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magic and real detectives-第44节

小说: magic and real detectives 字数: 每页4000字

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〃The magician then tried the experimentof opening and closing his

hands rapidly; and causing the coin to be transferred; as promised

but failed in the attempt; the coins from the back of each hand

falling on to the table in rather a clumsy manner。  They were;

however; again placed upon the backs of the magician's hands; the

movement was repeated; and this time successfully。  The coins

disappeared from the backs of both hands; in one of which was now

found three of the coins; while the other hand contained only one。〃

Such is precisely the description of the trick; as it would be

given by the average person; on seeing it; and it would represent

his honest opinion of what occurred; as it stands; it is quite

inexplicable by trickery。  Needless to say; the account is NOT a

true statement of what actually occurred; as the following

explanation will make clear:

The first time the coins were dropped on to the table; the movement

was not so 〃clumsy〃 as might have been supposed。  It was; in fact;

intentional; being the principal factor in the accomplishment of

the trick。  What ACTUALLY transpired at that time was this: The

magician; by a quick movement; dropped both coins from ONE hand on

to the table; at the same time dexterously opening the other hand a

trifle; and allowing the second coin; on that hand; to fall into

the interior of the hand itself。  Thus; while both hands are still

seen to be closed; one is empty; and the other contains two coins。

It is obvious; therefore; that; when a coin is placed upon each of

the hands again; the magician has only to repeat the opening and

closing movement; and there will be three coins in one of the

hands; and only one in the other。

This trick illustrates; in a very simple and striking manner; the

possibility of reporting a fact in an entirely erroneous manner;

quite unconscious of the fact that this error in reporting has been

committed。  Just in this same manner; are many slate…writing and

other phenomena misreported; and hence an explanation of the

seance; AS REPORTED; is rendered impossible。  The trouble is that

the 〃report〃 does not REALLY report what actually occurred。

          。          。          。          。          。

Many of my readers may feel somewhat insulted at this accusation

that they cannot detect such obvious trickery when it exists; and

that they are liable to make such mistakes in recording a seance as

those here mentioned。  They may comfort themselves with the

thought; however; that it is no disgrace to make mistakes and

errors of this kind; for; as Professor Jastrow pointed out:'1'

'1' Fact and Fable in Psychology; p。 148。

〃The matter is in some aspects as much a technical acquisition as

in the diagnosticating of a disease。  It is not at all to the

discredit of anyone's powers of observation or intellectual acumen

to be deceived by the performances of a conjurer; and the same

holds true of the professional part of mediumistic phenomena。

Until this homely but salutary truth is impressed with all its

importance upon all intending investigators; there is little hope

of bringing about a proper attitude toward these and kindred


These remarks will make it clear to us why many men of science have

been deceived by very simple tricks and fraudulent devices; while

investigating spiritualistic phenomenatheir scientific culture is

no guaranty that they are any more capable of detecting fraud than

is the man…in…the…streetin fact their training has made them very

much LESS capable of detecting fraud than the average person; who

comes more in contact with the world; and is an acuter judge of

character and human nature。


How Spirits Materialize

From 〃The Revelations of a Spirit Medium〃a book out of existence

now; since the plates and all copies were bought up by

〃spiritualists〃 and destroyed。  The following is given by courtesy

of Mr。 Hereward Carrington:

Reader; have you ever attended a 〃seance〃 for 〃full…form

materialization?〃  Have you ever thought you had met your dead

relative's spirit at these 〃seances〃?

If you have never had the pleasure of attending a seance of this

〃phase〃 you have missed a rare treat。  The writer has assisted at

many a one and will relate to you some of the wonderful phenomena

occurring at them and the means used to produce them。 。 。 。  There

are hundreds of 〃materializing mediums〃 doing business in this

country; who are swelling a good…sized bank account。  Their

business sometimes runs into the hundreds of dollars in a single

week。  This 〃phase〃 of mediumship is considered by the spiritual…

ists as the highest possible attainable; and if you are a clever

〃full…form medium〃 your financial welfare is assured。 。 。 。  Many

and various are the methods employed by the different 〃mediums〃 in

producing this phase。  It is in Boston; New York; and San Francisco

that it is worked the finest。  The full…form seances most often met

with are very simply worked; and easy of performance by the medium。

You are usually given a seat in a circle of chairs about the front

of a 〃cabinet〃 made by hanging heavy curtains across the corner of

the room。  If you are a stranger or one who looks or acts as though

he would 〃grab〃 the 〃spirits;〃 you are seated at the farthest point

from the cabinet; or; if there are two rows of seats; you will be

given a seat in the back row。 。 。 。

I made my way to the 〃materializing seance;〃 at which my friends

hoped to materialize。  I was admitted to the seance room and found

about twenty persons already assembled。  I was seated in the front

row of chairs。  The cabinet used was a closet about six feet long

and four feet wide。  The ceiling of both the room and the cabinet

was of wood。  After a thorough examination had been made of the

cabinet by all those who cared to do so; the sitters were

rearranged to suit the medium。  There were present now thirty…five

persons。  The seance room was very large。  The door had been taken

off the closet that served as a cabinet; and in its stead were hung

heavy curtains。  The floor of the room was carpeted with a dark

carpet; as was the cabinet。  The light was furnished by a lamp

placed in a box that was fastened to the wall some eight feet from

the floor。  This box had a sliding lid in front; controlled by a

cord passing into the cabinet。  By this means the 〃spirits〃 could

regulate the light to suit themselves; without any movement on the

part of any of those in the seance room being necessary。  When

everything was in readiness the medium entered the cabinet; seated

himself and was tied; and so secured to his chair that it was

impossible that he could have any use of himself。  He was most

thoroughly secured to his chair; and his chair nailed fast to the

floor by passing leather straps over the rounds in the side and

nailing the ends to the floor。  After it was shown to the sitters

that he was utterly helpless; the curtain was drawn。  The manager

now placed an ordinary kitchen table in front of the door of the

cabinet; so that it stood away from it about two feet。  The table

contained no drawer。  On the table was laid writing materials; a

guitar; and small bell。  The manager seated himself close to one

side of the cabinet entrance; and started a large Swiss music box。

Before it had finished the first air the lamp was shut entirely

off; making the room inky dark。

An illuminated hand and arm was now seen to come from behind the

curtain; and played an accompaniment to the music box on the

guitar。  We could see plainly the movements of the hand; arm; and

fingers; as it manipulated the strings of the instrument。  It did

not appear necessary to finger the strings on the keyboard;

although the air was in a key that made it impossible to tune the

guitar so that an accompaniment could be performed WITHOUT

fingering。  However; but one hand was visible; and it was picking

the strings。  After the tune was finished; the hand left the in…

strument; and moved out into the room to the front of the table;

and from the sound we knew it was writing on the tablet that had

been placed there。  The arm was of bluish light and appeared to end

just above the elbow; and to have no connection with the body。  It

finished writing and seemed to float into the cabinet near the top。

The light was opened and the manager requested those who had tied

the medium to examine his condition and see if the ropes had been

tampered with。  The examination was made and it was evident that

the fastenings were undisturbed。  The communication was read aloud

to those present; and contained the following:

〃We are pleased to meet so many seekers after light and truth here

this evening; and; from the conditions; as we sense them; we will

have a satisfactory and pleasant seance。  The way to obtain the

best results is for each person to maintain a passive 

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