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the riverman-第41节

小说: the riverman 字数: 每页4000字

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in the breaking was danger。  The smallest misstep; the least 

slowness in reading the signs of the break; the slightest lack of 

promptness in acting on the hint or of agility in leaping from one 

to the other of the plunging timbers; the faintest flicker from 

rigid attention to the antagonist crouching on the spring; would 

mean instant death to the delinquent。  Thus it was literally true 

that each one of these men was called upon almost daily to wager his 

personal skill against his destruction。

In the meantime the rear was 〃sacking〃 its way as fast as possible; 

moving camp with the wanigan whenever necessary; working very hard 

and very cold and very long。  In its work; however; beyond the 

breaking of the rollways; was little of the spectacular。

Orde; after the rear was well started; patrolled the length of the 

drive in his light buckboard。  He had a first…class team of young 

horseshigh…spirited; somewhat fractious; but capable on a pinch of 

their hundred miles in a day。  He handled them well over the rough 

corduroys and swamp roads。  From jam to rear and back again he 

travelled; pausing on the river banks to converse earnestly with one 

of the foremen; surveying the situation with the bird's…eye view of 

the general。  At times he remained at one camp for several days 

watching the trend of the work。  The improvements made during the 

preceding summer gave him the greatest satisfaction; especially the 

apron at the falls。

〃We'd have had a dozen bad jams here before now with all these logs 

in the river;〃 said he to Tim Nolan; who was in charge of that beat。

〃And as it is;〃 said Tim; 〃we've had but the one little wing jam。〃

The piers to define the channel along certain shallows also saved 

the rear crew much labour in the matter of stranded logs。  

Everything was very satisfactory。  Even old man Reed held to his 

chastened attitude; and made no trouble。  In fact; he seemed glad to 

turn an honest penny by boarding the small crew in charge of 

sluicing the logs。

No trouble was experienced until Heinzman's rollways were reached。  

Here Orde had; as he had promised his partner; boomed a free channel 

to prevent Heinzman from filling up the entire river…bed with his 

rollways。  When the jam of the drive had descended the river as far 

as this; Orde found that Heinzman had not yet begun to break out。  

Hardly had Orde's first crew passed; however; when Heinzman's men 

began to break down the logs into the drive。  Long before the rear 

had caught up; all Heinzman's drive was in the water; inextricably 

mingled with the sixty or eighty million feet Orde had in charge。

The situation was plain。  All Heinzman now had to do was to retain a 

small crew; which should follow after the rear in order to sack what 

logs the latter should leave stranded。  This amounted practically to 

nothing。  As it was impossible in so great a mass of timbers; and in 

the haste of a pressing labour; to distinguish or discriminate 

against any single brand; Heinzman was in a fair way to get his logs 

sent down stream with practically no expense。

〃Vell; my boy;〃 remarked the German quite frankly to Orde as they 

met on the road one day; 〃looks like I got you dis time; eh?〃

Orde laughed; also with entire good…humour。

〃If you mean your logs are going down with ours; why I guess you 

have。  But you paste this in your hat: you're going to keep awful 

busy; and it's going to cost you something yet to get 'em down。〃

To Newmark; on one of his occasional visits to the camps; Orde 

detailed the situation。

〃It doesn't amount to much;〃 said he; 〃except that it complicates 

matters。  We'll make him scratch gravel; if we have to sit up nights 

and work overtime to do it。  We can't injure him or leave his logs; 

but we can annoy him a lot。〃

The state of affairs was perfectly well known to the men; and the 

entire river entered into the spirit of the contest。  The drivers 

kept a sharp lookout for 〃H〃 logs; and whenever possible thrust them 

aside into eddies and backwaters。  This; of course; merely made work 

for the sackers Heinzman had left above the rear。  Soon they were in 

charge of a very fair little drive of their own。  Their lot was not 

enviable。  Indeed; only the pressure of work prevented some of the 

more aggressive of Orde's rearamong whom could be numbered the 

Rough Redfrom going back and 〃cleaning out〃 this impertinent band 

of hangers…on。  One day two of the latter; conducting the jam of the 

miniature drive astern; came within reach of the Rough Red。  The 

latter had lingered in hopes of rescuing his peavy; which had gone 

overboard。  To lose one's peavy is; among rivermen; the most 

mortifying disgrace。  Consequently; the Rough Red was in a fit mood 

for trouble。  He attacked the two single…handed。  A desperate battle 

ensued; which lasted upward of an hour。  The two rivermen punched; 

