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the riverman-第16节

小说: the riverman 字数: 每页4000字

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freshness of his complexion; the steadiness of his eyes laughing 

back a greeting; had evidently attracted her。  Or perhaps anything 

was a relief from the Incubus。

〃So you're back at last; are you; Jack?〃 drawled Jane in her lazy; 

good…natured way。  〃Come and meet Miss Bishop。  Carroll; I want to 

present Mr。 Orde。〃

Orde bowed ceremoniously into the penumbra cast by the lamp's broad 

shade。  The girl inclined gracefully her small head with the glossy 

hair。  The Incubus; his thin hands clasped on his knee; his sallow 

face twisted in one of its customary wry smiles; held to the edge of 

his chair with characteristic pertinacity。

〃Well; Walter;〃 Orde addressed him genially; 〃are you having a good 


〃Yes…indeed!〃 replied the Incubus as though it were one word。

His chair was planted squarely to exclude all others。  Orde surveyed 

the situation with good…humour。

〃Going to keep the other fellow from getting a chance; I see。〃

〃Yes…indeed!〃 replied the Incubus。

Orde bent over; and with great ease lifted Incubus; chair; and all; 

and set him facing Mignonne Smith and the croquet…ball。

〃Here; Mignonne;〃 said he; 〃I've brought you another assistant。〃

He returned to the lamp; to find the girl; her dark eyes alight with 

amusement; watching him intently。  She held the tip of a closed fan 

against her lips; which brought her head slightly forward in an 

attitude as though she listened。  Somehow there was about her an air 

of poise; of absolute balanced repose quite different from Jane's 

rather awkward statics; and in direct contrast to Mignonne's 


〃Walter is a very bright man in his own line;〃 said Orde; swinging 

forward a chair; 〃but he mustn't be allowed any monopolies。〃

〃How do you know I want him so summarily removed?〃 the girl asked 

him; without changing either her graceful attitude of suspended 

motion or the intentness of her gaze。

〃Well;〃 argued Orde; 〃I got him to say all he ever says to any girl

'Yes…indeed!'so you couldn't have any more conversation from him。  

If you want to look at him; why; there he is in plain sight。  

Besides; I want to talk to you myself。〃

〃Do you always get what you want?〃 inquired the girl。

Orde laughed。

〃Any one can get anything he wants; if only he wants it bad enough;〃 

he asserted。

The girl pondered this for a moment; and finally lowered and opened 

her fan; and threw back her head in a more relaxed attitude。

〃Some people;〃 she amended。  〃However; I forgive you。  I will even 

flatter you by saying I am glad you came。  You look to have reached 

the age of discretion。  I venture to say that these boys' idea of a 

lively evening is to throw bread about the table。〃

Orde flushed a little。  The last time he had supped at Jane 

Hubbard's; that was exactly what they did do。

〃They are young; of course;〃 he said; 〃and you and I are very old 

and wise。  But having a noisy; good time isn't such a great crime

or is it where you came from?〃

The girl leaned forward; a sparkle of interest in her eyes。

〃Are you and I going to fight?〃 she demanded。

〃That depends on you;〃 returned Orde squarely; but with perfect 


They eyed each other a moment。  Then the girl closed her fan; and 

leaned forward to touch him on the arm with it。

〃You are quite right not to allow me to say mean things about your 

friends; and I am a nasty little snip。〃

Orde bowed with sudden gravity。

〃And they do throw bread;〃 said he。

They both laughed。  She leaned back with a movement of satisfaction; 

seeming to sink into the shadows。

〃Now; tell me; what do you do?〃

〃What do I do?〃 asked Orde; puzzled。

〃Yes。  Everybody does something out West here。  It's a disgrace not 

to do something; isn't it?〃

〃Oh; my business!  I'm a river…driver just now。〃

〃A river…driver?〃 she repeated; once more leaning forward。  〃Why; 

