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the bravo of venice-第17节

小说: the bravo of venice 字数: 每页4000字

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shoulder of the man for whom she had breathed so many sighs; who had

occupied so many of her thoughts by day; who had been present in so

many of her dreams by night。

As they gazed in silent rapture on each other; they forgot that they

were mortals; they seemed to be transported to a happier; to a

better world。  Rosabella thought that the chamber in which she sat

was transformed into an earthly Paradise; invisible seraphs seemed

to hallow by their protecting presence the indulgence of her

innocent affection; and she poured forth her secret thanks to Him

who had given her a heart susceptible of love。

Through the whole course of man's existence; such a moment as this

occurs but once。  Happy is he who sighs for its arrival; happy is he

who; when it arrives; has a soul worthy of its enjoyment; happy is

even he for whom that moment has long been passed; so it passed not

unenjoyed; for the recollection of it still is precious。  Sage

philosophers; in vain do you assure us that the raptures of a moment

like this are mere illusions of a heated imagination; scarcely more

solid than an enchanting dream; which fades before the sunbeams of

truth and reason。  Alas! does there exist a happiness under the moon

which owes not its charms in some degree to the magic of


〃You are dear to me; Flodoardo;〃 murmured Rosabella; for Camilla and

her counsels were quite forgotten; 〃oh; you are very; very dear!〃

The youth only thanked her by clasping her still closer to his

bosom; while; for the first time; he sealed her coral lips with his


At that moment the door was suddenly thrown open。  The Doge Andreas

re…entered the apartment:  the expected stranger had been suddenly

taken ill; and Andreas was no sooner at liberty than he hastened to

rejoin his favourite。  The rustling of his garments roused the

lovers from their dream of bliss。  Rosabella started from

Flodoardo's embrace with a cry of terror; Flodoardo quitted his

kneeling posture; yet seemed by no means disconcerted at the


Andreas gazed upon them for some minutes; with a look which

expressed at once anger; melancholy; and the most heartfelt

disappointment。  He sighed deeply; cast his eyes towards heaven; and

in silence turned to leave the apartment。

〃Stay yet one moment; noble Andreas;〃 cried the Florentine。

The Doge turned; and Flodoardo threw himself at his feet。  Andreas

looked down with calm and serious dignity on the kneeling offender;

by whom his friendship had been so unworthily rewarded; and by whom

his confidence had been so cruelly betrayed。

〃Young man;〃 said he; in a stern voice; 〃the attempt to excuse

yourself must be fruitless。〃

〃Excuse myself!〃 interrupted Flodoardo; boldly; 〃no; my lord; I need

no excuses for loving Rosabella; 'twere for him to excuse himself

who had seen Rosabella and NOT loved her; yet; if it is indeed a

crime in me that I adore Rosabella; 'tis a crime of which Heaven

itself will absolve me; since it formed Rosabella so worthy to be


〃You seem to lay too much stress on this fantastic apology;〃

answered the Doge; contemptuously; 〃at least you cannot expect that

it should have much weight with me。〃

〃I say it once more; my lord;〃 resumed Flodoardo; while he rose from

the ground; 〃that I intend to make no apology; I mean not to excuse

my love for Rosabella; but to request your approbation of that love。

Andreas; I adore your niece; I demand her for my bride。〃

The Doge started in astonishment at this bold and unexpected


〃It is true;〃 continued the Florentine; 〃I am no more than a needy;

