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the riverman-第34节

小说: the riverman 字数: 每页4000字

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At the end of that time Orde could not conceal from himself that the 

strain was beginning to tell。  Carroll's worried expression grew 

from day to day; while the animation that characterised her manner 

when freed from the restraint became more and more forced。  She was 

as though dominated by some inner tensity; which she dared not relax 

even for a moment。  To Orde's questionings she replied as evasively 

as she could; assuring him always that matters were going as well as 

she had expected; that mother was very difficult; that Orde must 

have patience; for things would surely come all right。  She begged 

him to remain quiescent until she gave him the word; and she 

implored it so earnestly that Orde; though he chafed; was forced to 

await the turn of events。  Every afternoon she met him; from two to 

five。  The situation gave little opportunity for lovers' 

demonstrations。  She seemed entirely absorbed by the inner stress of 

the struggle she was going through; so that hardly did she seem able 

to follow coherently even plans for the future。  She appeared; 

however; to gain a mysterious refreshment from Orde's mere 

proximity; so gradually he; with that streak of almost feminine 

intuition which is the especial gift to lovers; came to the point of 

sitting quite silent with her; clasping her hand out of sight of the 

chance passer…by。  When the time came to return; they arose and 

walked back to Ninth Street; still in silence。  At the door they 

said good…bye。  He kissed her quite soberly。

〃I wish I could help; sweetheart;〃 said he。

She shook her head at him。

〃You do help;〃 she replied。

From Gerald at the club; Orde sought more intimate news of what was 

going on。  For several days; however; the young man absented himself 

from his usual haunts。  It was only at the end of the week that Orde 

succeeded in finding him。

〃No;〃 Gerald answered his greeting; 〃I haven't been around much。  

I've been sticking pretty close home。〃

Little by little; Orde's eager questions drew out the truth of the 

situation。  Mrs。 Bishop had shut herself up in a blind and 

incredible obstinacy; whence she sallied with floods of complaints; 

tears; accusations; despairs; reproaches; vows; hystericsall the 

battery of the woman misunderstood; but in which she refused to 

listen to a consecutive conversation。  If Carroll undertook to say 

anything; the third word would start her mother off into one of her 

long and hysterical tirades。  It was very wearing; and there seemed 

to be nothing gained from day to day。  Her child had disobeyed her。  

And as a climax; she had assumed the impregnable position of a 

complete prostration; wherein she demanded the minute care of an 

invalid in the crisis of a disorder。  She could bear no faintest ray 

of illumination; no lightest footfall。  In a hushed twilight she 

lay; her eyes swathed; moaning feebly that her early dissolution at 

the hands of ingratitude was imminent。  Thus she established a 

deadlock which was likely to continue indefinitely。  The mere 

mention of the subject nearest Carroll's heart brought the feeble 


〃Do you want to kill me?〃

The only scrap of victory to be snatched from this stricken field 

was the fact that Carroll insisted on going to meet her lover every 

afternoon。  The invalid demanded every moment of her time; either 

for personal attendance or in fulfilment of numerous and exacting 

church duties。  An attempt; however; to encroach thus on the 

afternoon hours met a stone wall of resolution on Carroll's part。

This was the situation Orde gathered from his talk with Gerald。  

Though he fretted under the tyranny exacted; he could see nothing 

which could relieve the situation save his own withdrawal。  He had 

already long over…stayed his visit; important affairs connected with 

his work demanded his attention; he had the comfort of Carroll's 

love assured; and the lapse of time alone could be depended on to 

change Mrs。 Bishop's attitude; a consummation on which Carroll 

seemed set。  Although Orde felt all the lively dissatisfaction 

natural to a newly accepted lover who had gained slight opportunity 

for favours; for confidences; even for the making of plans; 

