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contributions to-all the year round(一年到头)-第19节

小说: contributions to-all the year round(一年到头) 字数: 每页4000字

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〃judgment has been passed〃as it should be〃with an equal desire to be 

only just on all the qualities of his temperament which affected necessarily 

not his own life only。         But; now that the story is told; no one will have 

difficulty in striking the balance between its good and ill; and what was 

really  imperishable   in   Landor's genius   will   not be treasured less;  or   less 

understood; for the more perfect knowledge of his character〃。 

     Mr。 Forster's   second   volume gives   a  facsimile of   Landor's   writing   at 

seventy…five。        It   may     be   interesting     to   those    who    are    curious    in 

calligraphy; to know that its resemblance to the recent handwriting of that 

great genius; M。 Victor Hugo; is singularly strong。 

     In   a   military   burial…ground   in   India;   the   name   of   Walter   Landor   is 

associated with the present writer's over the grave of a young officer。                     No 

name could stand there; more inseparably associated in the writer's mind 

with   the   dignity   of   generosity:     with   a   noble   scorn   of   all   littleness;   all 

cruelty; oppression; fraud; and false pretence。 


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