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the riverman-第66节

小说: the riverman 字数: 每页4000字

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irritation passed。  As was the habit of the man; he began more 

clearly to see Newmark's side; and so more emphatically to blame 

himself。  After all; when he got right down to the essentials; he 

could not but acknowledge that Newmark's anger was justified。  For 

his own private ends he had jeopardised the firm's property。  More 

of a business man might have reflected that Newmark; as financial 

head; should have protected the firm against all contingencies; 

should have seen to it that it met Heinzman's notes; instead of 

tying up its resources in unnecessary ways。  Orde's own delinquency 

bulked too large in his eyes to admit his perception of this。  By 

the time he had reached Heinzman's office; the last of his 

irritation had vanished。  Only he realised clearly now that it would 

hardly do to ask Newmark for a renewal of the personal note on which 

depended his retention of his Boom Company stock unless he could 

renew the Heinzman note also。  This is probably what Newmark 


〃Mr。 Heinzman?〃 he askedage deed on certain 

lands described herein。〃

〃That's it;〃 said Orde。

Lambert looked up over his spectacles。

〃I want to renew the note for another year;〃 Orde explained。

〃Can't do it;〃 replied L briefly of the first clerk。

〃Mr。 Heinzman is at home ill;〃 replied the bookkeeper。

〃Already?〃 said Orde。  He drummed on the black walnut rail 

thoughtfully。  The notes came due in ten days。  〃How bad is he?

The clerk looked up curiously。  〃Can't say。  Probably won't be back 

for a long time。  It's smallpox; you know。〃

〃True;〃 said Orde。  〃Well; who's in charge?〃

〃Mr。 Lambert。  You'll find him in the private office。〃

Orde passed through the grill into the inner room。

〃Hullo; Lambert;〃 he addressed the individual seated at Heinzman's 

desk。  〃So you're the boss; eh?〃

Lambert turned; showing a perfectly round face; ornamented by a dot 

of a nose; two dots of eyes set rather close together; and a pursed 

up mouth。  His skin was very brown and shiny; and was so filled by 

the flesh beneath as to take the appearance of having been inflated。

〃Yes; I'm the boss;〃 said he non…committally。

Orde dropped into a chair。

〃Heinzman holds some notes due against our people in ten days;〃 said 

he。  〃I came in to see about their renewal。  Can you attend to it?〃

〃Yes; I can attend to it;〃 replied Lambert。  He struck a bgambert; removing and

folding the glasses。

〃Why not?〃

〃Mr。 Heinzman gave me especial instructions in regard to this matter 

just before his daughter was taken sick。  He told me if you came 

when he was not herehe intended to go to Chicago yesterdayto 

tell you he would not renew。〃

〃Why not?〃 asked Orde blankly。

〃I don't know that。〃

〃But I'll give him twelve per cent for another year。〃

〃He said not to renew; even if you offered higher interest。〃

〃Do you happen to know whether he intends anything in regard to this 


〃He instructed me to begin suit in foreclosure immediately。〃

〃I don't understand this;〃 said Orde。

Lambert shook his head blandly。  Orde thought for a moment。

〃Where's your telephone?〃 he demanded abruptly。

He tried in vain to get Heinzman at his house。  Finally the 

telephone girl informed him that although messages had come from the 

stricken household; she had been unable to get an answer to any of 

her numerous calls; and suspected the bell had been removed。  

Finally Orde left the office at a loss how to proceed next。  

Lambert; secretly overjoyed at this opportunity of exercising an 

unaccustomed andow 

you'd better get home where you can be taken care of。  You're sick。〃

〃No; no; my friend;〃 said Heinzman; vigourously shaking his ' autocratic power;

