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the riverman-第67节

小说: the riverman 字数: 每页4000字

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Heinzman sat down on the nail keg; almost immediately arose; walked 

up and down two or three times; and resumed his seat。

Orde looked at him curiously。  He was half dressed; without a 

collar; his thin hair unkempt。  The usual bright colour of his 

cheeks had become livid; and the flesh; ordinarily firm and elastic; 

had fallen in folds and wrinkles。  His eyes burned bright as though 

from some internal fire。  A great restlessness possessed him。  

Impulsively Orde leaned forward to touch his hand。  It was dry and 


〃What is it; Heinzman?〃 he asked quietly; fully prepared for the 

vagaries of a half delirium。

〃Ach; Orde!〃 cried the German; 〃I am tortured mit HOLLENQUALLEwhat 

you call?hell's fire。  You; whose wife comes in and saves my Mina 

when the others runs away。  You; my best friends!  It is 

SCHRECKLICH!  She vas the noblest; the best; the most kindest〃

〃If you mean Mrs。 Orde's staying with Mina;〃 broke in Orde; 〃it was 

only what any one should have done; in humanity; and I; for one; am 

only too glad she had the chance。  You mustn't exaggerate。  And nhead。  

〃She might take the disease。  She might die。  It vas noble。〃  He 

shuddered。  〃My Mina left to die all alone!〃

Orde rose to his feet with decision。

〃That is all right;〃 said he。  〃Carroll was glad of the chance。  Now 

let me get you home。〃

But Heinzman's excitement had suddenly died。

〃No;〃 said he; extending his trembling hand; 〃sit down。  I want to 

talk business。〃

〃You are in no condition to talk business;〃 said Orde。

〃No!〃 cried Heinzman with unexpected vigour。  〃Sit down!  Listen to 

me!  Dot's better。  I haf your note for sefenty…five t'ousand 

dollars。  No?〃

Orde nodded。

〃Dot money I never lent you。  NO!  I'm not crazy。  Sit still!  I 

know my name is on dot note。  But the money came from somewheres 

else。  It came from your partner; Joseph Newmark。〃

Orde half rose from his keg。

〃Why?  What?〃 he asked in bewilderment。

〃Den ven you could not pay the note; I vas to foreclose and hand 

over dot Northern Peninsula land to Joseph Newmark; your partner。〃

〃Impossible!〃 cried Orde。

〃I vas to get a share。  It vas a trick。〃

〃Go on;〃 said Orde grimly。

〃Dere is no go on。  Dot is all。〃

〃Why do you come to tell me now?〃

〃Because for more than one year now I say to mineself; 'Carl 

Heinzman; you vas one dirty scoundrel。  You vas dishonest; a sneak; 

a thief'; I don't like to call myself names like dose。  It iss all 

righdt to be smart; but to be a thief!〃

〃Why didn't you pull out?〃 asked Orde。

〃I couldn't!〃 cried Heinzman piteously。  〃How could I?  He haf me 

cold。  I paid Stanford five hundred dollars for his vote on the 

charter; and Joseph Newmark; he know dot; he can PROVE it。  He tell 

me if I don't do what he say; he put me in jail。  Think of dot!  All 

my friends go back on me; all my money gone; maybe my daughter Mina 

go back on me; too。  How could I?〃

〃Well; he can still put you in prison;〃 said Orde。

〃Vot I care?〃 cried Heinzman; throwing up both his arms。  〃You and 

your wife are my friends。  She save my Mina。  DU LIEBER GOTT!  If my 

daughter had died; vot good iss friends and money?  Vot good iss 

anything?  I don't vant to live!  And ven I sit dere by her always 

something ask me: 

〃Vell; I go;〃 he said at last。

〃Have you that note?〃 asked Orde。

〃Joseph Newmark; he keeps it most times;〃 replied Heinzman; 〃but now 

it is at my office for the foreclosure。  I vill not foreclose; he 

can send me to the penitentiary。〃

〃Telephone Lambert in the morning to give it to me。  No; here。  

Write an order in this notebook。〃

Heinzman wrote the required order。

〃I go;〃 said he; suddenly weary。

Orde accompanied him down the street。  The German was again light…

headed with the fever; mumbling about his daughter; the notes; 

