太子爷小说网 > 英语电子书 > mugby junction(马格比岔口) >


mugby junction(马格比岔口)-第6节

小说: mugby junction(马格比岔口) 字数: 每页4000字

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elaborate     smear;    from   behind    the   right  ear;  up   the  cheek;    across   the 

forehead;   and   down   the   other   cheek   to   behind   his   left   ear。  After   this 

operation he shone exceedingly。 

     〃It's  according     to  my    custom    when    particular    warmed     up   by   any 

agitation; sir;〃 he offered by way of apology。             〃And really; I am throwed 

into that state of amaze by finding you brought acquainted with Phoebe; 

that   Ithat   I  think   I  will;   if   you'll  excuse   me;  take   another  rounder。〃 

Which he did; seeming to be greatly restored by it。 

     They were now both standing by the side of her couch; and she was 

working      at  her   lace…pillow。     〃Your     daughter    tells  me;〃    said   Barbox 

Brothers; still in a half…reluctant shamefaced way; 〃that she never sits up。〃 

     〃No; sir; nor never has done。           You see; her mother (who died when 

she was a year and two months old) was subject to very bad fits; and as 

she had never mentioned to me that she WAS subject to fits; they couldn't 

be guarded against。        Consequently; she dropped the baby when took; and 

this happened。〃 

     〃It was very wrong of her;〃 said Barbox Brothers with a knitted brow; 

〃to marry you; making a secret of her infirmity。' 

     〃Well; sir!〃 pleaded Lamps in behalf of the long…deceased。                 〃You see; 

Phoebe and me; we have talked that over too。               And Lord bless us!         Such 

a number on us has our infirmities; what with fits; and what with misfits; 

of   one   sort   and   another;   that   if   we   confessed   to   'em   all   before   we   got 

married; most of us might never get married。〃 

     〃Might not that be for the better?〃 

     〃Not in this case; sir;〃 said Phoebe; giving her hand to her father。 

     〃No; not in this case; sir;〃 said her father; patting it between his own。 

     〃You correct me;〃 returned Barbox Brothers with a blush; 〃and I must 

look   so   like a  Brute;  that   at   all   events it   would be   superfluous in   me   to 

confess to THAT infirmity。           I wish you would tell me a little more about 

yourselves。      I hardly knew how to ask it of you; for I am conscious that I 

have a bad stiff manner; a dull discouraging way with me; but I wish you 



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                                      MUGBY JUNCTION 

     〃With all our hearts; sir;〃 returned Lamps gaily for both。                〃And first 

of all; that you may know my name〃 

     〃Stay!〃   interposed   the   visitor   with   a   slight   flush。  〃What   signifies 

your name?        Lamps is name enough for me。              I like it。   It is bright and 

expressive。      What do I want more?〃 

     〃Why; to be sure; sir;〃 returned Lamps。             〃I have in general no other 

name down at the Junction; but I thought; on account of your being here as 

a first…class single; in a private character; that you might〃 

     The    visitor   waved     the  thought     away    with   his   hand;   and   Lamps 

acknowledged the mark of confidence by taking another rounder。 

     〃You     are  hard…worked;      I  take  for  granted?〃    said   Barbox    Brothers; 

when the subject of the rounder came out of it much dirtier than be went 

into it。 

     Lamps   was   beginning;   〃Not   particular   so〃when   his   daughter   took 

him up。 

     〃Oh    yes;   sir;  he  is  very  hard…worked。       Fourteen;     fifteen;  eighteen 

hours a day。      Sometimes twenty…four hours at a time。〃 

     〃And   you;〃   said   Barbox   Brothers;   〃what   with   your   school;   Phoebe; 

and what with your lace…making〃 

     〃But   my   school   is   a   pleasure   to   me;〃   she   interrupted;   opening   her 

brown eyes wider; as if surprised to find him so obtuse。               〃I began it when 

I was but a child; because it brought me and other children into company; 

don't you see?       THAT was not work。           I carry it on still; because it keeps 

children   about   me。     THAT   is   not   work。     I   do   it   as   love;   not   as   work。 

