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the riverman-第54节

小说: the riverman 字数: 每页4000字

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kindling wood farther up the beach。〃

〃Anybody drowned?〃 asked Mina quickly。

〃No; we got 'em out。  Mr。 Cam's shoulder is broken。〃  He glanced 

down at himself comically; and the girls for the first time noticed 

that beneath the heavy overcoat his garments were dripping。

〃But surely they'll never get a line over with the mortar!〃 said 

Carroll。  〃That last shot fell so far short!〃

〃They know it。  They've shot a dozen times。  Might as well do 


〃I should think;〃 said Mina; 〃that they'd shoot from the end of the 

pier。  They'd be ever so much nearer。〃

〃Tried it;〃 replied Bradford succintly。  〃Nearly lost the whole 


Nobody said anything for some time; but all looked helplessly to 

where the vesselsfrom this elevation insignificant among the 

tumbling waterswere pounding to pieces。

At this moment from the river a trail of black smoke became visible 

over the point of sand…hill that ran down to the pier。  A smokestack 

darted into view; slowed down; and came to rest well inside the 

river…channel。  There it rose and fell regularly under the influence 

of the swell that swung in from the lake。  The crowd uttered a 

cheer; and streamed in the direction of the smokestack。

〃Come and see what's up;〃 suggested Bradford。

He hitched Prince to a log sticking up at an angle from the sand; 

and led the way to the pier。

There they had difficulty in getting close enough to see; but 

Bradford; preceding the two women; succeeded by patience and 

diplomacy in forcing a way。  The SPRITE was lying close under the 

pier; the top of her pilot…house just about level with the feet of 

the people watching her。  She rose and fell with the restless 

waters。  Fat rope…yarn bumpers interposed between her sides and the 

piling。  The pilot…house was empty; but Harvey; the negro engineer; 

leaned; elbows crossed against the sill of his little square door; 

smoking his pipe。

〃I wouldn't go out there for a million dollars!〃 cried a man 

excitedly to Carroll and Bradford。  〃Nothing on earth could live in 

that sea!  Nothing!  I've run a tug myself in my time; and I know 

what I'm talking about!〃

〃What are they going to do?〃 asked Carroll。

〃Haven't you heard!〃 cried the other; turning to her。  〃Where you 

been?  This is one of Orde's tugs; and she's going to try to get a 

line to them vessels。  But I wouldn't〃

Bradford did not wait for him to finish。  He turned abruptly; and 

with an air of authority brushed toward the tug; followed closely by 

Carroll and Mina。  At the edge of the pier was the tug's captain; 

Marsh; listening to earnest expostulation by a half…dozen of the 

leading men of the town; among whom were both Newmark and Orde。

As the three came within earshot Captain Marsh spit forth the stump 

of cigar he had been chewing。

〃Gentlemen;〃 said he crisply; 〃that isn't the question。  I think I 

can do it; and I'm entirely willing to take all personal risks。  The 

thing is hazardous and it's Mr。 Orde's tug。  It's for him to say 

whether he wants to risk her。〃

〃Good Lord; man; what's the tug in a case like this!〃 cried Orde; 

