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the riverman-第45节

小说: the riverman 字数: 每页4000字

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churned and frantically caught crabs in a vain effort to hold their 

own。  Marsh lowered his telescope; the tears streaming down his 


〃It's better than a goat fight;〃 said he。

Futilely protesting; the rowboats were dragged backward; turned as a 

whip is snapped; and strung out along the bank below。

〃They'll have to have two tugs before they can close the break that 

way;〃 commented Orde。

〃Sure thing;〃 replied Captain Marsh。

But at that moment a black smoke rolled up over the marshes; and 

shortly around the bend from above came the LUCY BELLE。

The LUCY BELLE was the main excuse for calling the river navigable。  

She made trips as often as she could between Redding and Monrovia。  

In luck; she could cover the forty miles in a day。  It was no 

unusual thing; however; for the LUCY BELLE to hang up indefinitely 

on some one of the numerous shifting sand bars。  For that reason she 

carried more imperishable freight than passengers。  In appearance 

she was two…storied; with twin smokestacks; an iron Indian on her 

top; and a 〃splutter…bmysterious her always fathomless eyes。  To Orde she seemed 

fragile; aloof; enshrined among her laces and dainty ribbons。  

Hardly dared he touch her when she held her hand out to him weakly; 

but fell on his knees beside the bed and buried his face in the 

clothes。  She placed a gentle hand caressio appreciates you!〃 she cried; 

possessing herself of the infant。  〃He's a beautiful baby; one of 

the best…looking new…born babies I ever saw!〃

Orde escaped to the open air。  He had to go to the office to attend 

to some details of the business。  With every step his elation 

increased。  At the office he threw open his desk with a slam。  

Newmark jumped nervously and frowned。  Orde's big; open; and brusque 

manners bothered him as they would have bothered a cat。

〃Got a son and heir over at my place;〃 called Orde in his big voice。  

〃This old firm's got to rustle now; I tell you。〃

〃Congratulate you; I'm sure;〃 said Newmark ehind〃 paddle…wheel。

〃There comes his help;〃 said Orde。  〃Old Simpson would stop to pick 

up a bogus three…cent piece。〃

Sure enough; on hail from one of the rowboats; the LUCY BELLE slowed 

down and stopped。  After a short conference; she steamed clumsily 

over to get hold of one end of the booms。  The tug took the other。  

In time; and by dint of much splashing; some collisions; and several 

attempts; the ends of the booms were united。

By this time; however; nearly all the logs had escaped。  The tug; 

