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magic and real detectives-第3节

小说: magic and real detectives 字数: 每页4000字

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both sides agreed that this writ should not be returnable for six

days。  During this period District Attorney Jerome employed Messrs。

Baker; Botts; Parker and Garwood to represent him and secured from

Governor Odell at Albany a requisition on Governor Lanham of Texas

for the extradition of the prisoner; which he entrusted to

Detective Sergeant Herlihy of the New York Police。  Herlihy reached

Houston with the papers on the evening of January 30th; and on the

same train with him came Abraham Kaffenburgh; a member of the law

firm of Howe and Hummel and a nephew of the latter。  Likewise also

came Bracken; still styling himself 〃E。 M。 Bradley;〃 and from now

on Bracken was the inseparable companion; guide; philosopher; and

friend (?) of the unfortunate Dodge; whose continued existence upon

this earth had become such a menace to the little lawyer in New


Herlihy; accompanied by Judge Garwood; proceeded direct to Austin

where they found Dodge already represented by Messrs。 Andrews and

Ball who; at the hearing before Governor Lanham; made a strong

effort to induce that executive to refuse to honor the requisition

of the Governor of New York。  This effort failed and Governor

Lanham issued his warrant; but Herlihy had no sooner returned to

Houston for the purpose of taking possession of the prisoner than

he was served with an injunction enjoining him; together with Chief

of Police Ellis; from taking Dodge into custody; pending a hearing

upon a new habeas corpus which had been issued by Judge Waller T。

Burns of the United States District Court for the Southern District

of Texas。  This new writ was returnable February 9th。

After exhaustive but futile argument by the counsel for Dodge;

Judge Burns remanded the prisoner to Herlihy's custody to be

returned to the State of New York; but this decision had no sooner

been rendered than an appeal was taken therefrom by Dodge's

lawyers; and the prisoner released upon bail fixed at twenty

thousand dollars。

During this period Dodge was quartered under guard at the Rice

Hotel in Houston; and the day following the argument the twenty…

thousand…dollars bail was put up in cash and Dodge released from


In the meantime; however; Jesse; knowing that no sum; however

large; would deter Hummel from spiriting Dodge out of the country;

had made his arrangements to secure a new extradition warrant from

the Governor of Texas; so that if the prisoner did succeed in

getting beyond the Southern District of the Federal Court of Texas;

