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the riverman-第57节

小说: the riverman 字数: 每页4000字

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〃Recovered;〃 Newmark repeated coldly。  〃I don't see what 'recovered' 

has to do with it。  If the mill burned down; we'd rebuild; wouldn't 

we?  Even if we were embarrassedwhich we're notwe'd hardly care 

to acknowledge publicly that we couldn't keep up our equipment。  And 

as we're making twelve or fifteen thousand a year out of our 

freighting; it seems to me too good a business to let slip into 

other hands。〃

〃I suppose so;〃 agreed Orde; a trifle helplessly。

〃Therefore I had to act without you;〃 Newmark finished。  〃I knew 

you'd agree。  That's right: isn't it?〃 he insisted。

〃Yes; that's right;〃 agreed Orde drearily。

〃You'll find copies of the contract on your desk;〃 Newmark closed 

the matter。  〃And there's the tax lists。  I wish you'd run them 


〃Joe;〃 replied Orde; 〃II don't think I'll stay down town this 

morning。  I〃

Newmark glanced up keenly。

〃You don't look a bit well;〃 said he; 〃kind of pale around the 

gills。  Bilious。  Don't believe that camp grub quite agrees with you 

for a steady diet。〃

〃Yes; that must be it;〃 assented Orde。

He closed his desk and went out。  Newmark turned back to his papers。  

His face was expressionless。  From an inner pocket he produced a 

cigar which he thrust between his teeth。  The corners of his mouth 

slowly curved in a grim smile。

Orde did not go home。  Instead; he walked down Main Street to the 

docks where he jumped into a rowboat lying in a slip; and with a few 

rapid strokes shot out on the stream。  In his younger days he had 

belonged to a boat club; and had rowed in the 〃four。〃  He still 

loved the oar; and though his racing days were past; he maintained a 

clean…lined; rather unstable little craft which it was his delight 

to propel rapidly with long spoon…oars whenever he needed exercise。  

To…day; however; he was content to drift。

The morning was still and golden。  The crispness of late fall had 

infused a wine into the air。  The sky was a soft; blue…gray; the 

sand…hills were a dazzling yellow。  Orde did not try to think; he 

merely faced the situation; staring it in the face until it should 

shrink to its true significance。

One thing he felt distinctly; yet could not without a struggle bring 

himself to see。  The California lands must be mortgaged。  If he 

could raise a reasonable sum of money on them; he would still be 

perfectly able to meet his notes。  He hated fiercely to raise that 


It was entirely a matter of sentiment。  Orde realised the fact 

clearly; and browbeat his other self with a savage contempt。  

Nevertheless his dream had been to keep the western timber free and 

unencumberedfor Bobby。  Dreams are harder to give up than 


He fell into the deepest reflections which were broken only when the 

pounding of surf warned him he had drifted almost to the open lake。  

After all; there was no essential difference between owing money to 

a man in Michigan and to a man in California。  That was the net 

result of his struggle。

〃When the time comes; we'll just borrow that money on a long…time 

mortgage; like sensible people;〃 he said aloud; 〃and quit this 

everlasting scrabbling。〃

Back to town he pulled with long vigorous strokes; skittering his 

feathered spoon…oars lightly over the tops of the wavelets。  At the 

slip he made fast the boat; and a few minutes later re…entered the 

office; his step springy; his face glowing。  Newmark glanced up。

〃Hullo!〃 said he。  〃Back again?  You look better。〃

〃Exercise;〃 said Orde; in his hearty manner。  〃Exercise; old boy!  

