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magic and real detectives-第13节

小说: magic and real detectives 字数: 每页4000字

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1745; under a name not his own; but that which he later bore at the

Court of France。  From the allusion to his jewels (those of a

deserted Mexican bride); it appears that he was already as rich in

these treasures as he was afterwards; when his French acquaintances

marveled at them。  (As to his being 〃mad;〃 Walpole may refer to

Saint…Germain's way of talking as if he had lived in remote ages;

and known famous people of the past)。

Having caught this daylight glimpse of Saint…Germain in Walpole;

having learned that in December; 1745; he was arrested and examined

as a possible Jacobite agent; we naturally expect to find our

contemporary official documents about his examination by the

Government。  Scores of such records exist; containing the questions

put to; and the answers given by; suspected persons。  But we vainly

hunt through the Newcastle MSS。; and the State Papers; Domestic; in

the Record Office; for a trace of the examination of Saint…Germain。

I am not aware that he was anywhere left his trail in official

documents; he lives in more or less legendary memoirs; alone。

At what precise date Saint…Germain became an intimate of Louis XV。;

the Duc de Choiseul; Madame de Pompadour; and the Marechal de

Belle…Isle; one cannot ascertain。  The writers of memoirs are the

vaguest of mortals about dates; only one discerns that Saint…

Germain was much about the French Court; and high in the favor of

the King; having rooms at Chambord; during the Seven Years' War;

and just before the time of the peace negotiations of 1762…1763。

The art of compiling false or forged memoirs of that period was

widely practiced; but the memoirs of Madame du Hausset; who speaks

of Saint…Germain; are authentic。  She was the widow of a poor man

of noble family; and was one of two femmes de chambre of Madame de

Pompadour。  Her manuscript was written; she explains; by aid of a

brief diary which she kept during her term of service。  One day M。

Senac de Meilhan found Madame de Pompadour's brother; M。 de

Marigny; about to burn a packet of papers。  〃It is the journal;〃 he

said; 〃of a femme de chambre of my sister; a good; kind woman。〃  De

Meilhan asked for the manuscript; which he later gave to Mr。

Crawford; one of the Kilwinning family; in Ayrshire; who later

helped in the escape of Louis XVI。 and Marie Antoinette to

Varennes; where they were captured。  With the journal of Madame du

Hausset were several letters to Marigny on points of historical


'1' One of these gives Madame de Vieux…Maison as the author of a

roman a clef; Secret Memoirs of the Court of Persia; which contains

an early reference to the Man in the Iron Mask (died 1703)。  The

letter…writer avers that D'Argenson; the famous minister of Louis

XV。; said that the Man in the Iron Mask was really a person fort

peu de chose; 'of very little account;' and that the Regent

d'Orleans was of the same opinion。  This corroborates my theory;

that the Mask was merely the valet of a Huguenot conspirator; Roux

de Marsilly; captured in England; and imprisoned because he was

supposed to know some terrible secretwhich he knew nothing about。

See The Valet's Tragedy; Longmans; 1903。

Crawford published the manuscript of Madame du Hausset; which he

was given by de Meilhan; and the memoirs are thus from an authentic

source。  The author says that Louis XV。 was always kind to her; but

spoke little to her; whereas Madame de Pompadour remarked; 〃The

King and I trust you so much that we treat you like a cat or a dog;

and talk freely before you。〃

As to Saint…Germain; Madame du Hausset writes: 〃A man who was as

amazing as a witch came often to see Madame de Pompadour。  This was

the Comte de Saint…Germain; who wished to make people believe that

he had lived for several centuries。  One day Madame said to him;

while at her toilet; 〃What sort of man was Francis I。; a king whom

I could have loved?〃  〃A good sort of fellow;〃 said Saint…Germain;