he could be seized and conveyed to New York。

Of course someone had to keep watch over Dodge while Jesse hurried

to Austin to see the Governor; and it was decided to leave Sergeant

Herlihy; re…enforced by a number of local detectives for that

purpose。  But while the watchful Jesse was away; Bracken proceeded

to get busy in the good old Howe and Hummel fashion。  Lots of

people that Herlihy had never seen before turned up and protested

that he was the finest fellow they had ever met。  And as Herlihy

was; in fact; a good fellow; he made them welcome and dined and

wined at their expense until he woke up in the Menger Hotel in San

Antonio and inquired where he was。

Jesse meantime had returned from Austin to discover that Dodge with

his companions; Kaffenburgh and Bracken; had slipped out of Houston

early in the morning of February 11th; after disposing of Herlihy

and eluding the watchfulness of Herlihy's assistants。  Hummel was

leading and by ten o'clock the next morning Dodge and his comrades

were on board an English merchantman lying in the harbor of

Galveston。  Later in the same day the Hummel interests chartered

from the Southern Pacific Railroad for the sum of three thousand

dollars the sea…going tug Hughes; to which Dodge was now

transferred for the purpose of being conveyed to the port of

Tampico in the Republic of Mexico。

But here Hummel's wires became crossed with Jerome's; and

unfortunately for the little lawyer; the persons from whom the tug

had been leased turned out to be closely allied with the

prosecution's interests; with the result that the captain of the

tug was instructed by his superiors under no consideration to put

into any Mexican port; but on the contrary; to delay his departure

from the harbor of Galveston for a period of two days and then to

proceed only as far as Brownsville; Texas; where he should compel

the debarkation of the fugitive。  The captain; who was a good sport

as well as a good officer; promptly threw himself into the part and

told Bracken and Kaffenburgh that it was evident from the barometer

that a severe storm was approaching (which must have had a sinister

implication to these two unfortunate gentlemen); and that he could

not think of putting to sea。  Once the 〃storm〃 had blown over; the

tug started out across the blue waters of the Gulf of Mexico。  But

now Bracken and Kaffenburgh were informed for the first time it was

impossible to consider putting into any port of the Republic of

Mexico; since to do so would cause international complications and

compel the revocation of the captain's license。  In desperation the

Hummel interests offered the captain five thousand dollars in cash

to disregard his instructions and put into Tampico; but the worthy

sea…dog was adamant。  It was probably worth five thousand dollars

to him to see three gentry of this pattern so much put about。

While Dodge and his accomplices were dallying in the harbor of

Galveston; Jesse was taking advantage of his opportunity to proceed

at once by railroad to Alice; Texas; which at that time was the

furthermost southern point reached by any railway in the direction

of Brownsville。  On his arrival; he at once applied to Captain John

R。 Hughes; commanding Company D of the Texas Rangers; who received

him with great joy and ordered a detachment of the Rangers to meet

the tug at Point Isabelle at the mouth of the Rio Grande River on

the border of Mexico。  In the meantime; Jesse started on a toilsome

stage journey to Brownsville; across one hundred and seventy miles

of desert; which occupied two days and nights; and necessitated his

going without sleep for that period。  During the trip Jesse heard

no word of English and had as his associates only Mexican

cattlemen。  Every fifteen miles a fresh relay of broncos was

hitched to the stage and after a few moments' rest the misery began


Jesse had been hurrying toward Brownsville by stage while Dodge;

Kaffenburgh; and Bracken were landing at Point Isabelle; where they

were kept under close surveillance by Sergeant Tom Ross of the

Rangers。  Thence they took the train to Brownsville; registering at

the Miller House under the assumed names of C。 F。 Dougherty; A。

Koontzman; and E。 M。 Barker; all of Oklahoma。  But; although they

knew it not; Sergeant Tom was at their elbow; and had Dodge

attempted to cross the border into Mexico he would instantly have

been placed under arrest。

As Brownsville was within the Southern District of the Federal

Court of Texas; Jesse decided not to arrest Dodge until he should

actually attempt flight; and when Dodge and his companions; on the

following morning; February 15th; entered the stage (the same upon

which Jesse had arrived) and started for Alice; Jesse and Tom Ross

procured the best horses they could find and started after them;

keeping just in sight of the stage。  Dodge's intention in making

this move was to take the Mexican International Railway at Alice

and cross over to Mexico via Laredo。

Jesse and Ross covered the seventy…four miles from Brownsville to

Santa La Cruz Ranch by four in the afternoon; which was fairly

strenuous work for a New York detective; and here found themselves

so sore and exhausted from their ride that they were glad to hire a

pair of horses and buggy with which to complete the journey to

Alice。  Luckily they were able to get into telephonic communication

with various ranch owners along the road and arrange to have fresh

relays of horses supplied to them every twenty miles; and here also

Jesse called up Captain Hughes at Alice; and suggested that he

substitute for the regular night clerk at the City Hotel one of the

privates of the Rangers by the name of Harrod。

Dodge and his companions arrived in Alice on February 17th; and; as

Jesse had anticipated; repaired at once to the City Hotel; where;

inasmuch as they were dry from the dust of their trip and depressed

by lack of society; they entered at once into an enthusiastic and

confidential friendship with the man behind the counter in the

hotel office; sublimely ignorant that they were unfolding to a

member of the Texas Rangers all their most secret intentions。

Harrod was just as glad to see Dodge as Dodge apparently was to see

Harrod; and kindly offered to assist the fugitive to get into

Mexico in any way that the latter desired。  Dodge; for his part;

took advantage of his 

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