nevertheless he could see for the present nothing else to do。

The morning after he had reached this conclusion he again met Gerald 

at the gymnasium。  That young man; while as imperturbable and 

languid in movement as ever; concealed an excitement。  He explained 

nothing until the two; after a shower and rub…down; were clothing 

themselves leisurely in the empty couch…room。

〃Orde;〃 said Gerald suddenly; 〃I'm worried about Carroll。〃

Orde straightened his back and looked steadily at Gerald; but said 


〃Mother has commenced bothering her again。  It wasn't so bad as long 

as she stuck to daytime; but now she's taken to prowling in a dozen 

times a night。  I hear their voices for an hour or so at a time。  

I'm afraid it's beginning to wear on Carroll more than you realise。〃

〃Thank you;〃 said Orde briefly。

That afternoon with Carroll he took the affair firmly in hand。

〃This thing has come to the point where it must stop;〃 said he; 〃and 

I'm going to stop it。  I have some rights in the matter of the 

health and comfort of the girl I love。〃

〃What do you intend to do?〃 asked Carroll; frightened。

〃I shall have it out with your mother;〃 replied Orde。

〃You mustn't do that;〃 implored Carroll。  〃It would do absolutely no 

good; and would just result in a quarrel that could never be patched 


〃I don't know as I care particularly;〃 said Orde。

〃But I do。  Thinkshe is my mother。〃

Orde stirred uneasily with a mental reservation as to selfishness; 

but said nothing。

〃And think what it means to a girl to be married and go away from 

home finally without her parent's consent。  It's the most beautiful 

and sacred thing in her life; and she wants it to be perfect。  It's 

worth waiting and fighting a little for。  After all; we are both 

young; and we have known each other such a very short time。〃

So she pleaded with him; bringing forward all the unanswerable 

arguments built by the long average experience of the world

arguments which Orde could not refute; but whose falsity to the 

situation he felt most keenly。  He could not specify without 

betraying Gerald's confidence。  Raging inwardly; he consented to a 

further armistice。

At his hotel he found a telegram。  He did not open it until he had 

reached his own room。  It was from home; urging his immediate return 

for the acceptance of some contracted work。

〃To hell with the contracted work!〃 he muttered savagely; and 

calling a bell…boy; sent an answer very much to that effect。  Then 

he plunged his hands into his pockets; stretched out his legs; and 

fell into a deep and gloomy meditation。

He was interrupted by a knock on the door。

〃Come in!〃 he called; without turning his head。

He heard the door open and shut。  After a moment he looked around。  

Kendrick Bishop stood watching him。

Orde lit the gas。

〃Hello; Kendrick!〃 said he。  〃Sit down。〃  The boy made no reply。  

Orde looked at him curiously; and saw that he was suffering from an 

intense excitement。  His frame trembled convulsively; his lips were 

white; his face went red and pale by turns。  Evidently he had 

something to say; but could not yet trust his voice。  Orde sat down 

and waited。

〃You've got to let my mother alone;〃 he managed to say finally。

〃I have done nothing to your mother; Kendrick;〃 said Orde kindly。

〃You've brought her to the point of death;〃 asserted Keudrick 

violently。  〃You're hounding her to her grave。  You're turning those 

she loves best against her。〃

Orde thought to catch the echo of quotation in these words。

〃Did your mother send you to me?〃 he asked。

〃If we had any one else worth the name of man in the family; I 

wouldn't have to come;〃 said Kendrick; almost in the manner of one 

repeating a lesson。

〃What do you want me to do?〃 asked Orde after a moment of thought。

〃Go away;〃 cried Kendrick。  〃Stop this unmanly contest against a 

defenceless woman。〃

〃I cannot do that;〃 replied Orde quietly。

Kendrick's face assumed a livid pallor; and his eyes seemed to turn 

black with excitement。  Trembling in every limb; but without 

hesitation; he advanced on Orde; drew a short riding…whip from 

beneath his coat; and slashed the young man across the face。  Orde 

made an involuntary movement to arise; but sank back; and looked 

steadily at the boy。  Once again Kendrick hit; raised his arm for 

the third time; hesitated。  His lips writhed; and then; with a sob; 

he cast the little whip from him and burst from the room。

Orde sat without moving; while two red lines slowly defined 

themselves across his face。  The theatrical quality

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