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ere; when he beheld the bathing vessels; the water…pots; the pans; and the ointment boxes; all of gold curiously wrought; and smelt the fragrant odours with which the whole place was exquisitely perfumed; and from thence passed into a pavilion of great size and height; where the couches and tables and preparations for an entertainment were perfectly magnificent; he turned to those about him and said; 〃This; it seems; is royalty。〃   But as he was going to supper; word was brought him that Darius's mother and wife and two unmarried daughters; being taken among the rest of the prisoners; upon the sight of his chariot and bow; were all in mourning and sorrow; imagining him to be dead。 After a little pause; more lively affected with their affliction than with his own success; he sent Leonnatus to them; to let them know Darius was not dead; and that they need not fear any harm from Alexander; who made war upon him only for dominion; they should themselves be provided with everything they had been used to receive from Darius。 This kind message could not but be very welcome to the captive ladies; especially being made good by actions no less humane and generous。 For he gave them leave to bury whom they pleased of the Persians; and to make use for this purpose of what garments and furniture they thought fit out of the booty。 He diminished nothing of their equipage; or of the attentions and respect formerly paid them; and allowed larger pensions for their maintenance than they had before。 But the noblest and most royal part of their usage was; that he treated these illustrious prisoners according to their virtue and character; not suffering them to hear; or receive; or so much as to apprehend anything that was unbecoming。 So that they seemed rather lodged in some temple; or some holy virgin chambers; where they enjoyed their privacy sacred and uninterrupted; than in the camp of an enemy。 Nevertheless Darius's wife was accounted the most beautiful princess then living; as her husband the tallest and handsomest man of his time; and the daughters were not unworthy of their parents。 But Alexander; esteeming it more kingly to govern himself than to conquer his enemies; sought no intimacy with any one of them; nor indeed with any other women before marriage; except Barsine; Memnon's widow; who was taken prisoner at Damascus。 She had been instructed in the Grecian learning; was of a gentle temper; and by her father; Artabazus; royally descended; with good qualities; added to the solicitations and encouragement of Parmenio; as Aristobulus tells us; made him the more willing to attach himself to so agreeable and illustrious a woman。 Of the rest of the female captives; though remarkably handsome and well proportioned; he took no further notice than to say jestingly that Persian women were terrible eyesores。 And he himself; retaliating; as it were; by the display of the beauty of his own temperance and self…control; bade them be removed; as he would have done so many lifeless images。 When Philoxenus; his lieutenant on the sea…coast; wrote to him to know if he would buy two young boys of great beauty; whom one Theodorus; a Tarentine; had to sell; he was so offended that he often expostulated with his friends what baseness Philoxenus had ever observed in him that he should presume to make him such a reproachful offer。 And he immediately wrote him a very sharp letter; telling him Theodorus and his merchandise might go with his good…will to destruction。 Nor was he less severe to Hagnon; who sent him word he would buy a Corinthian youth named Crobylus; as a present for him。 And hearing that Damon and Timotheus; two of Parmenio's Macedonian soldiers; had abused the wives of some strangers who were in his pay; he wrote to Parmenio; charging him strictly; if he found them guilty; to put them to death; as wild beasts that were only made for the mischief of mankind。 In the same letter he added; that he had not so much as seen or desired to see the wife of Darius; nor suffered anybody to speak of her beauty before him。 He was wont to say that sleep and the act of generation chiefly made him sensible that he was mortal; as much as to say; that weariness and pleasure proceed both from the same frailty and imbecility of human nature。   In his diet; also; he was most temperate; as appears; omitting many other circumstances; by what he said to Ada; whom he adopted; with the title of mother; and afterwards created Queen of Caria。 For when she; out of kindness; sent him every day many curious dishes and sweetmeats; and would have furnished him with some cooks and pastry…men; who were thought to have great skill; he told her he wanted none of them; his preceptor; Leonidas; having already given him the best; which were a night march to prepare for breakfast; and a moderate breakfast to create an appetite for supper。 Leonidas also; he added; used to open and search the furniture of his chamber and his wardrobe; to see if his mother had left him anything that was delicate or superfluous。 He was much less addicted to wine than was generally believed; that which gave people occasion to think so of him was; that when he had nothing else to do; he loved to sit long and talk; rather than drink; and over every cup hold a long conversation。 For when his affairs called upon him; he would not be detained; as other generals often were; either by wine; or sleep; nuptial solemnities; spectacles; or any other diversion whatsoever; a convincing argument of which is; that in the short time he lived; he accomplished so many and so great actions。 When he was free from employment; after he was up; and had sacrificed to the gods he used to sit down to breakfast; and then spend the rest of the day in hunting; or writing memoirs; giving decisions on some military questions; or reading。 In marches that required no great haste; he would practise shooting as he went along; or to mount a chariot and alight from it in full speed。 Sometimes; for sport's sake; as his journals tell us; he would hunt foxes and go fowling。 When he came in for the evening; after he had bathed and was anointed; he would call for his bakers and chief cooks; to know if they had his dinner ready。 He never cared to dine till it was pretty late and beginning to be dark; and was wonderfully circumspect at meals that every one who sat with him should be served alike and with proper attention: and his love of talking; as was said before; made him delight to sit long at his wine。 And then; though otherwise no prince's conversation was ever so agreeable; he would fall into a temper of ostentation and soldierly boasting; which gave his flatterers a great advantage to ride him; and made his better friends very uneasy。 For though they thought it too base to strive who should flatter him most; yet they found it hazardous not to do it; so that between the shame and the danger; they were in a great strait how to behave themselves。 After such an entertainment; he was wont to bathe; and then perhaps he would sleep till noon; and sometimes all day long。 He was so very temperate in his eating; that when any rare fish or fruits were sent him; he would distribute them among his friends; and often reserve nothing for himself。 His table; however; was always magnificent; the expense of it still increasing with his good fortune; till it amounted to ten thousand drachmas a day; to which sum he limited it; and beyond this he would suffer none to lay out in any entertainment where he himself was the guest。   After the battle of Issus; he sent to Damascus to seize upon the money and baggage; the wives and children; of the Persians; of which spoil the Thessalian horsemen had the greatest share; for he had taken particular notice of their gallantry in the fight; and sent them thither on purpose to make their reward suitable to their courage。 Not but that the rest of the army had so considerable a part of the booty as was sufficient to enrich them all。 This first gave the Macedonians such a taste of the Persian wealth and women and barbaric splendour of living; that they were ready to pursue and follow upon it with all the eagerness of hounds upon a scent。 But Alexander; before he proceeded any further; thought it necessary to assure himself of the sea…coast。 Those who governed in Cyprus put that island into his possession; and Phoenicia; Tyre only excepted; was surrendered to him。 During the siege of this city; which; with mounds of earth cast up; and battering engines; and two hundred galleys by sea; was carried on for seven months together; he dreamt that he saw Hercules upon the walls; reaching out his hands; and calling to him。 And many of the Tyrians in their sleep fancied that Apollo told them he was displeased with their actions; and was about to leave them and go over to Alexander。 Upon which; as if the god had been a deserting soldier; they seized him; so to say; in the act; tied down the statue with ropes; and nailed it to the pedestal; reproaching him that he was a favourer of Alexander。 Another time Alexander dreamed he saw a satyr mocking him at a distance; and when he endeavoured to catch him; he still escaped from him; till at last with much perseverance; and running about after him; he got him into his power。 The soothsayers; making two words of

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