Then   my   lace…pillow;〃   her   busy   hands   had   stopped;   as   if   her   argument 

required all her cheerful earnestness; but now went on again at the name; 

〃it goes with my thoughts when I think; and it goes with my tunes when I 

hum any; and THAT'S not work。              Why; you yourself thought it was music; 

you know; sir。      And so it is to me。〃 

     〃Everything is!〃 cried Lamps radiantly。             〃Everything is music to her; 


     〃My father is; at any rate;〃 said Phoebe; exultingly pointing her thin 

forefinger at him。       〃There is more music in my father than there is in a 


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                                      MUGBY JUNCTION 

brass band。〃 

     〃I say!    My dear!       It's very fillyillially done; you know; but you are 

flattering your father;〃 he protested; sparkling。 

     〃No; I am not; sir; I assure you。         No; I am not。       If you could hear my 

father sing; you would know I am not。              But you never will hear him sing; 

because   he   never   sings   to   any   one   but   me。    However   tired   he   is;   he 

always   sings   to   me   when   he   comes   home。      When   I   lay   here   long   ago; 

quite a poor little broken doll; he used to sing to me。 More than that; he 

used to make songs; bringing in whatever little jokes we had between us。 

More than that; he often does so to this day。             Oh!     I'll tell of you; father; 

as the gentleman has asked about you。             He is a poet; sir。〃 

     〃I   shouldn't   wish   the   gentleman;   my   dear;〃   observed   Lamps;   for   the 

moment turning grave; 〃to carry away that opinion of your father; because 

it might look as if I was given to asking the stars in a molloncolly manner 

what they was up to。         Which I wouldn't at once waste the time; and take 

the liberty; my dear。〃 

     〃My   father;〃   resumed   Phoebe;   amending   her   text;   〃is   always   on   the 

bright   side;   and   the   good   side。  You   told   me;   just   now;   I   had   a   happy 

disposition。      How can I help it?〃 

     〃Well;   but;   my   dear;〃   returned   Lamps   argumentatively;   〃how   can   I 

help it?    Put it to yourself sir。      Look at her。     Always as you see her now。 

Always workingand after all; sir; for but a very few shillings a week 

always contented; always lively;  always interested in others; of all   sorts。 

I said; this moment; she was always as you see her now。                 So she is; with a 

difference that comes to much the same。               For; when it is my Sunday off 

and   the   morning   bells   have   done   ringing;   I   hear   the   prayers   and   thanks 

read in the touchingest way; and I have the hymns sung to meso soft; sir; 

that you couldn't hear 'em out of this roomin notes that seem to me; I am 

sure; to come from Heaven and go back to it。〃 

     It might have been merely through the association of these words with 

their    sacredly    quiet   time;   or  it  might    have    been   through     the  larger 

association      of   the   words    with    the   Redeemer's      presence     beside    the 

bedridden; but here her dexterous fingers came to a stop on the lace…pillow; 


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                                       MUGBY JUNCTION 

and clasped themselves around his neck as he bent down。 There was great 

natural sensibility in both father and daughter; the visitor could easily see; 

but   each   made   it;   for   the   other's   sake;   retiring;   not   demonstrative;   and 

perfect   cheerfulness;   intuitive or   acquired;   was   either   the   first   or   second 

nature     of  both。    In   a  very   few    moments      Lamps     was    taking   another 

rounder with his comical features beaming; while Phoebe's laughing eyes 

(just   a   glistening   speck   or   so   upon   their   lashes)   were   again   directed   by 

turns to him; and to her work; and to Barbox Brothers。 

     〃When   my   father;   sir;〃   she   said   brightly;   〃tells   you   about   my   being 

interested   in   other   people;   even   though   they   know   nothing   about   me 

which; by the bye; I told you myselfyou ought to know how that comes 

about。     That's my father's doing。〃 

     〃No; it isn't!〃 he protested。 

     〃Don't you believe him; sir; yes; it is。            He tells me of everything he 

sees down at his work。           You would be surprised what a quantity he gets 

together for me every day。          He looks into the carriages; and tells me how 

the ladies are dressedso that I know all the fashions!                He looks into the 

carriages; and tells

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