You ought to try it。  Greatest thing in the world。  Just took a row 

to the end of the piers and back; and I'm as fit as a fiddle!〃


Orde immediately set into motion the machinery of banking to borrow 

on the California timber。  Taylor took charge of this; as the only 

man in Monrovia who had Orde's confidence。  At the end of a 

necessary delay Orde received notice that the West had been heard 

from。  He stepped across the hall to the lawyer's office。

〃Well; Frank;〃 said he; 〃glad we managed to push it through with so 

little trouble。〃

Taylor arose; shut carefully the door into his outer office; walked 

to the window; looked contemplatively out upon the hotel backyard; 

and returned to his desk。

〃But there is trouble;〃 said he curtly。

〃What's the matter?〃 asked Orde。

〃The banks refuse the loan。〃

Orde stared at him in blank astonishment。

〃Refuse!〃 he echoed。


〃What grounds can they possibly have for that?〃

〃I can't make out exactly from these advices。  It's something about 

the title。〃

〃But I thought you went over the title。〃

〃I did;〃 stated Taylor emphatically; 〃and I'll stake my reputation 

as a lawyer that everything is straight and clear from the Land 

Office itself。  I've wired for an explanation; and we ought surely 

to know something definite by tomorrow。〃

With this uncertainty Orde was forced to be content。  For the first 

time in his business career a real anxiety gnawed at his vitals。  He 

had been in many tight places; but somehow heretofore success or 

failure had seemed to him about immaterial; like points gained or 

conceded in the game; a fresh start was always so easy; and what had 

been already won as yet unreal。  Now the game itself was at issue。  

Property; reputation; and the family's future were at stake。  When 

the three had lived in the tiny house by the church; it had seemed 

that no adversity could touch them。  But now that long use had 

accustomed them to larger quarters; servants; luxuries; Orde could 

not conceive the possibility of Carroll's ever returning to that 

simplest existence。  Carroll could have told him otherwise; but of 

course he did not as yet bring the possibility before her。  She had 

economised closely; these last few years。  Orde was proud of her。  

He was also fiercely resentful that his own foolishness; or untoward 

circumstances; or a combination of both should jeopardise her 

future。  Therefore he awaited further news with the greatest 


The message came the following day; as Taylor had predicted。  Taylor 

handed it to him without comment。

〃Land Office under investigation;〃 Orde read。  〃Fraudulent entries 

suspected。  All titles clouded until decision is reached。〃

〃What do you suppose that means?〃 asked Orde; although he knew well 


Taylor glanced up at his dull eyes with commiseration。

〃They simply won't lend good money on an uncertainty;〃 said he。

〃Frank;〃 said Orde; rousing himself with an effort; 〃I've got to be 

here。  I couldn't get away this winter if my life depended on it。  

And I won't even have time to pay much attention to it from here。  I 

want you to go to California and look after those interests for me。  

Never mind your practice; man;〃 as Taylor tried to interrupt him。  

〃Make what arrangements you please; but go。  It'll be like a sort of 

vacation to you。  You need one。  And I'll make it worth your while。  

Take Clara with you。  She'll like California。  Now don't say no。  

It's important。  Straighten it out as quick as you can: and the 

minute it IS straight borrow that money on it; and send it on p。d。q。〃

Taylor thoughtfully tapped his palm with the edge of his eye…


〃All right;〃 he said at last。

〃Good!〃 cried Orde; rising and holding out his hand。

He descended the dark stairs to the street; where he turned down 

toward the river。  There he sat on a pile for nearly an hour; quite 

oblivious to the keen wind of latter November which swept up over 

the scum ice from the Lake。  At length he hopped down and made his 

way to the office of the Welton Lumber Co。

〃Look here; Welton;〃 he demanded abruptly when he had reached that 

operator's private office; 〃how much of a cut are you going to make 

this year?〃

〃About twenty million;〃 replied Welton。  〃Why?〃

〃Just figuring on the drive;〃 said Orde; nodding a farewell。

He had the team harnessed; and; assuming his buffalo…fur coat; drove 

to the offices of all the men owning timber up and down the river。  

When he had collected his statistics; he returned to his desk; where 

he filled the backs of several envelopes with his characteristically 

minute figures。  At the close of his calculations he nodded his head 

vigorously several times。

〃Joe;〃 he called across to his partner; 〃I'm going to cut that whole 

forty million we have left。〃

Newmark did not turn。  After a moment his dry expressionless voice 

came back。

〃I thought that we figured that as a two…years' job。〃

〃We did; but I'm going to clean up the whole thing this year。〃

〃Do you think you can do it?〃

〃Sure thing;〃 replied Orde。  Then under his breath; and quite to 

himself; he added: 〃I've got to!〃


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