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under the greenwood tree-第9节

小说: under the greenwood tree 字数: 每页4000字

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and only jined in now and then。〃

〃None at all;〃 said Mr。 Penny。  〃But though I don't wish to accuse

people wrongfully; I'd say before my lord judge that I could hear

every note o' that last psalm come from 'em as much as from us

every note as if 'twas their own。〃

〃Know it! ah; I should think I did know it!〃  Mr。 Spinks was heard

to observe at this moment; without reference to his fellow players

shaking his head at some idea he seemed to see floating before him;

and smiling as if he were attending a funeral at the time。  〃Ah; do

I or don't I know it!〃

No one said 〃Know what?〃 because all were aware from experience that

what he knew would declare itself in process of time。

〃I could fancy last night that we should have some trouble wi' that

young man;〃 said the tranter; pending the continuance of Spinks's

speech; and looking towards the unconscious Mr。 Maybold in the


〃_I_ fancy;〃 said old William; rather severely; 〃I fancy there's too

much whispering going on to be of any spiritual use to gentle or

simple。〃  Then folding his lips and concentrating his glance on the

vicar; he implied that none but the ignorant would speak again; and

accordingly there was silence in the gallery; Mr。 Spinks's telling

speech remaining for ever unspoken。

Dick had said nothing; and the tranter little; on this episode of

the morning; for Mrs。 Dewy at breakfast expressed it as her

intention to invite the youthful leader of the culprits to the small

party it was customary with them to have on Christmas nighta piece

of knowledge which had given a particular brightness to Dick's

reflections since he had received it。  And in the tranter's

slightly…cynical nature; party feeling was weaker than in the other

members of the choir; though friendliness and faithful partnership

still sustained in him a hearty earnestness on their account。


During the afternoon unusual activity was seen to prevail about the

precincts of tranter Dewy's house。  The flagstone floor was swept of

dust; and a sprinkling of the finest yellow sand from the innermost

stratum of the adjoining sand…pit lightly scattered thereupon。  Then

were produced large knives and forks; which had been shrouded in

darkness and grease since the last occasion of the kind; and bearing

upon their sides; 〃Shear…steel; warranted;〃 in such emphatic letters

of assurance; that the warranter's name was not required as further

proof; and not given。  The key was left in the tap of the cider…

barrel; instead of being carried in a pocket。  And finally the

tranter had to stand up in the room and let his wife wheel him round

like a turnstile; to see if anything discreditable was visible in

his appearance。

〃Stand still till I've been for the scissors;〃 said Mrs。 Dewy。

The tranter stood as still as a sentinel at the challenge。

The only repairs necessary were a trimming of one or two whiskers

that had extended beyond the general contour of the mass; a like

trimming of a slightly…frayed edge visible on his shirt…collar; and

a final tug at a grey hairto all of which operations he submitted

in resigned silence; except the last; which produced a mild 〃Come;

come; Ann;〃 by way of expostulation。

〃Really; Reuben; 'tis quite a disgrace to see such a man;〃 said Mrs。

Dewy; with the severity justifiable in a long…tried companion;

giving him another turn round; and picking several of Smiler's hairs

from the shoulder of his coat。  Reuben's thoughts seemed engaged

elsewhere; and he yawned。  〃And the cellar of your coat is a shame

to beholdso plastered with dirt; or dust; or grease; or something。

Why; wherever could you have got it?〃

〃'Tis my warm nater in summer…time; I suppose。  I always did get in

such a heat when I bustle about。〃

〃Ay; the Dewys always were such a coarse…skinned family。  There's

your brother Bob just as badas fat as a porpoisewi' his how;

