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the odyssey(奥德赛)-第7节

小说: the odyssey(奥德赛) 字数: 每页4000字

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  Telemachus answered; 〃I can expect nothing of the kind; it would
be far too much to hope for。 I dare not let myself think of it。 Even
though the gods themselves willed it no such good fortune could befall
  On this Minerva said; 〃Telemachus; what are you talking about?
Heaven has a long arm if it is minded to save a man; and if it were
me; I should not care how much I suffered before getting home;
provided I could be safe when I was once there。 I would rather this;
than get home quickly; and then be killed in my own house as Agamemnon
was by the treachery of Aegisthus and his wife。 Still; death is
certain; and when a man's hour is come; not even the gods can save
him; no matter how fond they are of him。〃
  〃Mentor;〃 answered Telemachus; 〃do not let us talk about it any
more。 There is no chance of my father's ever coming back; the gods
have long since counselled his destruction。 There is something else;
however; about which I should like to ask Nestor; for he knows much
more than any one else does。 They say he has reigned for three
generations so that it is like talking to an immortal。 Tell me;
therefore; Nestor; and tell me true; how did Agamemnon come to die
in that way? What was Menelaus doing? And how came false Aegisthus
to kill so far better a man than himself? Was Menelaus away from
Achaean Argos; voyaging elsewhither among mankind; that Aegisthus took
heart and killed Agamemnon?〃
  〃I will tell you truly;〃 answered Nestor; 〃and indeed you have
yourself divined how it all happened。 If Menelaus when he got back
from Troy had found Aegisthus still alive in his house; there would
have been no barrow heaped up for him; not even when he was dead;
but he would have been thrown outside the city to dogs and vultures;
and not a woman would have mourned him; for he had done a deed of
great wickedness; but we were over there; fighting hard at Troy; and
Aegisthus who was taking his ease quietly in the heart of Argos;
cajoled Agamemnon's wife Clytemnestra with incessant flattery。
  〃At first she would have nothing to do with his wicked scheme; for
she was of a good natural disposition; moreover there was a bard
with her; to whom Agamemnon had given strict orders on setting out for
Troy; that he was to keep guard over his wife; but when heaven had
counselled her destruction; Aegisthus thus this bard off to a desert
island and left him there for crows and seagulls to batten upon… after
which she went willingly enough to the house of Aegisthus。 Then he
offered many burnt sacrifices to the gods; and decorated many
temples with tapestries and gilding; for he had succeeded far beyond
his expectations。
  〃Meanwhile Menelaus and I were on our way home from Troy; on good
terms with one another。 When we got to Sunium; which is the point of
Athens; Apollo with his painless shafts killed Phrontis the
steersman of Menelaus' ship (and never man knew better how to handle a
vessel in rough weather) so that he died then and there with the
helm in his hand; and Menelaus; though very anxious to press
forward; had to wait in order to bury his comrade and give him his due
funeral rites。 Presently; when he too could put to sea again; and
had sailed on as far as the Malean heads; Jove counselled evil against
him and made it it blow hard till the waves ran mountains high。 Here
he divided his fleet and took the one half towards Crete where the
Cydonians dwell round about the waters of the river Iardanus。 There is
a high headland hereabouts stretching out into the sea from a place
called Gortyn; and all along this part of the coast as far as Phaestus
the sea runs high when there is a south wind blowing; but arter
Phaestus the coast is more protected; for a small headland can make
a great shelter。 Here this part of the fleet was driven on to the
rocks and wrecked; but the crews just managed to save themselves。 As
for the other five ships; they were taken by winds and seas to
Egypt; where Menelaus gathered much gold and substance among people of
an alien speech。 Meanwhile Aegisthus here at home plotted his evil
deed。 For seven years after he had killed Agamemnon he ruled in
Mycene; and the people were obedient under him; but in the eighth year
Orestes came back from Athens to be his bane; and killed the
murderer of his father。 Then he celebrated the funeral rites of his
mother and of false Aegisthus by a banquet to the people of Argos; and
on that very day Menelaus came home; with as much treasure as his
ships could carry。
  〃Take my advice then; and do not go travelling about for long so far
