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the riverman-第69节

小说: the riverman 字数: 每页4000字

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mawkish sentimentality of weakness。  However; I know you; Jack Orde; 

from top to bottom; and I know you're fool enough not to do it。  I'm 

so sure of it that I dare put it to you straight; you could never 

bring yourself to the point of destroying a man who had sacrificed 

himself for you。〃

〃You seem to have this game all figured out;〃 said Orde with 


Newmark leaned back in his chair。  Two bright red spots burned in 

his ordinarily sallow cheeks。  He half closed his eyes。

〃You're right;〃 said he with an ill…concealed satisfaction。  〃If you 

play a game; play it through。  Each man is different; for each a 

different treatment is required。  The game is infinite; wonderful; 

fascinating to the skilful。〃  He opened his eyes and looked over at 

Orde with a mild curiosity。  〃I suppose men are about all of one 

kind to you。〃

〃Two;〃 said Orde grimly; 〃the honest men and the scoundrels。〃

〃Well;〃 said the other; 〃let's settle this thing。  The fact remains 

that the firm owes a note to Heinzman; which it cannot pay。  You owe 

a note to the firm which you cannot pay。  All this may be slightly 

irregular; but for private reasons you do not care to make public 

the irregularity。  Am I right so far?〃

Orde; who had been watching him with a slightly sardonic smile; 


〃Well; what I want out of this〃

〃You might hear the other side;〃 interrupted Orde。  〃In the first 

place;〃 said he; producing a bundle of papers; 〃I have the note and 

the mortgage in my possession。〃

〃Whence Heinzman will shortly rescue them; as soon as I get to see 

him;〃 countered Newmark。  〃You acknowledge that I can force 

Heinzman; and you can hardly refuse him。〃

〃If you force Heinzman; he'll land you;〃 Orde pointed out。

〃There is Canada for me; with no extradition。  He travels with 

heavier baggage。  I have the better trumps。〃

〃You'd lose everything。〃

〃Not quite;〃 smiled Newmark。  〃And; as usual; you are forgetting the 

personal equation。  Heinzman isHeinzman。  And I am I。〃

〃Then I suppose this affidavit from Heinzman as to the details of 

all this is useless for the same reason?〃

Newmark's thin lips parted in another smile。

〃Correct;〃 said he。

〃But you're ready to compromise below the face of the note?〃

〃I am。〃


Newmark hesitated。

〃I'll tell you;〃 said he; 〃because I know you well enough to realise 

that there is a point where your loyalty to Heinzman would step 

aside in favour of your loyalty to your family。〃

〃And you think you know where that point is?〃

〃It's the basis of my compromise。〃

Orde began softly to laugh。  〃Newmark; you're as clever as the 

devil;〃 said he。  〃But aren't you afraid to lay out your cards this 


〃Not with you;〃 replied Newmark; boldly; 〃with anybody else on 

earth; yes。  With you; no。〃

Orde continued to laugh; still in the low undertone。

〃The worst of it is; I believe you're right;〃 said he at last。  〃You 

have the thing sized up; and there isn't a flaw in your reasoning。  

I always said that you were the brains of this concern。  If it were 

not for one thing; I'd compromise sure; and that one thing was 

beyond your power to foresee。〃

He paused。  Newisark's eyes half…closed again; in a quick d'arting 

effort of his brain to run back over all the elements of the game he 

was playing。  Orde waited in patience for him to speak。

〃What is it?〃 asked Newmark at last。  〃Heinzman died of smallpox at 

four o'clock this afternoon;〃 said Orde。


Newmark did not alter his attitude nor his expression; but his face 

slowly went gray。  For a full minute he sat absolutely motionless; 