refused to see beyond his 

instructions。  Heinzman's attitude puzzled Orde。  A foreclosure 

could gain Heinzman no advantage of immediate cash。  Orde was forced 

to the conclusion that the German saw here a good opportunity to 

acquire cheap a valuable property。  In that case a personal appeal 

would avail little。

Orde tramped out to the end of the pier and back; mulling over the 

tangled problem。  He was pressed on all sidesby the fatigue after 

his tremendous exertions of the past two weeks; by his natural 

uneasiness in regard to Carroll; and finally by this new 

complication which threatened the very basis of his prosperity。  

Nevertheless the natural optimism of the man finally won its 


〃There's the year of redemption on that mortgage;〃 he reminded 

himself。  〃We may be able to do something in that time。  I don't 

know just what;〃 he added whimsically; with a laugh at himself。  He 

became grave。  〃Poor Joe;〃 he said; 〃this is pretty tough on him。  

I'll have to make it up to him somehow。  I can let him in on that 

California deal; when the titles are straightened out。〃


Orde did not return to the office; he felt unwilling to face Newmark 

until he had a little more thoroughly digested the situation。  He 

spent the rest of the afternoon about the place; picking up the tool 

house; playing with Bobby; training Duke; the black and white setter 

dog。  Three or four times he called up Carroll by telephone; and 

three or four times he passed Dr。 McMullen's house to shout his half 

of a long…distance and fragmentary conversation with her。  He ate 

solemnly with Bobby at six o'clock; the two quite subdued over the 

vacant chair at the other end of the table。  After dinner they sat 

on the porch until Bobby's bed…time。  Orde put his small son to bed; 

and sat talking with the youngster as long as his conscience would 

permit。  Then he retired to the library; where; for a long time; he 

sat in twilight and loneliness。  Finally; when he could no longer 

distinguish objects across the room; he arose with a sigh; lit the 

lamp; and settled himself to read。

The last of the twilight drained from the world; and the window 

panes turned a burnished black。  Through the half…open sashes sucked 

a warm little breeze; swaying the long lace curtains back and forth。  

The hum of lawn…sprinklers and the chirping of crickets and tree…

frogs came with it。

One by one the lawn…sprinklers fell silent。  Gradually there 

descended upon the world the deep slumbrous stillness of late night; 

a stillness compounded of a thousand and one mysterious little 

noises repeated monotonously over and over until their identity was 

lost in accustomedness。  Occasionally the creak of timbers or the 

sharp scurrying of a mouse in the wall served more to accentuate 

than to break this night silence。

Orde sat lost in reverVy you do dot to the peoples dot safe your Mina?'  

And ven she look at me; her eyes say it; and in the night everything 

cry out at me; and I get sick; and I can't stand it no longer; and I 

don't care if he send me to prison or to hell; no more。〃

His excitement died。  He sat listless; his eyes vacant; his hands 

between his knees。

ie; his book in his lap。  At stated intervals 

the student lamp at his elbow flared slightly; then burned clear 

again after a swallow of satisfaction in its reservoir。  These 

regular replenishments of the oil supply alone marked the flight of 


Suddenly Orde leaned forward; his senses at the keenest attention。  

After a moment he arose and quietly walked toward the open window。  

Just as he reached the casement and looked out; a man looked in。  

The two stared at each other not two feet apart。

〃Good Lord!  Heinzman!〃 cried Orde in a guarded voice。  He stepped 

decisively through the window; seized the German by the arm; and 

drew him one side。

〃What are you doing here?〃 he demanded。

Heinzman was trembling violently as though from a chill。

〃Dake me somewheres;〃 he whispered hoarsely。  〃Somewheres quick。  I 

haf broke quarantine; and dey vill be after me。〃

〃The place for you is at your own house;〃 said Orde; his anger 

rising。  〃What do you mean by coming here and exposing my house to 


Heinzman began to blubber; choked; shivered all over; and cried 

aloud with an expression of the greatest agony:

〃You must dake me somewheres。  I must talk with you and your goot 

wife。  I haf somedings to say to you。〃  He in his turn grasped Orde 

by the arm。  〃I haf broke quarantine to gome and tell you。  Dey are 

dere mit shotguns to kill me if I broke quarantine。  And I haf left 

my daughter; my daughter Mina; all alone mit dose people to come and 

tell you。  And now you don't listen。〃

He wrung his hands dramatically; his soft pudgy body shaking。

〃Come with me;〃 said Orde briefly。

He led the way around the house to the tool shed。  Here he lit a 

lantern; thrust forward one nail keg; and sat down on another。

Heinzman sat down on the nail keg; almost immediately arose; walked 

up and down two or three 

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