mean; 〃How'st do; Ann?〃 whenever he meets me。  I'd 〃How'st do〃 him

indeed!  If the sun only shines out a minute; there be you all

streaming in the faceI never see!〃

〃If I be hot week…days; I must be hot Sundays。〃

〃If any of the girls should turn after their father 'twill be a bad

look…out for 'em; poor things!  None of my family were sich vulgar

sweaters; not one of 'em。  But; Lord…a…mercy; the Dewys!  I don't

know how ever I cam' into such a family!〃

〃Your woman's weakness when I asked ye to jine us。  That's how it

was I suppose。〃  But the tranter appeared to have heard some such

words from his wife before; and hence his answer had not the energy

it might have shown if the inquiry had possessed the charm of


〃You never did hook so well in a pair o' trousers as in them;〃 she

continued in the same unimpassioned voice; so that the unfriendly

criticism of the Dewy family seemed to have been mere normal than

spontaneous。  〃Such a cheap pair as 'twas too。  As big as any man

could wish to have; and lined inside; and double…lined in the lower

parts; and an extra piece of stiffening at the bottom。  And 'tis a

nice high cut that comes up right under your armpits; and there's

enough turned down inside the seams to make half a pair more;

besides a piece of cloth heft that will make an honest waistcoat

all by my contriving in buying the stuff at a bargain; and having it

made up under my eye。  It only shows what may be done by taking a

little trouble; and not going straight to the rascally tailors。〃

The discourse was cut short by the sudden appearance of Charley on

the scene; with a face and hands of hideous blackness; and a nose

like a guttering candle。  Why; on that particularly cleanly

afternoon; he should have discovered that the chimney…crook and

chain from which the hams were suspended should have possessed more

merits and general interest as playthings than any other articles in

the house; is a question for nursing mothers to decide。  However;

the humour seemed to lie in the result being; as has been seen; that

any given player with these articles was in the long…run daubed with

soot。  The last that was seen of Charley by daylight after this

piece of ingenuity was when in the act of vanishing from his

father's presence round the corner of the houselooking back over

his shoulder with an expression of great sin on his face; like Cain

as the Outcast in Bible pictures。

The guests had all assembled; and the tranter's party had reached

that degree of development which accords with ten o'clock P。M。 in

rural assemblies。  At that hour the sound of a fiddle in process of

tuning was heard from the inner pantry。

〃That's Dick;〃 said the tranter。  〃That lad's crazy for a jig。〃

〃Dick!  Now I cannotreally; I cannot have any dancing at all till

Christmas…day is out;〃 said old William emphatically。  〃When the

clock ha' done striking twelve; dance as much as ye like。〃

〃Well; I must say there's reason in that; William;〃 said Mrs。 Penny。

〃If you do have a party on Christmas…night; 'tis only fair and

honourable to the sky…folk to have it a sit…still party。  Jigging

parties be all very well on the Devil's holidays; but a jigging

party looks suspicious now。  O yes; stop till the chock strikes;

young folkso say I。〃

It happened that some warm mead accidentally got into Mr。 Spinks's

head about this time。

〃Dancing;〃 he said; 〃is a most strengthening; livening; and courting

movement; 'specially with a little beverage added!  And dancing is

good。  But why disturb what is ordained; Richard and Reuben; and the

company zhinerally?  Why; I ask; as far as that do go?〃

〃Then nothing till after twelve;〃 said William。

Though Reuben and his wife ruled on social points; religious

questions were mostly disposed of by the old man; whose firmness on

this head quite counterbalanced a certain weakness in his handling

of domestic matters。  The hopes of the younger members of the

household were therefore relegated to a distance of one hour and

three…quartersa result that took visible shape in them by a remote

and listless look about the eyesthe singing of songs being

permitted in the interim。

At five minutes to twelve the soft tuning was again heard in the

back quarters; and when at length the clock had whizzed forth the

last stroke; Dick appeared ready primed; and the instruments were

boldly handled; old William very readily taking the bass…viol from

its accustomed nail; and touching the strings as irreligiously as

could be desired。

The country…dance called the 'Triumph; or Follow my Lover;' was the

figure with which they opened。  The tranter took for his partner

Mrs。 Penny; and Mrs。 Dewy was chosen by Mr。 Penny; who made so much

of his limited height by a judicious carriage of the head;

straightening of the back; and important flashes of his spectacle…

glasses; that he seemed almost as tall as the tranter。  Mr。 Shiner;

age about thirty…five;

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