his breath coming and going noisily through his contracted nostrils。  

Then he arose gropingly to his feet; and started toward one of the 

two doors leading from the room。

〃Where are you going?〃 asked Orde quietly。

Newmark steadied himself with an effort。

〃I'm going to get myself a drink in my bedroom;〃 he snapped。  〃Any 


〃No;〃 replied Orde。  〃None。  After you get your drink; come back。  I 

want to talk to you。〃

Newmark snarled at him: 〃You needn't be afraid I'll run away。  How'd 

I get out of town?〃

〃I know it wouldn't pay you to run away;〃 said Orde。

Newmark passed out through the door。  Orde looked thoughtfully at 

Heinzman's affidavit; which; duly disinfected; had been handed him 

by Dr。 McMullen as important; and thrust it and the other papers 

into his inside pocket。  Then he arose to his feet and glided softly 

across the room to take a position close to the door through which 

Newmark had departed in quest of his drink。  For a half minute he 

waited。  Finally the door swung briskly inward。  Like a panther; as 

quickly and as noiselessly; Orde sprang forward。  A short but 

decisive struggle ensued。  In less than ten seconds Orde had 

pinioned Newmark's arms to his side where he held them immovable 

with one of his own。  The other hand he ran down Newmark's right arm 

to the pocket。  There followed an instant of silent resistance。  

Then with a sharp cry of mingled anger and pain Newmark snatched his 

hand out and gazed a trifle amazedly at the half crushed fingers。  

Orde drew forth the revolver Newmark had grasped concealed in the 

coat pocket。

Without hesitation he closed and locked the bedroom door; turned the 

key in the lock of the other; tried and fastened the window。  The 

revolver he opened; spilled out the cartridges into his hand; and 

then tossed the empty weapon to Newmark; who had sunk into the chair 

by the lamp。

〃There's your plaything;〃 said he。  〃So you wanted that affidavit; 

did you?  Now we have the place to ourselves; and we'll thresh this 

matter out。〃

He paused; collecting his thoughts。

〃I don't need to tell you that I've got you about where you live;〃 

said he finally。  〃Nor what I think of you。  The case is open and 

shut; and I can send you over the road for the best part of your 

natural days。  Also I've got these notes and the mortgage。〃

〃Quit it;〃 growled Newmark; 〃you've got me。  Send me up; and be 


〃That's the question;〃 went on Orde slowly。  〃I've been at it three 

days; without much time off for sleep。  You hurt me pretty bad; Joe。  

I trusted you; and I thought of you as a friend。〃

Newmark stirred slightly with impatience。

〃I had a hard time getting over that part of it; and about three…

quarters of what was left in the world looked mighty like ashes for 

awhile。  Then I began to see this thing a little clearer。  We've 

been together a good many years now; and as near as I can make out 

you've been straight as a string with me for eight of them。  Then I 

suppose the chance came and before you knew it you were in over your 


He looked; half…pleading toward Newmark。  Newmark made no sign。

〃I know that's the way it might be。  A man thinks he's mighty brave; 

and so he is; as long as he can see what's coming; and get ready for 

it。  But some day an emergency just comes up and touches him on the 

shoulder; and he turns around and sees it all of a sudden。  Then he 

finds he's a coward。  It's pretty hard for me to understand 

dishonesty; or how a man can be dishonest。  I've tried; but I can't 

do it。  Crookedness isn't my particular kind of fault。  But I do 

know this: that we every one of us have something to be forgiven for 

by some one。  I guess I've got a temper that makes me pretty sorry 

sometimes。  Probably you don't see how it's possible for a man to 

get crazy mad about little things。  That isn't your particular kind 

of fault。〃

〃Oh; for God's sake; drop that preaching。  It makes me sick!〃 broke 

out Newmark。

Orde smiled whimsically。

〃I'm not preaching;〃 he said; 〃and even if I were; I've paid a good 

many thousands of dollars; it seems; to buy the right to say what I 

damn please。  And if you think I'm working up to a Christian 

forgiveness racket; you're very much mistaken。  I'm not。  I don't 

forgive you; and I surely despise your sort。  But I'm explaining to 

youno; to myselfjust what I've been at for three days。〃

〃Well; turn me over to your sheriff; and let's get through with 

this;〃 said Newmark sullenly。  〃I suppose you've got that part of it 

all fixed。〃

Orde rose。

〃Look here; Newmark; that's just what I've been coming to; just what 

I've had such a hard time to get hold of。  I felt it; but I couldn't 

put my finger on it。  Now I know。  I'm not going to hand you over to 

any sheriff; I'm going to let you off。  No;〃 he continued; in 

response to Newmark's look of incredulous amazement; 〃it isn't from 

any fool notion of forgiveness。  I told you I didn't forgive you。  

But I'm not going to burden my future life with you。  That's just 

plain; ordinary selfishness。  I suppose I really ought to jug you; 

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