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a mortal antipathy-第38节

小说: a mortal antipathy 字数: 每页4000字

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in an agitated and thoroughly frightened way;

〃No! no nuss!  no woman!  She kill him!  I stay by him day and night;

but don' let no woman come near him;if you do; he die!〃

The doctor explained that he intended to send a man who was used to

taking care of sick people; and with no little effort at last

succeeded in convincing Paolo that; as he could not be awake day and

night for a fortnight or three weeks; it was absolutely necessary to

call in some assistance from without。  And so Mr。 Maurice Kirkwood

was to play the leading part in that drama of nature's composing

called a typhoid fever; with its regular bedchamber scenery; its

properties of phials and pill…boxes; its little company of stock

actors; its gradual evolution of a very simple plot; its familiar

incidents; its emotional alternations; and its denouement; sometimes

tragic; oftener happy。

It is needless to say that the sympathies of all the good people of

the village; residents and strangers; were actively awakened for the

young man about whom they knew so little and conjectured so much。

Tokens of their kindness came to him daily: flowers from the woods

and from the gardens; choice fruit grown in the open air or under

glass; for there were some fine houses surrounded by well…kept

grounds; and greenhouses and graperies were not unknown in the small

but favored settlement。

On all these luxuries Maurice looked with dull and languid eyes。  A

faint smile of gratitude sometimes struggled through the stillness of

his features; or a murmured word of thanks found its way through his

parched lips; and he would relapse into the partial stupor or the

fitful sleep in which; with intervals of slight wandering; the slow

hours dragged along the sluggish days one after another。  With no

violent symptoms; but with steady persistency; the disease moved on

in its accustomed course。  It was at no time immediately threatening;

but the experienced physician knew its uncertainties only too well。

He had known fever patients suddenly seized with violent internal

inflammation; and carried off with frightful rapidity。  He remembered

the case of a convalescent; a young woman who had been attacked while

in apparently vigorous general health; who; on being lifted too

suddenly to a sitting position; while still confined to her bed;

fainted; and in a few moments ceased to breathe。  It may well be

supposed that he took every possible precaution to avert the

accidents which tend to throw from its track a disease the regular

course of which is arranged by nature as carefully as the route of a

railroad from one city to another。  The most natural interpretation

which the common observer would put upon the manifestations of one of

these autumnal maladies would be that some noxious combustible

element had found its way into the system which must be burned to

ashes before the heat which pervades the whole body can subside。

Sometimes the fire may smoulder and seem as if it were going out; or

were quite extinguished; and again it will find some new material to

seize upon; and flame up as fiercely as ever。  Its coming on most

frequently at the season when the brush fires which are consuming the

dead branches; and withered leaves; and all the refuse of vegetation

are sending up their smoke is suggestive。  Sometimes it seems as if

the body; relieved of its effete materials; renewed its youth after

one of these quiet; expurgating; internal fractional cremations。

Lean; pallid students have found themselves plump and blooming; and

it has happened that one whose hair was straight as gnat of an Indian

has been startled to behold himself in his mirror with a fringe of

hyacinthine curls about his rejuvenated countenance。

There was nothing of what medical men call malignity in the case of

Maurice Kirkwood。  The most alarming symptom was a profound

prostration; which at last reached such a point that he lay utterly

helpless; as unable to move without aid as the feeblest of

paralytics。  In this state he lay for many days; not suffering pain;

but with the sense of great weariness; and the feeling that he should

never rise from his bed again。  For the most part his intellect was

unclouded when his attention was aroused。  He spoke only in whispers;

a few words at a time。  The doctor felt sure; by the expression which

passed over his features from time to time; that something was

worrying and oppressing him; something which he wished to

communicate; and had not the force; or the tenacity of purpose; to

make perfectly clear。  His eyes often wandered to a certain desk; and

once he had found strength to lift his emaciated arm and point to it。

The doctor went towards it as if to fetch it to him; but he slowly

shook his head。  He had not the power to say at that time what he

wished。  The next day he felt a little less prostrated; and succeeded

in explaining to the doctor what he wanted。  His words; so far as the

physician could make them out; were these which follow。  Dr。 Butts

looked upon them as possibly expressing wishes which would be his

last; and noted them down carefully immediately after leaving his


〃I commit the secret of my life to your charge。  My whole story is

told in a paper locked in that desk。  The key isput your hand under

my pillow。  If I die; let the story be known。  It will show that I

washumanand save my memory from reproach。〃

He was silent for a little time。  A single tear stole down his hollow

cheek。  The doctor turned his head away; for his own eyes were full。

But he said to himself; 〃It is a good sign; I begin to feel strong

hopes that he will recover。〃

Maurice spoke once more。  〃Doctor; I put full trust in you。  You are

wise and kind。  Do what you will with this paper; but open it at once

and read。  I want you to know the story of my life before it is

finishedif the end is at hand。  Take it with you and read it before

you sleep。〃  He was exhausted and presently his eyes closed; but the

doctor saw a tranquil look on his features which added encouragement

to his hopes。



I am an American by birth; but a large part of my life has been

passed in foreign lands。  My father was a man of education; possessed

of an ample fortune; my mother was considered; a very accomplished

and amiable woman。  I was their first and only child。  She died while

I was yet an infant。  If I remember her at all it is as a vision;

more like a glimpse of a pre…natal existence than as a part of my

earthly life。  At the death of my mother I was left in the charge of

the old nurse who had enjoyed her perfect confidence。  She was

devoted to me; and I became absolutely dependent on her; who had for

me all the love and all the care of a mother。  I was naturally the

object of the attentions and caresses of the family relatives。  I

have been told that I was a pleasant; smiling infant; with nothing to

indicate any peculiar nervous susceptibility; not afraid of

strangers; but on the contrary ready to make their acquaintance。  My

father was devoted to me and did all in his power to promote my

health and comfort。

I was still a babe; often carried in arms; when the event happened

which changed my whole future and destined me to a strange and lonely

existence。  I cannot relate it even now without a sense of terror。  I

must force myself to recall the circumstances as told me and vaguely

remembered; for I am not willing that my doomed and wholly

exceptional life should pass away unrecorded; unexplained;

unvindicated。  My nature is; I feel sure; a kind and social one; but

I have lived apart; as if my heart were filled with hatred of my

fellow…creatures。  If there are any readers who look without pity;

without sympathy; upon those who shun the fellowship of their fellow

men and women; who show by their downcast or averted eyes that they

dread companionship and long for solitude; I pray them; if this paper

ever reaches them; to stop at this point。  Follow me no further; for

you will not believe my story; nor enter into the feelings which I am

about to reveal。  But if there are any to whom all that is human is

of interest; who have felt in their own consciousness some stirrings

of invincible attraction to one individual and equally invincible

repugnance to another; who know by their own experience that elective

affinities have as their necessary counterpart; and; as it were;

their polar opposites; currents not less strong of elective

repulsions; let them read with unquestioning faith the story of a

blighted life I am about to relate; much of it; of course; received

from the lips of others。

My cousin Laura; a girl of seventeen; lately returned from Europe;

was considered eminently beautiful。  It was in my second summer that

she visited my father's house; where he was living with his servants

and my old nurse; my mother having but recently left hi

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