from home; nor leave your property with such dangerous people in
your house; they will eat up everything you have among them; and you
will have been on a fool's errand。 Still; I should advise you by all
means to go and visit Menelaus; who has lately come off a voyage among
such distant peoples as no man could ever hope to get back from;
when the winds had once carried him so far out of his reckoning;
even birds cannot fly the distance in a twelvemonth; so vast and
terrible are the seas that they must cross。 Go to him; therefore; by
sea; and take your own men with you; or if you would rather travel
by land you can have a chariot; you can have horses; and here are my
sons who can escort you to Lacedaemon where Menelaus lives。 Beg of him
to speak the truth; and he will tell you no lies; for he is an
excellent person。〃
  As he spoke the sun set and it came on dark; whereon Minerva said;
〃Sir; all that you have said is well; now; however; order the
tongues of the victims to be cut; and mix wine that we may make
drink…offerings to Neptune; and the other immortals; and then go to
bed; for it is bed time。 People should go away early and not keep late
hours at a religious festival。〃
  Thus spoke the daughter of Jove; and they obeyed her saying。 Men
servants poured water over the hands of the guests; while pages filled
the mixing…bowls with wine and water; and handed it round after giving
every man his drink…offering; then they threw the tongues of the
victims into the fire; and stood up to make their drink…offerings。
When they had made their offerings and had drunk each as much as he
was minded; Minerva and Telemachus were forgoing on board their
ship; but Nestor caught them up at once and stayed them。
  〃Heaven and the immortal gods;〃 he exclaimed; 〃forbid that you
should leave my house to go on board of a ship。 Do you think I am so
poor and short of clothes; or that I have so few cloaks and as to be
unable to find comfortable beds both for myself and for my guests? Let
me tell you I have store both of rugs and cloaks; and shall not permit
the son of my old friend Ulysses to camp down on the deck of a ship…
not while I live… nor yet will my sons after me; but they will keep
open house as have done。〃
  Then Minerva answered; 〃Sir; you have spoken well; and it will be
much better that Telemachus should do as you have said; he; therefore;
shall return with you and sleep at your house; but I must go back to
give orders to my crew; and keep them in good heart。 I am the only
older person among them; the rest are all young men of Telemachus' own
age; who have taken this voyage out of friendship; so I must return to
the ship and sleep there。 Moreover to…morrow I must go to the
Cauconians where I have a large sum of money long owing to me。 As
for Telemachus; now that he is your guest; send him to Lacedaemon in a
chariot; and let one of your sons go with him。 Be pleased also to
provide him with your best and fleetest horses。〃
  When she had thus spoken; she flew away in the form of an eagle; and
all marvelled as they beheld it。 Nestor was astonished; and took
Telemachus by the hand。 〃My friend;〃 said he; 〃I see that you are
going to be a great hero some day; since the gods wait upon you thus
while you are still so young。 This can have been none other of those
who dwell in heaven than Jove's redoubtable daughter; the
Trito…born; who showed such favour towards your brave father among the
Argives。〃 〃Holy queen;〃 he continued; 〃vouchsafe to send down thy
grace upon myself; my good wife; and my children。 In return; I will
offer you in sacrifice a broad…browed heifer of a year old;
unbroken; and never yet brought by man under the yoke。 I will gild her
horns; and will offer her up to you in sacrifice。〃
  Thus did he pray; and Minerva heard his prayer。 He then led the
way to his own house; followed by his sons and sons…in…law。 When
they had got there and had taken their places on the benches and
seats; he mixed them a bowl of sweet wine that was eleven years old
when the housekeeper took the lid off the jar that held it。 As he
mixed the wine; he prayed much and made drink…offerings to Minerva;
daughter of Aegis…bearing Jove。 Then; when they had made their
drink…offerings and had drunk each as much as he was minded; the
others went home to bed each in his own abode; but Nestor put
Telemachus to sleep in the room that was over the gateway along with
Pisistratus; who was the only unmarried son now left him。 As for
himself; he slept in an inner room of the house; with the queen his
wife by his side。
  Now when the child of morning; rosy…fingered Dawn; appeared;

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