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a mortal antipathy-第50节

小说: a mortal antipathy 字数: 每页4000字

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would probably be a heap of ashes in half an hour。  And there was

this unfortunate deserted sick man lying between life and death;

beyond all help unless some unexpected assistance should come to his


As the attendant drew near the house where Maurice was lying; he was

horror…struck to see dense volumes of smoke pouring out of the lower

windows。  It was beginning to make its way through the upper windows;

also; and presently a tongue of fire shot out and streamed upward

along the side of the house。  The man shrieked Fire!  Fire!  with all

his might; and rushed to the door of the building to make his way to

Maurice's room and save him。  He penetrated but a short distance

when; blinded and choking with the smoke; he rushed headlong down the

stairs with a cry of despair that roused every man; woman; and child

within reach of a human voice。  Out they came from their houses in

every quarter of the village。  The shout of Fire!  Fire!  was the

chief aid lent by many of the young and old。  Some caught up pails

and buckets: the more thoughtful ones filling them; the hastier

snatching them up empty; trusting to find water nearer the burning


Is the sick man moved?

This was the awful question first asked;for in the little village

all knew that Maurice was about being transferred to the doctor's

house。  The attendant; white as death; pointed to the chamber where

he had left him; and gasped out;

〃He is there!〃

A ladder!  A ladder!  was the general cry; and men and boys rushed

off in search of one。  But a single minute was an age now; and there

was no ladder to be had without a delay of many minutes。  The sick

man was going to be swallowed up in the flames before it could

possibly arrive。  Some were going for a blanket or a coverlet; in the

hope that the young man might have strength enough to leap from the

window and be safely caught in it。  The attendant shook his head; and

said faintly;

〃He cannot move from his bed。〃

One of the visitors at the village;a millionaire; it was said;a

kind…hearted man; spoke in hoarse; broken tones:

〃A thousand dollars to the man that will bring him from his chamber!〃

The fresh…water fisherman muttered; 〃I should like to save the man

and to see the money; but it ain't a thaousan' dollars; nor ten

thaousan' dollars; that'll pay a fellah for burnin' to death;or

even chokin' to death; anyhaow。〃

The carpenter; who knew the framework of every house in the village;

recent or old; shook his head。

〃The stairs have been shored up;〃 he said; 〃and when the fists that

holds 'em up goes; down they'll come。  It ain't safe for no man to go

over them stairs。  Hurry along your ladder;that's your only


All was wild confusion around the burning house。  The ladder they had

gone for was missing from its case;a neighbor had carried it off

for the workmen who were shingling his roof。  It would never get

there in time。  There was a fire…engine; but it was nearly half a

mile from the lakeside settlement。  Some were throwing on water in an

aimless; useless way; one was sending a thin stream through a garden

syringe: it seemed like doing something; at least。  But all hope of

saving Maurice was fast giving way; so rapid was the progress of the

flames; so thick the cloud of smoke that filled the house and poured

from the windows。  Nothing was heard but confused cries; shrieks of

women; all sorts of orders to do this and that; no one knowing what

was to be done。  The ladder!  The ladder! Five minutes more and it

will be too late!

In the mean time the alarm of fire had reached Paolo; and he had

stopped his work of arranging Maurice's books in the same way as that

in which they had stood in his apartment; and followed in the

direction of the sound; little thinking that his master was lying

helpless in the burning house。  〃Some chimney afire;〃 he said to

himself; but he would go and take a look; at any rate。

Before Paolo had reached the scene of destruction and impending

death; two young women; in boating dresses of decidedly Bloomerish

aspect; had suddenly joined the throng。  〃The Wonder〃 and 〃The

Terror〃 of their school…daysMiss Euthymia rower and Miss Lurida

Vincent had just come from the shore; where they had left their

wherry。  A few hurried words told them the fearful story。  Maurice

Kirkwood was lying in the chamber to which every eye was turned;

unable to move; doomed to a dreadful death。  All that could be hoped

was that he would perish by suffocation rather than by the flames;

which would soon be upon him。  The man who had attended him had just

tried to reach his chamber; but had reeled back out of the door;

almost strangled by the smoke。  A thousand dollars had been offered

to any one who would rescue the sick man; but no one had dared to

make the attempt; for the stairs might fall at any moment; if the

smoke did not blind and smother the man who passed them before they


The two young women looked each other in the face for one swift


〃How can he be reached? 〃 asked Lurida。  〃Is there nobody that will

venture his life to save a brother like that?〃

〃I will venture mine;〃 said Euthymia。

〃No!  no!〃 shrieked Lurida;〃not you! not you !  It is a man's work;

not yours!  You shall not go!  Poor Lurida had forgotten all her

theories in this supreme moment。  But Euthymia was not to be held

back。  Taking a handkerchief from her neck; she dipped it in a pail

of water and bound it about her head。  Then she took several deep

breaths of air; and filled her lungs as full as they would hold。  She

knew she must not take a single breath in the choking atmosphere if

she could possibly help it; and Euthymia was noted for her power of

staying under water so long that more than once those who saw her

dive thought she would never come up again。  So rapid were her

movements that they paralyzed the bystanders; who would forcibly have

prevented her from carrying out her purpose。  Her imperious

determination was not to be resisted。  And so Euthymia; a willing

martyr; if martyr she was to be; and not saviour; passed within the

veil that hid the sufferer。

Lurida turned deadly pale; and sank fainting to the ground。  She was

the first; but not the only one; of her sex that fainted as Euthymia

disappeared in the smoke of the burning building。  Even the rector

grew very white in the face;so white that one of his vestry…men

begged him to sit down at once; and sprinkled a few drops of water on

his forehead; to his great disgust and manifest advantage。  The old

landlady was crying and moaning; and her husband was wiping his eyes

and shaking his head sadly。

〃She will nevar come out alive;〃 he said solemnly。

〃Nor dead; neither;〃 added the carpenter。  〃Ther' won't be nothing

left of neither of 'em but ashes。〃  And the carpenter hid his face in

his hands。

The fresh…water fisherman had pulled out a rag which he called a

〃hangkercher;〃it had served to carry bait that morning;and was

making use of its best corner to dry the tears which were running

down his cheeks。  The whole village was proud of Euthymia; and with

these more quiet signs of grief were mingled loud lamentations;

coming alike from old and young。

All this was not so much like a succession of events as it was like a

tableau。  The lookers…on were stunned with its suddenness; and before

they had time to recover their bewildered senses all was lost; or

seemed lost。  They felt that they should never look again on either

of those young faces。

The rector; not unfeeling by nature; but inveterately professional by

habit; had already recovered enough to be thinking of a text for the

funeral sermon。  The first that occurred to him was this;vaguely;

of course; in the background of consciousness:

〃Then Shadrach; Meshach; and Abed…nego came forth of the midst of the


The village undertaker was of naturally sober aspect and reflective

disposition。  He had always been opposed to cremation; and here was a

funeral pile blazing before his eyes。  He; too; had his human

sympathies; but in the distance his imagination pictured the final

ceremony; and how he himself should figure in a spectacle where the

usual centre piece of attraction would be wanting;perhaps his own

services uncalled for。

Blame him not; you whose garden…patch is not watered with the tears

of mourners。  The string of self…interest answers with its chord to

every sound; it vibrates with the funeral…bell; it finds itself

trembling to the wail of the De Profundis。  Not always;not always;

let us not be cynical in our judgments; but common human nature; we

may safely say; is subject to those secondary vibrations under the

most solemn and soul…subduing influences。

It seems as if we were doing great wrong to the scene we are

contemplating in delaying it by the description of little

circumstances a

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