I've just been hearing a great deal about you。〃

〃That so?〃 he inquired。

〃Yes; from Mrs。 Baggs。〃

〃Oh!〃 said Orde。  〃Then you know what a drunken; swearing; worthless 

lot of bums and toughs we are; don't you?〃

For the first time; in some subtle way she broke the poise of her 


〃There is Hell's Half…Mile;〃 she reminded him。

〃Oh; yes;〃 said Orde bitterly; 〃there's Hell's Half…Mile!  Whose 

fault is that?  My rivermen's?  My boys?  Look here!  I suppose you 

couldn't understand it; if you tried a month; but suppose you were 

working out in the woods nine months of the year; up early in the 

morning and in late at night。  Suppose you slept in rough blankets; 

on the ground or in bunks; ate rough food; never saw a woman or a 

book; undertook work to scare your city men up a tree and into a 

hole too easy; risked your life a dozen times a week in a tangle of 

logs; with the big river roaring behind just waiting to swallow you; 

saw nothing but woods and river; were cold and hungry and wet; and 

so tired you couldn't wiggle; until you got to feeling like the 

thing was never going to end; and until you got sick of it way 

through in spite of the excitement and danger。  And then suppose you 

hit town; where there were all the things you hadn't hadand the 

first thing you struck was Hell's Half…Mile。  Say! you've seen water 

behind a jam; haven't you?  Water…power's a good thing in a mill 

course; where it has wheels to turn; but behind a jam it just RIPS 

thingsoh; what's the use talking!  A girl doesn't know what it 

means。  She couldn't understand。〃

He broke off with an impatient gesture。  She was looking at him 

intently; her lips again half…parted。

〃I think I begin to understand a little;〃 said she softly。  She 

smiled to herself。  〃But they are a hard and heartless class in 

spite of all their energy and courage; aren't they?〃 she drew him 


〃Hard and heartless!〃 exploded Orde。  〃There's no kinder lot of men 

on earth; let me tell you。  Why; there isn't a man on that river who 

doesn't chip in five or ten dollars when a man is hurt or killed; 

and that means three or four days' hard work for him。  And he may 

not know or like the injured man at all!  Why〃

〃What's all the excitement?〃 drawled Jane Hubbard behind them。  

〃Can't you make it a to…be…continued…in…our…next?  We're 'most 


〃Yes…indeed!〃 chimed in the Incubus。

The company trooped out to the dining…room where the table; spread 

with all the good things; awaited them。

〃Ernest; you light the candles;〃 drawled Jane; drifting slowly along 

the table with her eye on the arrangements; 〃and some of you boys go 

get the butter and the milk…pitcher from the ice…box。〃

To Orde's relief; no one threw any bread; although the whole…hearted 

fun grew boisterous enough before the close of the meal。  Miss 

Bishop sat directly across from him。  He had small chance of 

conversation with her in the hubbub that raged; but he gained full 

leisure to examine her more closely in the fuller illumination。  

Throughout; her note was of fineness。  Her hands; as he had already 

noticed; were long; the fingers tapering; her wrists were finely 

moulded; but slender; and running without abrupt swelling of muscles 

into the long lines of her forearm; her figure was rounded; but 

built on the curves of slenderness; her piled; glossy hair was so 

fine that though it was full of wonderful soft shadows denied 

coarser tresses; its mass hardly did justice to its abundance。  Her 

face; again; was long and oval; with a peculiar transparence to the 

skin and a peculiar faint; healthy circulation of the blood well 

below the surface; which relieved her complexion of pallor; but did 

not give her a colour。  The lips; on the contrary; were satin red; 

and Orde was mildly surprised; after his recent talk; to find them 

sensitively moulded; and with a quaint; child…like quirk at the 

corners。  Her eyes were rather contemplative; and so black as to 

resemble spots。

In spite of her half…scornful references to 〃bread…throwing;〃 she 

joined with evident pleasure in the badinage and more practical fun 

which struck the note of the supper。  Only Orde thought to discern 

even in her more boisterous movements a graceful; courteous 

restraint; to catch in the bend of her head a dainty concession to 

the joy of the moment; to hear in the tones of her laughter a 

reservation of herself; which nevertheless was not a

t all a 

reservation; against the others。

After the meal was finished; each had his candle to blow out; and 

then all returned to the parlour; leaving the debris for the later 

attention of the 〃hired help。〃

Orde with determination made his way to Miss Bishop's side。  She 

smiled at him。

〃You see; I am a hypocrite as well as a mean little snip;〃 said she。  

〃I threw a little bread myself。〃

〃Threw bread?〃 repeated Orde。  〃I didn't see you。

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