Carroll; the voices that had driven him to righteousness。  By some 

manoeuvring Orde succeeded in slipping him through the improvised 

quarantine without discovery。  Then the riverman with slow and 

thoughtful steps returned to where the lamp in the study still 

marked off with the spaced replenishments from its oil reservoir the 

early morning hours。


Morning found Orde still seated in the library chair。  His head was 

sunk forward on his chest; his hands were extended listless; palms 

up; along the arms of the chair; his eyes were vacant and troubled。  

Hardly once in the long hours had he shifted by a hair's breadth his 

position。  His body was suspended in an absolute inaction while his 

spirit battered at the walls of an impasse。  For; strangely enough; 

Orde did not once; even for a single instant; give a thought to the 

business aspects of the situationwhat it meant to him and his 

prospects or what he could do about it。  Hurt to the soul he stared 

at the wreck of a friendship。  Nothing will more deeply sicken the 

heart of a naturally loyal man than to discover baseless his faith 

in some one he has thoroughly trusted。

Orde had liked Newmark。  He had admired heartily his clearness of 

vision; his financial skill; his knowledge of business intricacies; 

his imperturbable coolness; all the abilities that had brought him 

to success。  With a man of Orde's temperament; to admire is to like; 

and to like is to invest with all good qualities。  He had 

constructed his ideal of a friend; with Newmark as a basis; and now 

that this; which had seemed to him as solid a reality as a brick 

block; had dissolved into nothing; he found himself in the necessity 

of refashioning his whole world。  He was not angry at Newmark。  But 

he was grieved down to the depths of his being。

When the full sun shone into the library; he aroused himself to 

change his clothes。  Then; carrying those he had just discarded; he 

slipped out of the house and down the street。  Duke; the black and 

white setter dog; begged to follow him。  Orde welcomed the animal's 

company。  He paused only long enough to telephone from the office 

telling Carroll he would be out of town all day。  Then he set out at 

a long swinging gait over the hills。  By the time the sun grew hot; 

he was some miles from the village and in the high beech woods。  

There he sat down; his back to a monster tree。  All day long he 

gazed steadily on the shifting shadows and splotches of sunlight; on 

the patches of blue sky; the dazzling white clouds that sailed 

across them; on the waving; whispering frond that over…arched him; 

and the deep cool shadows beneath。  The woods creatures soon became 

accustomed to his presence。  Squirrels of the several varieties that 

abounded in the Michigan forests scampered madly after each other in 

spirals around the tree trunks; or bounded across the ground in long 

undulating leaps。  Birds flashed and called and disappeared 

mysteriously。  A chewink; brave in his black and white and tan 

uniform; scratched mightily with great two…footed swoops that threw 

the vegetable mould over Orde's very feet。  Blazoned butterflies

the yellow and black turnus; the dark troilus; the shade…loving 

nymphalisflickered in and out of the patches of sunlight。  Orde 

paid them no attention。  The noon heat poured down through the 

forest isles like an incense。  Overhead swung the sun; and down the 

slope until the long shafts of its light lifted wand…like across the 

tree trunks。

At this hint of evening Orde shook himself and arose。  He was little 

nearer the readjustment he sought than he had been the previous 


He reached home a little before six o'clock。  To his surprise he 

found Taylor awaiting him。  The lawyer had written nothing as to his 


〃I had things pretty well in shape;〃 he said; after the first 

greetings had been exchanged; 〃and it would do no good to stay away 

any longer。〃

〃Then the trouble is over?〃 asked Orde。

〃I wouldn't say that;〃 replied Taylor; 〃but you can rest easy as to 

the title to your lands。  The investigation had no real basis to it。  

There may have been some small individual cases of false entry; but 

nothing on which to ground a ???? attack。〃

〃When can I borrow on it?〃

〃Not for a year or two; I should say。  There's an awful lot of red…

tape to unwind; as there always is in such cases。〃

〃Oh;〃 said Orde in some disappointment。

Taylor hesitated; removed his eye…glasses; wiped them carefully; and 

replaced them。  He glanced at Orde sidelong through his keen; shrewd 


〃I have something more to tell you; something that will be painful;〃 

said he。

Orde looked up quickly。

〃Well; what is it?〃 he asked。

〃The general cussedness of all this investigation business had me 

puzzled; until at last I made up my mind to do a little 

investigating on my own account。  It all looked foolish to me。  

Somebody or something

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