kicked; and battered the Rough Red in a manner to tear his clothes; 

deprive him to some extent of red whiskers; bloody his face; cut his 

shoulder; and knock loose two teeth。  The Rough Red; more than the 

equal of either man singly; had reciprocated in kind。  Orde; driving 

in toward the rear from a detour to avoid a swamp; heard; and 

descended from his buckboard。  Tying his horses to trees; he made 

his way through the brush to the scene of conflict。  So winded and 

wearied were the belligerents by now that he had no difficulty in 

separating them。  He surveyed their wrecks with a sardonic half 


〃I call this a draw;〃 said he finally。  His attitude became 

threatening as the two up…river men; recovering somewhat; showed 

ugly symptoms。  〃Git!〃 he commanded。  〃Scat!  I guess you don't know 

me。  I'm Jack Orde。  Jimmy and I together could do a dozen of you。〃  

He menaced them until; muttering; they had turned away。

〃Well; Jimmy;〃 said he humorously; 〃you look as if you'd been run 

through a thrashing machine。〃

〃Those fellers make me sick!〃 growled the Rough Red。

Orde looked him over again。

〃You look sick;〃 said he。

When the buckboard drew into camp; Orde sent Bourke away to repair 

damages while he called the cookee to help unpack several heavy 

boxes of hardware。  They proved to contain about thirty small 

hatchets; well sharpened; and each with a leather guard。  When the 

rear crew had come in that night; Orde distributed the hatchets。

〃Boys;〃 said he; 〃while you're on the work; I want you all to keep a 

watch…out for these 〃H〃 logs; and whenever you strike one I want you 

to blaze it plainly; so there won't be any mistake about it。〃

〃What for?〃 asked one of the Saginaw men as he received his hatchet。

But the riverman who squatted next nudged him with his elbow。

〃The less questions you ask Jack; the more answers you'll get。  Just 

do what you're told to on this river and you'll see fun sure。〃

Three days later the rear crew ran into the head of the pond above 

Reed's dam。  To every one's surprise; Orde called a halt on the work 

and announced a holiday。

Now; holidays are unknown on drive。  Barely is time allowed for 

eating and sleeping。  Nevertheless; all that day the men lay about 

in complete idleness; smoking; talking; sleeping in the warm sun。  

The river; silenced by the closed sluice…gates; slept also。  The 

pond filled with logs。  From above; the current; aided by a fair 

wind; was driving down still other logsthe forerunners of the 

little drive astern。  At sight of these; some of the men grumbled。  

〃We're losin' what we made;〃 said they。  〃We left them logs; and 

sorted 'em out once already。〃

Orde sent a couple of axe…men to blaze the newcomers。  A little 

before sundown he ordered the sluice…gates of the dam opened。

〃Night work;〃 said the men to one another。  They knew; of course; 

that in sluicing logs; the gate must be open a couple of hours 

before the sluicing begins in order to fill the river…bed below。  

Logs run ahead faster than the water spreads。

Sure enough; after supper Orde suddenly appeared among them; the 

well…known devil of mischief dancing in his eyes and broadening his 

good…natured face。

〃Get organised; boys;〃 said he briskly。  〃We've got to get this pond 

all sluiced before morning; and there's enough of us here to hustle 

it right along。〃

The men took their places。  Orde moved here and there; giving his 


〃Sluice through everything but the 〃H〃 logs;〃 he commanded。  〃Work 

them off to the left and leave them。〃

Twilight; then dark; fell。  After a few moments the moon; then just 

past its full; rose behind the new…budding trees。  The sluicing; 

under the impetus of a big crew; went rapidly。

〃I bet there's mighty near a million an hour going through there;〃 

speculated Orde; watching the smooth; swift; but burdened waters of 

the chute。

And in this work the men distinguished

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