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a mortal antipathy-第51节

小说: a mortal antipathy 字数: 每页4000字

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contemplating in delaying it by the description of little

circumstances and individual thoughts and feelings。  But linger as we

may; we cannot compress into a chapterwe could not crowd into a

volumeall that passed through the minds and stirred the emotions of

the awe…struck company which was gathered about the scene of danger

and of terror。  We are dealing with an impossibility: consciousness

is a surface; narrative is a line。

Maurice had given himself up for lost。  His breathing was becoming

every moment more difficult; and he felt that his strength could hold

out but a few minutes longer。

〃Robert!〃 he called in faint accents。  But the attendant was not

there to answer。

〃Paolo!  Paolo!〃 But the faithful servant; who would have given his

life for his master; had not yet reached the place where the crowd

was gathered。

〃Oh; for a breath of air!  Oh; for an arm to lift me from this bed!

Too late!  Too late!〃 he gasped; with what might have seemed his

dying expiration。

〃Not too late!〃 The soft voice reached his obscured consciousness as

if it had come down to him from heaven。

In a single instant he found himself rolled in a blanket and in the

arms ofa woman!

Out of the stifling chamber;over the burning stairs;close by the

tongues of fire that were lapping up all they could reach;out into

the open air; he was borne swiftly and safely;carried as easily as

if he had been a babe; in the strong arms of 〃The Wonder〃 of the

gymnasium; the captain of the Atalanta; who had little dreamed of the

use she was to make of her natural gifts and her school…girl


Such a cry as arose from the crowd of on…lookers!  It was a sound

that none of them had ever heard before or could expect ever to hear

again; unless he should be one of the last boat…load rescued from a

sinking vessel。  Then; those who had resisted the overflow of their

emotion; who had stood in white despair as they thought of these two

young lives soon to be wrapped in their burning shroud;those stern

menthe old sea…captain; the hard…faced; moneymaking; cast…iron

tradesmen of the city counting…roomsobbed like hysteric women; it

was like a convulsion that overcame natures unused to those deeper

emotions which many who are capable of experiencing die without ever


This was the scene upon which the doctor and Paolo suddenly appeared

at the same moment。

As the fresh breeze passed over the face of the rescued patient; his

eyes opened wide; and his consciousness returned in almost

supernatural lucidity。  Euthymia had sat down upon a bank; and was

still supporting him。  His head was resting on her bosom。  Through

his awakening senses stole the murmurs of the living cradle which

rocked him with the wavelike movements of respiration; the soft

susurrus of the air that entered with every breath; the double beat

of the heart which throbbed close to his ear。  And every sense; and

every instinct; and every reviving pulse told him in language like a

revelation from another world that a woman's arms were around

him; and that it was life; and not death; which her embrace had

brought him。

She would have disengaged him from her protecting hold; but the

doctor made her a peremptory sign; which he followed by a sharp


〃Do not move him a hair's breadth;〃 he said。  〃Wait until the litter

comes。  Any sudden movement might be dangerous。  Has anybody a brandy

flask about him?〃

One or two members of the local temperance society looked rather

awkward; but did not come forward。

The fresh…water fisherman was the first who spoke。

〃I han't got no brandy;〃 he said; 〃but there's a drop or two of old

Medford rum in this here that you're welcome to; if it'll be of any

help。  I alliz kerry a little on 't in case o' gettin' wet 'n'


So saying he held forth a flat bottle with the word ;Sarsaparilla

stamped on the green glass; but which contained half a pint or more

of the specific on which he relied in those very frequent exposures

which happen to persons of his calling。

The doctor motioned back Paolo; who would have rushed at once to the

aid of Maurice; and who was not wanted at that moment。  So poor

Paolo; in an agony of fear for his master; was kept as quiet as

possible; and had to content himself with asking all sorts of

questions and repeating all the prayers he could think of to Our Lady

and to his holy namesake the Apostle。

The doctor wiped the mouth of the fisherman's bottle very carefully。

〃Take a few drops of this cordial;〃 he said; as he held it to his

patient's lips。  〃Hold him just so; Euthymia; without stirring。  I

will watch him; and say when he is ready to be moved。  The litter is

near by; waiting。〃  Dr。 Butts watched Maurice's pulse and color。  The

〃old Medford 〃 knew its business。  It had knocked over its tens of

thousands; it had its redeeming virtue; and helped to set up a poor

fellow now and then。  It did this for Maurice very effectively。  When

he seemed somewhat restored; the doctor had the litter brought to his

side; and Euthymia softly resigned her helpless burden; which Paolo

and the attendant Robert lifted with the aid of the doctor; who

walked by the patient as he was borne to the home where Mrs。 Butts

had made all ready for his reception。

As for poor Lurida; who had thought herself equal to the sanguinary

duties of the surgeon; she was left lying on the grass with an old

woman over her; working hard with fan and smelling…salts to bring her

back from her long fainting fit。



Why should not human nature be the same in Arrowhead Village as

elsewhere?  It could not seem strange to the good people of that

place and their visitors that these two young persons; brought

together under circumstances that stirred up the deepest emotions of

which the human soul is capable; should become attached to each

other。  But the bond between them was stronger than any knew; except

the good doctor; who had learned the great secret of Maurice's life。

For the first time since his infancy he had fully felt the charm

which the immediate presence of youthful womanhood carries with it。

He could hardly believe the fact when he found himself no longer the

subject of the terrifying seizures of which he had had many and

threatening experiences。

It was the doctor's business to save his patient's life; if he could

possibly do it。  Maurice had been reduced to the most perilous state

of debility by the relapse which had interrupted his convalescence。

Only by what seemed almost a miracle had he survived the exposure to

suffocation and the mental anguish through which he had passed。  It

was perfectly clear to Dr。 Butts that if Maurice could see the young

woman to whom he owed his life; and; as the doctor felt assured; the

revolution in his nervous system which would be the beginning of a

new existence; it would be of far more value as a restorative agency

than any or all of the drugs in the pharmacopoeia。  He told this to

Euthymia; and explained the matter to her parents and friends。  She

must go with him on some of his visits。  Her mother should go with

her; or her sister; but this was a case of life and death; and no

maidenly scruples must keep her from doing her duty。

The first of her visits to the sick; perhaps dying; man presented a

scene not unlike the picture before spoken of on the title…page of

the old edition of Galen。  The doctor was perhaps the most agitated

of the little group。  He went before the others; took his seat by the

bedside; and held the patient's wrist with his finger on the pulse。

As Euthymia entered it gave a single bound; fluttered for an instant

as if with a faint memory of its old habit; then throbbed full and

strong; comparatively; as if under the spur of some powerful

stimulus。  Euthymia's task was a delicate one; but she knew how to

disguise its difficulty。

〃Here is a flower I have brought you; Mr。 Kirkwood;〃 she said; and

handed him a white chrysanthemum。  He took it from her hand; and

before she knew it he took her hand into his own; and held it with a

gentle constraint。  What could she do?  Here was the young man whose

life she had saved; at least for the moment; and who was yet in

danger from the disease which had almost worn out his powers of


〃Sit down by Mr。 Kirkwood's side;〃 said the doctor。  〃He wants to

thank you; if he has strength to do it; for saving him from the death

which seemed inevitable。〃

Not many words could Maurice command。  He was weak enough for womanly

tears; but their fountains no longer flowed; it was with him as with

the dying; whose eyes may light up; but rarely shed a tear。

The river which has found a new channel widens and deepensit; it

lets the old water…course fill up; and never returns to its forsaken

bed。  The tyrannous habit was broken。  The prophecy of 

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