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the riverman-第1节

小说: the riverman 字数: 每页4000字

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The Riverman

by Stewart Edward White


The time was the year 1872; and the place a bend in the river above 

a long pond terminating in a dam。  Beyond this dam; and on a flat 

lower than it; stood a two…story mill structure。  Save for a small; 

stump…dotted clearing; and the road that led from it; all else was 

forest。  Here in the bottom…lands; following the course of the 

stream; the hardwoods grew dense; their uppermost branches just 

beginning to spray out in the first green of spring。  Farther back; 

where the higher lands arose from the swamp; could be discerned the 

graceful frond of white pines and hemlock; and the sturdy tops of 

Norways and spruce。

A strong wind blew up the length of the pond。  It ruffled the 

surface of the water; swooping down in fan…shaped; scurrying cat's…

paws; turning the dark…blue surface as one turns the nap of velvet。  

At the upper end of the pond it even succeeded in raising quite 

respectable wavelets; which LAP LAP LAPPED eagerly against a barrier 

of floating logs that filled completely the mouth of the inlet 

river。  And behind this barrier were other logs; and yet others; as 

far as the eye could see; so that the entire surface of the stream 

was carpeted by the brown timbers。  A man could have walked down the 

middle of that river as down a highway。

On the bank; and in a small woods…opening; burned two fires; their 

smoke ducking and twisting under the buffeting of the wind。  The 

first of these fires occupied a shallow trench dug for its 

accommodation; and was overarched by a rustic framework from which 

hung several pails; kettles; and pots。  An injured…looking; chubby 

man in a battered brown derby hat moved here and there。  He divided 

his time between the utensils and an indifferent youthhis 

〃cookee。〃  The other; and larger; fire centred a rectangle composed 

of tall racks; built of saplings and intended for the drying of 

clothes。  Two large tents gleamed white among the trees。

About the drying…fire were gathered thirty…odd men。  Some were half…

reclining before the blaze; others sat in rows on logs drawn close 

for the purpose; still others squatted like Indians on their heels; 

their hands thrown forward to keep the balance。  Nearly all were 

smoking pipes。

Every age was represented in this group; but young men predominated。  

All wore woollen trousers stuffed into leather boots reaching just 

to the knee。  These boots were armed on the soles with rows of 

formidable sharp spikes or caulks; a half and sometimes even three 

quarters of an inch in length。  The tight driver's shoe and 

〃stagged〃 trousers had not then come into use。  From the waist down 

these men wore all alike; as though in a uniform; the outward symbol 

of their calling。  From the waist up was more latitude of personal 

taste。  One young fellow sported a bright…coloured Mackinaw blanket 

jacket; another wore a red knit sash; with tasselled ends; a third's 

fancy ran to a bright bandana about his neck。  Head…gear; too; 

covered wide variations of broader or narrower brim; of higher or 

lower crown; and the faces beneath those hats differed as everywhere 

the human countenance differs。  Only when the inspection; passing 

the gradations of broad or narrow; thick or thin; bony or rounded; 

rested finally on the eyes; would the observer have caught again the 

caste…mark which stamped these men as belonging to a distinct order; 

and separated them essentially from other men in other occupations。  

Blue and brown and black and gray these eyes were; but all steady 

and clear with the steadiness and clarity that comes to those whose 

daily work compels them under penalty to pay close and undeviating 

attention to their surroundings。  This is true of sailors; hunters; 

plainsmen; cowboys; and tugboat captains。  It was especially true of 

the old…fashioned river…driver; for a misstep; a miscalculation; a 

moment's forgetfulness of the sullen forces shifting and changing 

about him could mean for him maiming or destruction。  So; finally; 

to one of an imaginative bent; these eyes; like the 〃cork boots;〃 

grew to seem part of the uniform; one of the marks of their caste; 

