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selected prose of oscar wilde-第21节

小说: selected prose of oscar wilde 字数: 每页4000字

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many lire; and prophesied for him a Cardinal's hat; if he remained

very good and never forgot me。

At Naples we stopped three days:  most of my friends are; as you

know; in prison; but I met some of nice memory。

We came to Rome on Holy Thursday。  H… left on Saturday for Gland

and yesterday; to the terror of Grissell {5} and all the Papal

Court; I appeared in the front rank of the pilgrims in the Vatican;

and got the blessing of the Holy Fathera blessing they would have

denied me。

He was wonderful as he was carried past me on his thronenot of

flesh and blood; but a white soul robed in white and an artist as

well as a saintthe only instance in history; if the newspapers are

to be believed。  I have seen nothing like the extraordinary grace of

his gestures as he rose; from moment to moment; to blesspossibly

the pilgrims; but certainly me。

Tree should see him。  It is his only chance。

I was deeply impressed; and my walking…stick showed signs of

budding; would have budded; indeed; only at the door of the Chapel

it was taken from me by the Knave of Spades。  This strange

prohibition is; of course; in honour of Tannhauser。

How did I get the ticket?  By a miracle; of course。  I thought it

was hopeless and made no effort of any kind。  On Saturday afternoon

at five o'clock H… and I went to have tea at the Hotel de l'Europe。

Suddenly; as I was eating buttered toast; a manor what seemed to

be onedressed like a hotel porter entered and asked me would I

like to see the Pope on Easter Day。  I bowed my head humbly and said

〃Non sum dignus;〃 or words to that effect。  He at once produced a


When I tell you that his countenance was of supernatural ugliness;

and that the price of the ticket was thirty pieces of silver; I need

say no more。

An equally curious thing is that whenever I pass the hotel; which I

do constantly; I see the same man。  Scientists call that phenomenon

an obsession of the visual nerve。  You and I know better。

On the afternoon of Easter Day I heard Vespers at the Lateran:

music quite lovely。  At the close; a Bishop in red; and with red

glovessuch as Pater talks of in Gaston de Latourcame out on the

balcony and showed us the Relics。  He was swarthy; and wore a yellow

mitre。  A sinister mediaeval man; but superbly Gothic; just like the

bishops carved on stalls or on portals:  and when one thinks that

once people mocked at stained…glass attitudes! they are the only

attitudes for the clothes。  The sight of the Bishop; whom I watched

with fascination; filled me with the great sense of the realism of

Gothic art。  Neither in Greek art nor in Gothic art is there any

pose。  Posing was invented by bad portrait…painters; and the first

person who posed was a stock…broker; and he has gone on posing ever


I send you a photograph I took on Palm Sunday at Palermo。  Do send

me some of yours; and love me always; and try to read this letter。

Kindest regards to your dear mother。



… Letter to Robert Ross。


{1}  〃The Influence of Pater and Matthew Arnold in the Prose…

Writings of Oscar Wilde;〃 by Ernst Bendz。  London:  H。 Grevel & Co。;


{2}  〃The Eighteen Nineties:  A Review of Art and Idea at the Close

of the Nineteenth Century;〃 by Holbrook Jackson。  London:  Grant

Richards Ltd。; 1913。

{3} Mortimer Menpes。

{4}  M。 Constant Trop…Hardy; died at Berneval; March 2; 1898。

{5}  Hartwell de la Garde Grissell; a Papal Chamberlain。


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