who was standing near。  Carroll looked at him proudly; but she did 

not attempt to make her presence known。

〃I thought so;〃 replied Captain Marsh。  〃So it's settled。  I'll take 

her out; if I can get a crew。  Harvey; step up here!〃

The engineer slowly hoisted his long figure through the breast…high 

doorway; dragged his legs under him; then with extraordinary agility 

swung to the pier; his teeth shining like ivory in his black face。

〃Yas; suh!〃 said he。

〃Harvey;〃 said Captain Marsh briskly; 〃we'reing back and up; shot with terrific 

impact against the house and beyond。  For an instant the little 

craft seemed buried; but almost immediately the gleam of her black 

hull showed her plunging forward dauntlessly。

〃That's nothin'!〃 said the tug captain who had first spoken。  〃Wait 

'til she gets outside!〃  The watchers streamed down from the pier 

for a better view。  Carroll and Miss Heinzman followed。  They saw 

the staunch little craft drive into three big seas; each of which 

appeared to bury her completely; save for her upper works。  She 

managed; however; to keep her headway。

〃She can stand that; all right;〃 said one of the life…saving crew 

who had been watching her critically。  〃The trouble will come when 

she drops down to the vessels。〃

In spite of the heavy smashing of head…on seas the SPRITE held her 

course straight out。

〃Where's she going; anyway?〃 marvelled little Mr。 Smith; the 

stationer。  〃She's away beyond the wrecks already。〃

〃Probably Marsh has found the seas heavier than he thought and is 

afraid to turn her broadside;〃 guessed his companion。

〃Afraid; hell!〃 snorted a riverman who overheard。

Nevertheless the SPRITE was now so distant that the loom of the 

great seas on the horizon swallowed her from view; save when she 

rose on the crest of some mighty billow。

〃Well; what is he doing 'way out there then?〃 challenged Mr。 Smith's 

friend with some asperity。

〃Do'no;〃 replied  going to try to get a 

line aboard those vessels out there。  It's dangerous。  You don't 

have to go if you don't want to。  Will you go?〃

Harvey removed his cap and scratched his wool。  The grin faded from 

his good…natured countenance。

〃You…all goin'; suh?〃 he asked。

〃Of course。〃

〃I reckon I'll done haif to go; too;〃 said Harvey simply。  Without 

further word he swung lightly back to the uneasy craft below him; 

and began to toss the slabs from the deck into the hold。

〃I want a man with me at the wheel; two to handle the lines; and one 

to fire for Harvey;〃 said Captain Marsh to the crowd in general。

〃That's our job;〃 announced the life…saving captain。

〃Well; come on then。  No use in delay;〃 said Captain Marsh。

The four men from the life…saving service dropped aboard。  The five 

then went over the tug from stem to stern; tossing aside all 

movables; and lashing tight all essentials。  From the pilot…house 

Captain Marsh distributed life preservers。  Harvey declined his。

〃Whaf…for I want dat?〃 he inquired。  〃Lots of good he gwine do me 

down here!〃

Then all hatches were battened down。  Captain Marsh reached up to 

shake the hand which Orde; stooping; offered him。

〃I'll try to bring her back all right; sir;〃 said he。

〃To hell with the tug!〃 cried Orde; impatient at this insistence on 

the mere property aspect。  〃Bring yourself back。〃

Captain Marsh deliberately lit another cigar and entered the pilot…

house with the other men。

〃Cast off!〃 he cried; and the silent crowd heard clearly the single 

sharp bell ringing for attention; and then the 〃jangler〃 that called 

for full speed ahead。  Awed; they watched the tiny sturdy craft move 

out into the stream and point to the fury of the open lake。

〃Brave chaps!  Brave chaps!〃 said Dr。 McMullen to Carroll as they 

turned away。  The physician drew his tall slender figure to its 

height。  〃Brave chaps; every one of them。  But; do you know; to my 

mind; the bravest of them all are that niggerand his fireman

nailed down in the hold where they can't see nor know what's going 

on; and ifif〃 the good doctor blew his nose vigorously five or 

six times〃 well; it's just like a rat in a hole。〃  He shook his 

head vigorously and looked out to sea。  〃I read last evening; sir;〃 

said he to Bradford; 〃in a blasted fool medical journal I take; that 

the race is degenerating。  Good God!〃

The tug had rounded the end of the pier。  The first of her thousand 

enemies; sweeping in from the open; had struck her fair。  A great 

sheet of white water; slantthe riverman; 〃but whatever it is; it's all right 

as long as Buck Marsh is at the wheel。〃

〃There; she's turned now;〃 Mr。 Smith interposed。

Beneath the trail of black smoke she had shifted direction。  And 

then with startling swiftness the SPRITE darted out of the horizon 

into full view。  For the first time the spectators realised the size 

and weight of the seas。  Not even the sullen pounding to pieces of 

the vessels on the bar had so impressed them as the sight of the tug 

coasting with railroad speed down the rush of a comber like a 

child's toy…boat in the surf。  One moment the whole of her deck was 

visible as she was borne with the wave; the next her bow alone 

showed high as the back suction caught her and dragged her from the 

crest into the hollow。  A sea rose behind。  Nothing of the tug was 

to be seen。  It seemed that no power or skill could prevent her 

feeling overwhelmed。  Yet somehow always she staggered out of the 

gulf until she caught the force of the billow and was again cast 

forward like a chip。

Maybe they ain't catchin' p'ticular hell at that wheel to hold her 

from yawing!〃 muttered the tug captain to his neighbour; who 

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