the outward symbol of their calling。

〃Blow; you son of a gun!〃 cried disgustedly one young fellow with a 

red bandana; apostrophising the wind。  〃I wonder if there's ANY side 

of this fire that ain't smoky!〃

〃Keep your hair on; bub;〃 advised a calm and grizzled old…timer。  

〃There's never no smoke on the OTHER side of the firewhichever 

that happens to be。  And as for windshe just makes holiday for the 


〃Holiday; hell!〃 snorted the younger man。  〃We ought to be down to 

Bull's Dam before now〃

〃And Bull's Dam is half…way to Redding;〃 mocked a reptilian and red…

headed giant on the log; 〃and Redding is the happy childhood home 


The young man leaped to his feet and seized from a pile of tools a 

peavya dangerous weapon; like a heavy cant…hook; but armed at the 

end with a sharp steel shoe。

〃That's about enough!〃 he warned; raising his weapon; his face 

suffused and angry。  The red…headed man; quite unafraid; rose slowly 

from the log and advanced; bare…handed; his small eyes narrowed and 


But immediately a dozen men interfered。

〃Dry up!〃 advised the grizzled old…timerTom North by name。  〃You; 

Purdy; set down; and you; young squirt; subside!  If you're going to 

have ructions; why; have 'em; but not on drive。  If you don't look 

out; I'll set you both to rustling wood for the doctor。〃

At this threat the belligerents dropped muttering to their places。  

The wind continued to blow; the fire continued to flare up and down; 

the men continued to smoke; exchanging from time to time desultory 

and aimless remarks。  Only Tom North carried on a consecutive; low…

voiced conversation with another of about his own age。

〃 Just the same; Jim;〃 he was saying; 〃 it is a little tough on the 

boysthis new sluice…gate business。  They've been sort of expectin' 

a chance for a day or two at Redding; and now; if this son of a gun 

of a wind hangs out; I don't know when we'll make her。  The shallows 

at Bull's was always bad enough; but this is worse。〃

〃Yes; I expected to pick you up 'way below;〃 admitted Jim; whose 

〃turkey;〃 or clothes…bag; at his side proclaimed him a newcomer。  

〃Had quite a tramp to find you。〃

〃This stretch of slack water was always a terror;〃 went on North; 

〃and we had fairly to pike…pole every stick through when the wind 

blew; but now that dam's backed the water up until there reely ain't 

no current at all。  And this breeze has just stopped the drive dead 

as a smelt。〃

〃Don't opening the sluice…gates give her a draw?〃 inquired the 


〃Not against this windand not much of a draw; anyway; I should 


〃How long you been hung?〃

〃Just to…day。  I expect Jack will be down from the rear shortly。  

Ought to see something's wrong when he runs against the tail of this 

jam of ours。〃

At this moment the lugubrious; round…faced man in the derby hat 

stepped aside from the row of steaming utensils he had been 


〃Grub pile;〃 he remarked in a conversational tone of voice。

The group arose as one man and moved upon the heap of cutlery and of 

tin plates and cups。  From the open fifty…pound lard pails and 

kettles they helped themselves liberally; then retired to squat in 

little groups here and there near the sources of supply。  Mere 

conversation yielded to an industrious silence。  Sadly the cook 

surveyed the scene; his arms folded across the dirty white apron; an 

immense mental reservation accenting the melancholy of his 

countenance。  After some moments of contemplation he mixed a 

fizzling concoction of vinegar and soda; which he drank。  His 

rotundity to the contrary notwithstanding; he was ravaged by a 

gnawing dyspepsia; and the sight of six eggs eaten as a side dish to 

substantials carried consternation to his interior。

So busily engaged was each after his own fashion that nobody 

observed the approach of a solitary figure down the highway of the 

river。  The man appeared tiny around the upper bend; momently 

growing larger as he approached。  His progress was jerky and on an 

uneven zigzag; according as the logs lay; by leaps; short runs; 

brief pauses; as a riverman goes。  Finally he stepped ashore just 

below the camp; stamped his feet vigorously free of water; and 

approached the group around the cooking…fire。

No one saw him save the cook; who vouchsafed him a stately and 

lugubrious inclination of the head。

The newcomer was a man somewhere about thirty years of age; squarely 

built; big of bone; compact in bulk。  His face was burly; jolly; and 

reddened rather than tanned by long exposure。  A pair of twinkling 

blue eyes and a humorously quirked mouth red

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