towing a string of rowboats; set out in pursuit。

The SPRITE continued on her way until beyond sight。  Then she slowed 

down again。  The LUCY BELLE churned around the bend; and turned in 

toward the tug。

〃She's going to speak us;〃 marvelled Orde。  〃I wonder what the 

dickens she wants。〃

〃Tug ahoy!〃 bellowed a red…faced individual from the upper deck。  He 

was dressed in blue and brass buttons; carried a telescope in one 

hand; and was liberally festooned with gold braid and embroidered 


〃Answer him;〃 Orde commanded Marsh。

〃Hullo there; commodore! what is it?〃 replied the tug captain。

The red…faced figure glared down for a moment。

〃They want a tug up there at Heinzman's。  Can you go?〃

〃Sure!〃 cried Marsh; choking。

The LUCY BELLE sheered off magnificently。

〃What do you think of that?〃 Marsh asked Orde。

〃The commodore always acts as if that old raft was a sixty…gun 

frigate;〃 was Orde's non…committal answer。  〃Head up stream again。〃

Heinzman saw the SPRITE coming; and rowed out frantically; splashing 

at every stroke and yelling with every breath。

〃Don't you go through there!  Vait a minute!  Stop; I tell you!〃

〃Hold up!〃 said Orde to Marsh。

Heinzman rowed alongside; dropped his oars and mopped his brow。

〃Vat you do?〃 he demanded heatedly。

〃I forgot the money to buy my stamp with;〃 said Orde sweetly。  〃I'm 

going back to get it。〃

〃Not through my pooms!〃 cried Heinzman。

〃Mr。 Heinzman;〃 said Orde severely; 〃you are obstructing a navigable 

stream。  I am doing business; and I cannot be interfered with。〃

〃But my logs!〃 cried the unhappy mill man。

〃I have nothing to do with your logs。  You are driving your own 

logs;〃 Orde reminded him。

Heinzman vituperated and pounded the gunwale。

〃Go ahead; Marsh!〃 said Orde。

The tug gathered way。  Soon Heinzman was forced to let go。  For a 

second time the chains were snapped。  Orde and Marsh looked back 

over the churning wake left by the SPRITE。  The severed ends of the 

booms were swinging back toward either shore。  Between them floated 

a rowboat。  In the rowboat gesticulated a pudgy man。  The river was 

well sprinkled with logs。  Evidently the sorting was going on well。

〃May as well go back to the works;〃 said Orde。  〃He won't string 

them together again to…daynot if he waits for that tug he sent 

Simpson for。〃

Accordingly; they returned to the booms; where work was suspended 

while Orde detailed to an appreciative audience the happenings 

below。  This tickled the men immensely。

〃Why; we hain't sorted out more'n a million feet of his logs;〃 cried 

Rollway Charlie。  〃He hain't SEEN no logs yet!〃

They turned with new enthusiasm to the work of shunting 〃H〃 logs 

into the channel。

In ten minutes; however; the stableman picked his way out over the 

booms with a message for Orde。

Mr。 Heinzman's ashore; and wants to see you;〃 said he。

Orde and Jim Denning exchanged glances。

〃'Coon's come down;〃 said the latter。

Orde found the mill man pacing restlessly up and down before a 

steaming pair of horses。  Newmark; perched on a stump; was surveying 

him sardonically and chewing the end of an unlighted cigar。

〃Here you poth are!〃 burst out Heinzman; when Orde stepped ashore。  

〃Now; this must stop。  I must not lose my logs!  Vat is your 


Newmark broke in quickly before Orde could speak。

〃I've told Mr。 Heinzman;〃 said he; 〃that we would sort and deliver 

the rest of his logs for two dollars a thousand。〃

〃That will be about it;〃 agreed Orde。

〃But;〃 exploded Heinzman; 〃that is as much as you agreet to drive 

and deliffer my whole cut!〃

〃Precisely;〃 said Newmark。

〃Put I haf all the eggspence of driving the logs myself。  Why shoult 

I pay you for doing what I haf alretty paid to haf done?〃

Orde chuckled。

〃Heinzman;〃 said he; 〃I told you I'd make you scratch gravel。  Now 

it's time to talk business。  You thought you were boring with a 

mighty auger; but it's time to revise。  We aren't forced to bother 

with your logs; and you're lucky to get out so easy。  If I turn your 

whole drive into the river; you'll lose more than half of it 

outright; and it'll cost you a heap to salvage the rest。  And what's 

more; I'll turn 'em in before you can get hold of a pile…driver。  

I'll sort night and day;〃 he bluffed; 〃and by to…morrow morning you 

won't have a stick of timber above my booms。〃  He laughed again。  

〃You want to get down to business almighty sudden。〃

When finally Heinzman had driven sadly away; and the whole drive; 

〃H〃 logs included; was pouring into the main boom; Orde stretched 

his arms over his head in a luxury of satisfaction。

〃That just about settles that campaign;〃 he said to Newmark。

〃Oh; no; it doesn't;〃 replied the latter decidedly。

〃Why?〃 asked Orde; surprised。  〃You don't imagine he'll do anything 


〃No; but I will;〃 said Newmark。


Early in the fall the baby was born。  It proved to be a boy。  Orde; 

nervous as a cat after the ordeal of doing nothing; tiptoed into the 

darkened room。  He found his wife weak and pale; her dark hair 

framing her face; a new look of rapt inner contemplation rendering 

even more ngly on his head。

So they remained for some time。  Finally he raised his eyes。  She 

held her lips to him。  He kissed them。

〃It seems sort of make…believe even yet; sweetheart;〃 she smiled at 

him whimsically; 〃that we have a real; live baby all of our own。〃

〃Like other people;〃 said Orde。

〃Not like other people at all!〃 she disclaimed; with a show of 


Grandma Orde brought the newcomer in for Orde's inspection。  He 

looked gravely down on the puckered; discoloured bit of humanity 

with some feeling of disappointment; and perhaps a faint uneasiness。  

After a moment he voiced the latter。

〃Isdo you thinkthat is〃 he hesitated; 〃does the doctor say 

he's going to be all right?〃

〃All right!〃 cried Grandma Orde indignantly。  〃I'd like to know if 

he isn't all right now!  What in the world do you expect of a new…

born baby?〃

But Carroll was laughing softly to herself on the bed。  She held out 

her arms for the baby; and cuddled it close to her breast。

〃He's a little darling;〃 she croone

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