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the riverman-第15节

小说: the riverman 字数: 每页4000字

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drive because my outfit went kerplunk two years ago; and I'm making 

a fresh go at it。〃

〃Failed?〃 inquired Newmark。

〃Partner skedaddled;〃 replied Orde。  〃Now; if you're satisfied with 

my family history; suppose you tell me what the devil you're driving 


He was plainly restive under the cross…examination to which he had 

been subjected。

〃Look here;〃 said Newmark; abruptly changing the subject; 〃you know 

that rapids up river flanked by shallows; where the logs are always 

going aground?〃

〃I do;〃 replied Orde; still grim。

〃Well; why wouldn't it help to put a string of piers down both 

sides; with booms between them to hold the logs in the deeper 


〃It would;〃 said Orde。

〃Why isn't it done; then?〃

〃Who would do it?〃 countered Orde; leaning back more easily in the 

interest of this new discussion。  〃If Daly did it; for instance; 

then all the rest of the drivers would get the advantage of it for 


〃Get them to pay their share。〃

Orde grinned。  〃I'd like to see you get any three men to agree to 

anything on this river。〃

〃And a sort of dam would help at that Spruce Rapids?〃

〃Sure!  If you improved the river for driving; she'd be easier to 

drive。  That goes without saying。〃

〃How many firms drive logs on this stream?〃

〃Ten;〃 replied Orde; without hesitation。

〃How many men do they employ?〃

〃Driving?〃 asked Orde。


〃About five hundred; a few more or less。〃

〃Now suppose;〃 Newmark leaned forward impressively; 〃suppose a firm 

should be organised to drive ALL the logs on the river。  Suppose it 

improved the river with necessary piers; dams; and all the rest of 

it; so that the driving would be easier。  Couldn't it drive with 

less than five hundred men; and couldn't it save money on the cost 

of driving?〃

〃It might;〃 agreed Orde。

〃You know the conditions here。  If such a firm should be organised 

and should offer tomore than twenty thousand cents; I'm 

lucky just now。〃

〃How much capital would we have to have?〃 asked Newmark。

Orde thought for several minutes; twisting the petal of an old 

apple…blossom between his strong; blunt fingers。

〃Somewhere near seventy…five thousand dollars;〃 he estimated at 


〃That's easy;〃 cried Newmark。  〃We'll make a stock companysay a 

hundred thousand shares。  We'll keep just enough between us to 

control the companysay fifty…one thousand。  I'll put in my pile; 

and you can pay for yours out of the earnings of the company。〃

〃That doesn't sound fair;〃 objected Orde。

〃You pay interest;〃 explained Newmark。  〃Then we'll sell the rest of 

the stock to raise the rest of the money。〃

〃If we can;〃 interjected Orde。

〃I think we can;〃 asserted Newmark。

Orde fell into a brown study; occasionally throwing a twig or a 

particle of earth at the offending lump in the turf。  Overhead the 

migratory warblers balanced right…side up or up…side down; searching 

busily among the new leaves; uttering their simple calls。  The air 

was warm and soft and still; the sky bright。  Fat hens clucked among 

the grasses。  A feel of Sunday was in the air。

〃I must have something to live on;〃 said he thoughtfully at last。

〃So must I;〃 said Newmark。  〃We'll have to pay ourselves salaries; 

of course; but the smaller the better at first。  You'll have to take 

charge of the men and the work and all the rest of itI don't know 

anything about that。  I'll attend to the incorporating and the 

routine; and I'll try to place the stock。  You'll have to see; first 

of all; whether you can get contracts from the logging firms to 

drive the logs。〃

〃How can I tell what to charge them?〃

〃We'll have to figure that very closely。  You know where these 

different drives would start from; and how long each of them would 


〃Oh; yes; I know the river pretty well。〃

〃Well; then we'll figure how many days' driving there is for each; 

and how many men there are; and what it costs for wages; grub; 

toolswe'll just have to figure as near as we can to the actual 

cost; and then add a margin for profit and for interest on our 


〃It might work out all right;〃 admitted Orde。

〃I'm confident it would;〃 asserted Newmark。  〃And there'd be no harm 

figuring it all out; would there?〃

〃No;〃 agreed Orde; 〃that would be fun all right。〃

At this moment Amanda appeared at the back door and waved an apron。

〃Mr。 Jack!〃 she called。  〃Come in to dinner。〃

Newmark looked puzzled; and; as he arose; glanced surreptitiously at 

his watch。  Orde seemed to take the summons as one to be expected; 