unknown youth; and it seems a piece of strange temerity when such a

man proposes himself to espouse the heiress of the Venetian Doge。

But; by Heaven; I am confident that the great Andreas means not to

bestow his Rosabella on one of those whose claims to favour are

overflowing coffers; extensive territories; and sounding titles; or

who vainly decorate their insignificance with the glory obtained by

the titles of their ancestors; glory of which they are themselves

incapable of acquiring a single ray。  I acknowledge freely that I

have as yet performed no actions which make me deserving of such a

reward as Rosabella; but it shall not be long ere I WILL perform

such actions; or perish in the attempt。〃

The Doge turned from him with a look of displeasure。

〃Oh; be not incensed with him; dear uncle;〃 said Rosabella。  She

hastened to detain the Doge; threw her white arms around his neck

fondly; and concealed in his bosom the tears with which her

countenance was bedewed。

〃Make your demands;〃 continued Flodoardo; still addressing himself

to the Doge; 〃say what you wish me to do; and what you would have me

become; in order to obtain from you the hand of Rosabella。  Ask what

you will; I will look on the task; however difficult; as nothing

more than sport and pastime。  By Heaven; I would that Venice were at

this moment exposed to the most imminent danger; and that ten

thousand daggers were unsheathed against your life; Rosabella my

rewardhow certain should I be to rescue Venice; and strike the ten

thousand daggers down。〃

〃I have served the Republic faithfully and fervently for many a long

year;〃 answered Andreas; with a bitter smile; 〃I have risked my life

without hesitation; I have shed my blood with profusion; I asked

nothing for my reward but to pass my old age in soft tranquillity;

and of this reward have I been cheated。  My bosom friends; the

companions of my youth; the confidants of my age; have been torn

from me by the daggers of banditti; and you; Flodoardo; you; on whom

I heaped all favours; have now deprived me of this my only remaining

comfort。  Answer me; Rosabella; hast thou in truth bestowed thy

heart on Flodoardo irrevocably?〃

One hand of Rosabella's still rested on her uncle's shoulder; with

the other she clasped Flodoardo's and pressed it fondly against her

heartyet Flodoardo seemed still unsatisfied。  No sooner had the

Doge's question struck his ear; than his countenance became

dejected; and though his hand returned the pressure of Rosabella's;

he shook his head mournfully; with an air of doubt; and cast on her

a penetrating look; as would he have read the secrets of her inmost


Andreas withdrew himself gently from Rosabella's arm; and for some

time paced the apartment slowly; with a countenance sad and earnest。

Rosabella sank upon a sofa which stood near her; and wept。

Flodoardo eyed the Doge; and waited for his decision with


Thus passed some minutes。  An awful silence reigned through the

chamber; Andreas seemed to be labouring with some resolution of

dreadful importance。  The lovers wished; yet dreaded; the conclusion

of the scene; and with every moment their anxiety became more


〃Flodoardo!〃 at length said the Doge; and suddenly stood still in

the middle of the chamber。  Flodoardo advanced with a respectful

air。  〃Young man;〃 he continued; 〃I am at length resolved; Rosabella

loves you; nor will I oppose the decision of her heart; but

Rosabella is much too precious to admit of my bestowing her on the

first who thinks fit to demand her。  The man to whom I give her must

be worthy such a gift。  She must be the reward of his services; nor

can he do services so great that such a reward will not overpay

them。  Your claims on the Republic's gratitude are as yet but

trifling; an opportunity now offers of rendering as an essential

service。  The murderer of Conari; Manfrone; and Lomellinogo; bring

him hither!  Alive or dead; thou must bring to this palace the

terrible banditti…king; ABELLINO!〃

At this unexpected conclusion of a speech on which his happiness or

despair depended; Flodoardo started back。  The colour fled from his


〃My noble lord!〃 he said at length; hesitating; 〃you know well that…


〃I know well;〃 interrupted Andreas; 〃how difficult a task I enjoin;

when I require the delivery of Abellino。  For myself I swear that I

had rather a thousand times force my passage with a single vessel

through the whole Turkish fleet; and carry off the admiral's ship

from the midst of them; than attempt to seize this Abellino; who

seems to have entered into a compact with Lucifer himself:  who is

to be found everywhere and nowhere; whom so many have seen; but whom

no one knows; whose cautious subtlety has brought to shame the

vigilance of our State inquisitors; of the College of Ten; and of

all their legions of spies and sbirri; whose very name strikes

terror into the hearts of the bravest Venetians; and from whose

dagger I myself am not safe upon my throne。  I know well; Flodoardo;

how much I ask; but I know also how much I proffer。  You seem

irresolute?  You are silent?  Flodoardo; I have long watched you

with attention。  I have discovered in you marks of a superior

genius; and therefore I am induced 

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