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magic and real detectives-第25节

小说: magic and real detectives 字数: 每页4000字

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caused me the greatest joy I had ever experienced。  At this moment

a secret presentiment warned me that success; perhaps glory; would

one day accrue to me in the apparent realization of the marvelous

and impossible; and fortunately these presentiments did not err。

The resemblance between two books; and the hurry of a bookseller;

were the commonplace causes of the most important event in my life。

It may be urged that different circumstances might have suggested

this profession to me at a later date。  It is probable; but then I

should have had no time for it。  Would any workman; artisan; or

tradesman give up a certainty; however slight it may be; to yield

to a passion which would be surely regarded as a mania?  Hence my

irresistible penchant for the mysterious could only be followed at

this precise period of my life。

How often since have I blessed this providential error; without

which I should have probably vegetated as a country watchmaker!  My

life would have been spent in gentle monotony; I should have been

spared many sufferings; emotions; and shocks: but; on the other

hand; what lively sensations; what profound delight would have been


I was eagerly devouring every line of the magic book which

described the astounding tricks; my head was aglow; and I at times

gave way to thoughts which plunged me in ecstasy。

The author gave a very plain explanation of his tricks; still; he

committed the error of supposing his readers possessed of the

necessary skill to perform them。  Now; I was entirely deficient in

this skill; and though most desirous of acquiring it; I found

nothing in the book to indicate the means。  I was in the position

of a man who attempts to copy a picture without possessing the

slightest notion of drawing and painting。

In the absence of a professor to instruct me; I was compelled to

create the principles of the science I wished to study。  In the

first place; I recognized the fundamental principle of sleight…of…

hand; that the organs performing the principal part are the sight

and touch。  I saw that; in order to attain any degree of

perfection; the professor must develop these organs to their

fullest extentfor; in his exhibitions; he must be able to see

everything that takes place around him at half a glance; and

execute his deceptions with unfailing dexterity。

I had been often struck by the ease with which pianists can read

and perform at sight the most difficult pieces。  I saw that; by

practice; it would be possible to create a certainty of perception

and facility of touch; rendering it easy for the artist to attend

to several things simultaneously; while his hands were busy

employed with some complicated task。  This faculty I wished to

acquire and apply to sleight…of…hand; still; as music could not

afford me the necessary elements; I had recourse to the juggler's

art; in which I hoped to meet with an analogous result。

It is well known that the trick with the balls wonderfully improves

the touch; but does it not improve the vision at the same time?  In

fact; when a juggler throws into the air four balls crossing each

other in various directions; he requires an extraordinary power of

sight to follow the direction his hands have given to each of the

balls。  At this period a corn…cutter resided at Blois; who

possessed the double talent of juggling and extracting corns with a

skill worthy of the lightness of his hands。  Still; with both these

qualities; he was not rich; and being aware of that fact; I hoped

to obtain lessons from him at a price suited to my modest finances。

In fact; for ten francs he agreed to initiate me in the juggling


I practiced with so much zeal; and progressed so rapidly; that in

less than a month I had nothing more to learn; at least; I knew as

much as my master; with the exception of corn…cutting; the monopoly

in which I left him。  I was able to juggle with four balls at once。

But this did not satisfy my ambition; so I placed a book before me;

and; while the balls were in the air; I accustomed myself to read

without any hesitation。

This will probably seem to my readers very extraordinary; but I

shall surprise them still more; when I say that I have just amused

myself by repeating this curious experiment。  Though thirty years

have elapsed since the time of which I am writing; and though I

scarcely once touched the balls during that period; I can still

manage to read with ease while keeping three balls up。

The practice of this trick gave my fingers a remarkable degree of

delicacy and certainty; while my eye was at the same time acquiring

a promptitude of perception that was quite marvelous。  Presently I

shall have to speak of the service this rendered me in my

experiment of second sight。  After having thus made my hands supple

and docile; I went on straight to sleight…of…hand; and I more

especially devoted myself to the manipulation of cards and


This operation requires a great deal of practice; for; while the

hand is held apparently open; balls; corks; lumps of sugar; coins;

etc。; must be held unseen; the fingers remaining perfectly free and


Owing to the little time at my disposal; the difficulties connected

with these new experiments would have been insurmountable had I not

found a mode of practicing without neglecting my business。  It was

the fashion in those days to wear coats with large pockets on the

hips; called a la proprietaire; so whenever my hands were not

otherwise engaged they slipped naturally into my pockets; and set

to work with cards; coins; or one of the objects I have mentioned。

It will be easily understood how much time I gained by this。  Thus;

for instance; when out on errands my hands could be at work on both

sides; at dinner; I often ate my soup with one hand while I was

learning to sauter la coupe with the otherin short; the slightest

moment of relaxation was devoted to my favorite pursuit。



'A thousand more trials of patience and perseverance finally

brought to the conjurer a Parisian theater and an appreciative

clientele。  But he never ceased to labor and improve the quality of

his marvelous effects。'

The experiment; however; to which I owed my reputation was one

inspired by that fantastic god to whom Pascal attributes all the

discoveries of this sublunary world: it was chance that led me

straight to the invention of SECOND SIGHT。

My two children were playing one day in the drawing…room at a game

they had invented for their own amusement。  The younger had

bandaged his elder brother's eyes; and made him guess the objects

he touched; and when the latter happened to guess right; they

changed places。  This simple game suggested to me the most

complicated idea that ever crossed my mind。

Pursued by the notion; I ran and shut myself up in my workroom; and

was fortunately in that happy state when the mind follows easily

the combinations traced by fancy。  I rested my hand in my hands;

and; in my excitement; laid down the first principles of second


My readers will remember the experiment suggested to me formerly by

the pianist's dexterity; and the strange faculty I succeeded in

attaining: I could read while juggling with four balls。  Thinking

seriously of this; I fancied that this 〃perception by appreciation〃

might be susceptible of equal development; if I applied its

principles to the memory and the mind。

I resolved; therefore; on making some experiments with my son

Emile; and; in order to make my young assistant understand the

nature of the exercise we were going to learn; I took a domino; the

cinq…quatre for instance; and laid it before him。  Instead of

letting him count the points of the two numbers; I requested the

boy to tell me the total at once。

〃Nine;〃 he said。

Then I added another domino; the quarter…tray。

〃That makes sixteen;〃 he said; without any hesitation。  I stopped

the first lesson here; the next day we succeeded in counting at a

single glance four dominoes; the day after six; and thus we at

length were enabled to give instantaneously the product of a dozen


This result obtained; we applied ourselves to a far more difficult

task; over which we spent a month。  My son and I passed rapidly

before a toy…shop; or any other displaying a variety of wares; and

cast an attentive glance upon it。  A few steps farther on we drew

paper and pencil from our pockets; and tried which could describe

the greater number of objects seen in passing。  I must own that my

son reached a perfection far greater than mine; for he could often

write down forty objects; while I could scarce reach thirty。  Often

feeling vexed at this defeat; I would return to the shop and verify

his statement; but he rarely made a mistake。

My male readers will certainly understand the possibility of this;


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