however。  In fact; the strange hour was the usual Sunday custom in 

the Redding of that day; and had to do with the late…church freedom 

of Amanda and her like。

〃Come in and eat with us;〃 invited Orde。  〃We'd be glad to have 


But Newmark declined。

〃Come up to…morrow night; then; at half…past six; for supper;〃 Orde 

urged him。  〃We can figure on these things a little。  I'm in Daly's 

all day; and hardly have time except evenings。〃

To this Newmark assented。  Orde walked with him down the deep…shaded 

driveway with the clipped privet hedge on one side; to the iron gate 

that swung open when one drove over a projecting lever。  There he 

said good…bye。

A moment later he entered the long dining…room; where Grandpa and 

Grandma Orde were already seated。  An old…fashioned service of 

smooth silver and ivory…handled steel knives gave distinction to the 

plain white linen。  A tea…pot smothered in a 〃cosey〃 stood at 

Grandma Orde's right。  A sirloin roast on a noble platter awaited 

Grandpa Orde's knife。

Orde dropped into his place with satisfaction。

〃Shut up; Cheep!〃 he remarked to a frantic canary hanging in the 


〃Your friend seems a nice…appearing young man;〃 said Grandma Orde。  

〃Wouldn't he stay to dinner?〃

〃I asked him;〃 replied Orde; 〃but he couldn't。  He and I have a 

scheme for making our everlasting fortunes。〃

〃Who is he?〃 asked grandma。

Orde dropped his napkin into his lap with a comical chuckle of 


〃Blest if I have the slightest idea; mother;〃 he said。  〃Newmark 

joined us on the drive。  Said he was a lawyer; and was out in the 

woods for his health。  He's been with us; studying and watching the 

work; ever since。〃


I think I'll go see Jane Hubbard this evening;〃 Orde remarked to his 

mother; as he arose from the table。  This was his method of 

announcing that he would not be home for supper。

Jane Hubbard lived in a low one…story house of blue granite; 

situated amid a grove of oaks at the top of the hill。  She was a 

kindly girl; whose parents gave her free swing; and whose house; in 

consequence; was popular with the younger people。  Every Sunday she 

offered to all who came a 〃Sunday…night lunch;〃 which consisted of 

cold meats; cold salad; bread; butter; cottage cheese; jam; 

preserves; and the like; warmed by a cup of excellent tea。  These 

refreshments were served by the guests themselves。  It did not much 

matter how few or how many came。

On the Sunday evening in question Orde found about the usual crowd 

gathered。  Jane herself; tall; deliberate in movement and in speech; 

kindly and thoughtful; talked in a corner with Ernest Colburn; who 

was just out of college; and who worked in a bank。  Mignonne Smith; 

a plump; rather pretty little body with a tremendous aureole of hair 

like spun golden fire; was trying to balance a croquet…ball on the 

end of a ruler。  The ball regularly fell off。  Three young men; 

standing in attentive attitudes; thereupon dove forward in an 

attempt to catch it before it should hit the floorwhich it 

generally did with a loud thump。  A collapsed chair of slender lines 

stacked against the wall attested previous acrobatics。  This much 

Orde; standing in the doorway; looked upon quite as the usual thing。  

Only he missed the Incubus。  Searching the room with his eyes; he at 

length discovered that incoherent; desiccated; but persistent youth 

VIS…A…VIS with a stranger。  Orde made out the white of her gown in 

the shadows; the willowy outline of her small and slender figure; 

and the gracious forward bend of her head。

The company present caught sight of Orde standing in the doorway; 

and suspended occupations to shout at him joyfully。  He was 

evidently a favourite。  The strange girl in the corner turned to him 

a white; long face; of which he could see only the outline and the 

redness of the lips where the lamplight reached them。  She leaned 

slightly forward and the lips parted。  Orde's muscular figure; 

standing square and uncompromising in the doorway; the out…of…door 

freshness of his complexion; the steadiness of his eyes laughing 

back a greeting; had evidently attracted her。  Or 

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