asleep by the most solemn promises of marriage; I thought not those promises would so easily be forgotten。 I never once reflected that the man who could stoop to seduction; would not hesitate to forsake the wretched object of his passion; whenever his capricious heart grew weary of her tenderness。 When we arrived at this place; I vainly expected him to fulfil his engagements; but was at last fatally convinced he had never intended to make me his wife; or if he had once thought of it; his mind was now altered。 I scorned to claim from his humanity what I could not obtain from his love: I was conscious of having forfeited the only gem that could render me respectable in the eye of the world。 I locked my sorrows in my own bosom; and bore my injuries in silence。 But how shall I proceed? This man; this cruel Montraville; for whom I sacrificed honour; happiness; and the love of my friends; no longer looks on me with affection; but scorns the credulous girl whom his art has made miserable。 Could you see me; my dear parents; without society; without friends; stung with remorse; and (I feel the burning blush of shame die my cheeks while I write it) tortured with the pangs of disappointed love; cut to the soul by the indifference of him; who; having deprived me of every other comfort; no longer thinks it worth his while to sooth the heart where he has planted the thorn of never…ceasing regret。 My daily employment is to think of you and weep; to pray for your happiness and deplore my own folly: my nights are scarce more happy; for if by chance I close my weary eyes; and hope some small forgetfulness of sorrow; some little time to pass in sweet oblivion; fancy; still waking; wafts me home to you: I see your beloved forms; I kneel and hear the blessed words of peace and pardon。 Extatic joy pervades my soul; I reach my arms to catch your dear embraces; the motion chases the illusive dream; I wake to real misery。 At other times I see my father angry and frowning; point to horrid caves; where; on the cold damp ground; in the agonies of death; I see my dear mother and my revered grand…father。 I strive to raise you; you push me from you; and shrieking cry〃Charlotte; thou hast murdered me!〃 Horror and despair tear every tortured nerve; I start; and leave my restless bed; weary and unrefreshed。 〃Shocking as these reflexions are; I have yet one more dreadful than the rest。 Mother; my dear mother! do not let me quite break your heart when I tell you; in a few months I shall bring into the world an innocent witness of my guilt。 Oh my bleeding heart; I shall bring a poor little helpless creature; heir to infamy and shame。 〃This alone has urged me once more to address you; to interest you in behalf of this poor unborn; and beg you to extend your protection to the child of your lost Charlotte; for my own part I have wrote so often; so frequently have pleaded for forgiveness; and entreated to be received once more beneath the paternal roof; that having received no answer; not even one line; I much fear you have cast me from you for ever。 〃But sure you cannot refuse to protect my innocent infant: it partakes not of its mother's guilt。 Oh my father; oh beloved mother; now do I feel the anguish I inflicted on your hearts recoiling with double force upon my own。 〃If my child should be a girl (which heaven forbid) tell her the unhappy fate of her mother; and teach her to avoid my errors; if a boy; teach him to lament my miseries; but tell him not who inflicted them; lest in wishing to revenge his mot