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the riverman-第36节

小说: the riverman 字数: 每页4000字

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〃Be brave; sweetheart;〃 said he; 〃but remember that now you're my 


She nodded at him gravely and disappeared。

Orde sat in the dim parlour for what seemed to be an interminable 

period。  Occasionally the sounds of distant voices rose to his ear 

and died away again。  The front door opened to admit some one; but 

Orde could not see who it was。  Twice a scurrying of feet overhead 

seemed to indicate the bustle of excitement。  The afternoon waned。  

A faint whiff of cooking; escaping through some carelessly open 

door; was borne to his nostrils。  It grew dark; but the lamps 

remained unlighted。  Finally he heard the rustle of the portieres; 

and turned to see the dim form of the general standing there。

〃Bad business! bad business!〃 muttered the old man。  〃It's very hard 

on me。  Perhaps you did the right thingyou must be good to her

but I cannot countenance this affair。  It was most high…handed; 


The portieres fell again; and he disappeared。

Finally; after another interval; Carroll returned。  She went 

immediately to the gas…fixture; which she lit。  Orde then saw that 

she was sobbing violently。  She came to him; and for a moment hid 

her face against his breast。  He patted her hair; waiting for her to 

speak。  After a little she controlled herself。

〃How was it?〃 asked Orde; then。

She shivered。

〃I never knew people could be so cruel;〃 she complained in almost a 

bewildered manner。  〃Jack; we must go to…night。  Sheshe has 

ordered me out of the house; and says she never wants to see my face 

again。〃  She broke down for a second。  〃Oh; Jack! she can't mean 

that。  I've always been a good daughter to her。  And she's very 

bitter against Gerald。  Oh! I told her it wasn't his fault; but she 

won't listen。  She sent for that odious Mr。 Merritther rector; you 

knowand he supported her。  I believe he's angry because we did not 

go to him。  Could you believe such a thing!  And she's shut herself 

up in her air of high virtue; and underneath it she's; oh; so 


〃Well; it's natural she should be upset;〃 comforted Orde。  〃Don't 

think too much of what she does now。  Later she'll get over it。〃

Carroll shivered again。

〃You don't know; dear; and I'm not going to tell you。  Why;〃 she 

cried; 〃she told me that you and I were in a conspiracy to drive her 

to her grave so we could get her money!〃

〃She must be a little crazy;〃 said Orde; still pacifically。

〃Come; help me;〃 said Carroll。  〃I must get my things。〃

〃Can't you just pack a bag and leave the rest until tomorrow?  It's 

about hungry time〃

〃She says I must take every stitch belonging to me tonight。〃

They packed trunks until late that night; quite alone。  Gerald had 

departed promptly after breaking the news; probably without 

realising to what a pass affairs would come。  A frightened servant; 

evidently in disobedience of orders and in fear of destruction; 

brought them a tray of food; which she put down on a small table and 

hastily fled。  In a room down the hall they could hear the murmur of 

voices where Mrs。 Bishop received spiritual consolation from her 

adviser。  When the trunks were packed; Orde sent for a baggage 

waggon。  Carroll went silently from place to place; saying farewell 

to such of her treasures as she had made up her mind to leave。  Orde 

scribbled a note to Gerald; requesting him to pack up the 

miscellanies and send them to Michigan by freight。  The baggage man 

and Orde carried the trunks downstairs。  No one appeared。  Carroll 

and Orde walked together to the hotel。  Next morning an interview 

with Gerald confirmed them in their resolution of immediate 


〃She is set in her opposition now; and at present she believes 

firmly that her influence will separate you。  Such a state of mind 

cannot be changed in an hour。〃

〃And you?〃 asked Carroll。

〃Oh; I;〃 he shrugged; 〃will go on as usual。  I have my interests。〃

〃I wish you would come out in our part of the country;〃 ventured 


Gerald smiled his fine smile。

〃Good…bye;〃 said he。  〃Going to a train is useless; and a bore to 


Carroll threw herself on his neck in an access of passionate 


〃You WILL write and tell me of everything; won't you?〃 she begged。

〃Of course。  There now; good…bye。〃

Orde followed him into the hall。

It would be quite useless to attempt another interview?〃 he 


Gerald made a little mouth。

〃I am in the same predicament as yourselves;〃 said he; 〃and have 

since nine this morning taken up my quarters at the club。  Please do 

not tell Carroll; it would only pain her。〃

At the station; just before they passed in to the train; the general 


〃There; there!〃 he fussed。  〃If your mother should hear of my being 

here; it would be a very bad business; very bad。  This is very sad; 

