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common sense-及12准

弌傍 common sense 忖方 耽匈4000忖

梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ○ 賜 ★ 辛酔堀貧和鍬匈梓囚徒貧議 Enter 囚辛指欺云慕朕村匈梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ● 辛指欺云匈競何

And he who can calmly hear察and digest such doctrine

hath forfeited his claim to rationality an apostate

from the order of manhood察and ought to be considered as one

who hath not only given up the proper dignity of man

but sunk himself beneath the rank of animals

and contemptibly crawl through the world like a worm。

However察it matters very little now察what the king of England

either says or does察he hath wickedly broken through every

moral and human obligation察trampled nature and conscience

beneath his feet察and by a steady and constitutional spirit

of insolence and cruelty察procured for himself an universal

hatred。  It is NOW the interest of America to provide for herself。

She hath already a large and young family察whom it is more her

duty to take care of察than to be granting away her property

to support a power who is become a reproach to the names

of men and christiansYE察whose office it is to watch over

the morals of a nation察of whatsoever sect or denomination

ye are of察as well as ye察who察are more immediately the guardians

of the public liberty察if ye wish to preserve your native country

uncontaminated by European corruption察ye must in secret wish

a separationBut leaving the moral part to private reflection

I shall chiefly confine my farther remarks to the following heads。

First。  That it is the interest of America to be separated from Britain。

Secondly。  Which is the easiest and most practicable plan

RECONCILIATION OR INDEPENDANCE拭With some occasional remarks。

In support of the first察I could察if I judged it proper

produce the opinion of some of the ablest and most experienced men

on this continent察and whose sentiments察on that head察are not yet

publicly known。  It is in reality a self´evident position

For no nation in a state of foreign dependance察limited in its commerce

and cramped and fettered in its legislative powers察can ever arrive

at any material eminence。  America doth not yet know what opulence is

and although the progress which she hath made stands unparalleled

in the history of other nations察it is but childhood

compared with what she would be capable of arriving at

had she察as she ought to have察the legislative powers in her own hands。

England is察at this time察proudly coveting what would do her no good

were she to accomplish it察and the Continent hesitating on a matter

which will be her final ruin if neglected。  It is the commerce

and not the conquest of America察by which England is to he benefited

and that would in a great measure continue察were the countries

as independant of each other as France and Spain察because in many articles

neither can go to a better market。  But it is the independance of this country

on Britain or any other察which is now the main and only object worthy

of contention察and which察like all other truths discovered by necessity

will appear clearer and stronger every day。

First。  Because it will come to that one time or other。

Secondly。  Because察the longer it is delayed the harder

it will be to accomplish。

I have frequently amused myself both in public and private

companies察with silently remarking察the specious errors

of those who speak without reflecting。  And among the many

which I have heard察the following seems the most general察viz。

that had this rupture happened forty or fifty years hence

instead of NOW察the Continent would have been more able

to have shaken off the dependance。  To which I reply察that our

military ability察AT THIS TIME察arises from the experience

gained in the last war察and which in forty or fifty years time

would have been totally extinct。  The Continent察would not

by that time察have had a General察or even a military officer left

and we察or those who may succeed us察would have been as ignorant

of martial matters as the ancient Indians此 And this single position

closely attended to察will unanswerably prove察that the present time

is preferable to all others。  The argument turns thusat the conclusion

of the last war察we had experience察but wanted numbers

and forty or fifty years hence察we should have numbers

without experience察wherefore察the proper point of time

must be some particular point between the two extremes

in which a sufficiency of the former remains察and a proper

increase of the latter is obtained此 And that point of time

is the present time。

The reader will pardon this digression察as it does not properly

come under the head I first set out with察and to which I again return

by the following position察viz。

Should affairs he patched up with Britain察and she to remain the governing

and sovereign power of America察。which察as matters are now circumstanced

is giving up the point entirely we shall deprive ourselves of the very means

of sinking the debt we have察or may contract。  The value of the back lands

which some of the provinces are clandestinely deprived of察by the unjust

extension of the limits of Canada察valued only at five pounds sterling

per hundred acres察amount to upwards of twenty´five millions

Pennsylvania currency察and the quit´rents at one penny sterling per acre

to two millions yearly。

It is by the sale of those lands that the debt may be sunk

without burthen to any察and the quit´rent reserved thereon

will always lessen察and in time察will wholly support the yearly

expence of government。  It matters not how long the debt is in

paying察so that the lands when sold be applied to the discharge

of it察and for the execution of which察the Congress for the time

being察will be the continental trustees。                 。

I proceed now to the second head察viz。  Which is the easiest

and most practicable plan察RECONCILIATION or lNDEPENDANCE

With some occasional remarks。

He who takes nature for his guide is not easily beaten out of his argument

and on that ground察I answer GENERALLYTHAT _INDEPENDANCE_





The present state of America is truly alarming to every man who is

capable of reflexion。  Without law察without government察without any

other mode of power than what is founded on察and granted by courtesy。

Held together by an unexampled concurrence of sentiment察which

is nevertheless subject to change察and which察every secret enemy is

endeavouring to dissolve。  Our present condition察is察Legislation

without law察wisdom without a plan察a constitution without a name

and察what is strangely astonishing察perfect Independance contending

for dependance。  The instance is without a precedent察the case never

existed before察and who can tell what may be the event拭 The property

of no man is secure in the present unbraced system of things。  The mind

of the multitude is left at random察and seeing no fixed object before

them察they pursue such as fancy or opinion starts。  Nothing is criminal

there is no such thing as treason察wherefore察every one thinks himself

at liberty to act as he pleases。  The Tories dared not have assembled

offensively察had they known that their lives察by that act察were forfeited

to the laws of the state。  A line of distinction should be drawn察between

English soldiers taken in battle察and inhabitants of America taken in arms。

The first are prisoners察but the latter traitors。

The one forfeits his liberty察the other his head。

Notwithstanding our wisdom察there is a visible feebleness in some

of our proceedings which gives encouragement to dissensions。

The Continental Belt is too loosely buckled。  And if something

is not done in time察it will be too late to do any thing

and we shall fall into a state察in which察neither RECONCILIATION

nor INDEPENDANCE will be practicable。  The king and his worthless

adherents are got at their old game of dividing the Continent

and there are not wanting among us察Printers察who will be busy

in spreading specious falsehoods。  The artful and hypocritical letter

which appeared a few months ago in two of the New York papers

and likewise in two others察is an evidence that there are men

who want either judgment or honesty。

It is easy getting into holes and corners and talking of reconciliation

But do such men seriously consider察how difficult the task is察and how

dangerous it may prove察should the Continent divide thereon。  Do they

take within their view察all the various orders of men whose situation

and circumstances察as well as their own察are to be considered therein。

Do they put themselves in the place of the sufferer whose ALL

is ALREADY gone察and of the soldier察who hath quitted ALL for the defence

of his country。  If their ill judged moderation be suited to their own

private situations only察regardless of others察the event will convince them

that ;they are reckoning without their Host。;


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