〃too fieryI could have given him a useful piece of advice; but he

would not have listened。〃  He then described; in very general

terms; the beauty of Mary Stuart and La Reine Margot。  〃You seem to

have seen them all;〃 said Madame de Pompadour; laughing。

〃Sometimes;〃 said Saint…Germain; 〃I amuse myself; not by making

people believe; but by letting them believe; that I have lived from

time immemorial。〃  〃But you do not tell us your age; and you give

yourself out as very old。  Madame de Gergy; who was wife of the

French ambassador at Venice fifty years ago; I think; says that she

knew you there; and that you are not changed in the least。〃  〃It is

true; Madame; that I knew Madame de Gergy long ago。〃  〃But

according to her story you must now be over a century old。〃  〃It

may be so; but I admit that even more possibly the respected lady

is in her dotage。〃

At this time Saint…Germain; says Madame du Hausset; looked about

fifty; was neither thin nor stout; seemed clever; and dressed

simply; as a rule; but in good taste。  Say that the date was 1760;

Saint…Germain looked fifty; but he had looked the same age;

according to Madame de Gergy; at Venice; fifty years earlier; in

1710。  We see how pleasantly he left Madame de Pompadour in doubt

on that point。

He pretended to have the secret of removing flaws from diamonds。

The King showed him a stone valued at 6;000 francswithout a flaw

it would have been worth 10;000。  Saint…Germain said that he could

remove the flaw in a month; and in a month he brought back the

diamondflawless。  The King sent it; without any comment; to his

jeweler; who gave 9;600 francs for the stone; but the King returned

the money; and kept the gem as a curiosity。  Probably it was not

the original stone; but another cut in the same fashion; Saint…

Germain sacrificing 3;000 or 4;000 francs to his practical joke。

He also said that he could increase the size of pearls; which he

could have proved very easilyin the same manner。  He would not

oblige Madame de Pompadour by giving the King an elixir of life: 〃I

should be mad if I gave the King a drug。〃  There seems to be a

reference to this desire of Madame de Pompadour in an unlikely

place; a letter of Pickle the Spy to Mr。 Vaughan (1754)!  This

conversation Madame du Hausset wrote down on the day of its


Both Louis XV。 and Madame de Pompadour treated Saint…Germain as a

person of consequence。  〃He is a quack; for he says he has an

elixir;〃 said Dr。 Quesnay; with medical skepticism。  〃Moreover; our

master; the King; is obstinate; he sometimes speaks of Saint…

Germain as a person of illustrious birth。〃

The age was skeptical; unscientific; and; by reaction; credulous。

The philosophes; Hume; Voltaire; and others; were exposing; like an

ingenious American gentleman; 〃the mistakes of Moses。〃  The Earl of

Marischal told Hume that life had been chemically produced in a

laboratory; so what becomes of Creation?  Prince Charles; hidden in

a convent; was being tutored by Mlle。 Luci in the sensational

philosophy of Locke; 〃nothing in the intellect which does not come

through the senses〃a queer theme for a man of the sword to study。

But; thirty years earlier; the Regent d'Orleans had made crystal…

gazing fashionable; and stories of ghosts and second…sight in the

highest circles were popular。  Mesmer had not yet appeared; to give

a fresh start to the old savage practice of hypnotism; Cagliostro

was not yet on the scene with his free…masonry of the ancient

Egyptian school。  But people were already in extremes of doubt and

of belief; there might be something in the elixir of life and in

the philosopher's stone; it might be possible to make precious

stones chemically; and Saint…Germain; who seemed to be over a

century old at least; might have all these secrets。

Whence came his wealth in precious stones; people asked; unless

from some mysterious knowledge; or some equally mysterious and

illustrious birth?

He showed Madame de Pompadour a little box full of rubies; topazes;

and diamonds。  Madame de Pompadour called Madame du Hausset to look

at them; she was dazzled; but skeptical; and made a sign to show

that she thought them paste。  The Count then exhibited a superb

ruby; tossing aside contemptuously a cross covered with gems。

〃That is not so contemptible;〃 said Madame du Hausset; hanging it

round her neck。  The Count begged her to keep the jewel; she

refused; and Madame de Pompadour backed her refusal。  But Saint…

Germain insisted; and Madame de Pompadour; thinking that the cross

might be worth forty louis; made a sign to Madame du Hausset that

she accept。  She did; and the jewel was valued at 1;500 francs

which hardly proves that the other large jewels were genuine;

though Von Gleichen believed they were; and thought the Count's

cabinet of old masters very valuable。

The fingers; the watch; the snuffbox; the shoe…buckles; the garter

studs; the solitaires of the Count; on high days; all burned

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