butwell; good…bye; dear; and you; sir; be good to her。  And write 

your daddy; Carroll。  He'll be lonesome for you。〃  He blew his nose 

very loudly and wiped his glasses。  〃Now; run along; run along;〃 he 

hurried them。  〃Let us not have any scenes。  Here; my dear; open 

this envelope when you are well started。  It may help cheer the 

journey。  Not a word!〃

He hurried them through the gate; paying no heed to what they were 

trying to say。  Then he steamed away and bustled into a cab without 

once looking back。

When the train had passed the Harlem River and was swaying its 

uneven way across the open country; Carroll opened the envelope。  It 

contained a check for a thousand dollars。

〃Dear old daddy!〃 she murmured。  〃Our only wedding present!〃

〃You are the capitalist of the family;〃 said Orde。  〃You don't know 

how poor a man you've married。  I haven't much more than the 

proverbial silver watch and bad nickel。〃

She reached out to press his hand in reassurance。  He compared it 

humorously with his own。

〃What a homely; knotted; tanned old thing it is by yours;〃 said he。

〃It's a strong hand;〃 she replied soberly; 〃it's a dear hand。〃  

Suddenly she snatched it up and pressed it for a fleeting instant 

against her cheek; looking at him half ashamed。


The winter months were spent at Monrovia; where Orde and his wife 

lived for a time at the hotel。  This was somewhat expensive; but 

Orde was not quite ready to decide on a home; and he developed 

unexpected opposition to living at Redding in the Orde homestead。

〃No; I've been thinking about it;〃 he told Grandma Orde。  〃A young 

couple should start out on their own responsibility。  I know you'd 

be glad to have us; but I think it's better the other way。  Besides; 

I must be at Monrovia a good deal of the time; and I want Carroll 

with me。  She can make you a good long visit in the spring; when I 

have to go up river。〃

To this Grandma Orde; being a wise old lady; had to nod her assent; 

although she would much have liked her son near her。

At Monrovia; then; they took up their quarters。  Carroll soon became 

acquainted with the life of the place。  Monrovia; like most towns of 

its sort and size; consisted of an upper stratum of mill owners and 

lumber operators; possessed of considerable wealth; some 

cultivation; and definite social ideas; a gawky; countrified; middle 

estate of storekeepers; catering both to the farm and local trade 

and the lumber mill operatives; generally of Holland extraction; who 

dwelt in simple unpainted board shanties。  The class first mentioned 

comprised a small coterie; among whom Carroll soon found two or 

three congenialsEdith Fuller; wife of the young cashier in the 

bank; Valerie Cathcart; whose husband had been killed in the Civil 

War; Clara Taylor; wife of the leading young lawyer of the village; 

and; strangely enough; Mina Heinzman; the sixteen…year…old daughter 

of old Heinzman; the lumberman。  Nothing was more indicative of the 

absolute divorce of business and social life than the unbroken 

evenness of Carroll's friendship for the younger girl。  Though later 

the old German and Orde locked in serious struggle on the river; 

they continued to meet socially quite as usual; and the daughter of 

one and the wife of the other never suspected anything out of the 

ordinary。  This impersonality of struggle has always been 

characteristic of the pioneer business man's good…nature。

Newmark received the news of his partner's sudden marriage without 

evincing any surprise; but with a sardonic gleam in one corner of 

his eye。  He called promptly; conversed politely for a half hour; 

and then took his leave。

〃How do you like him?〃 asked Orde; when he had gone。

〃He looks like a very shrewd man;〃 replied Carroll; picking her 

words for fear of saying the wrong thing。

Orde laughed。

〃You don't like him;〃 he stated。

〃I don't dislike him;〃 said Carroll。  〃I've not a thing 

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