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the little white bird-第41节

小说: the little white bird 字数: 每页4000字

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lacking the one thing you craved for most of all。〃

Will you believe me that I had to tell her what it was?  And when

I had told her she exclaimed with extraordinary callousness; 〃The

book?  I had forgotten all about the book!〃  And then after

reflection she added; 〃Pooh!〃  Had she not added Pooh I might

have spared her; but as it was I raised the blotting…pad rather

haughtily and presented her with the sheet beneath it。

〃What is this?〃 she asked。

〃Ma'am;〃 said I; swelling; 〃it is a Dedication;〃 and I walked

majestically to the window。

There is no doubt that presently I heard an unexpected sound。 

Yet if indeed it had been a laugh she clipped it short; for in

almost the same moment she was looking large…eyed at me and

tapping my sleeve impulsively with her fingers; just as David

does when he suddenly likes you。

〃How characteristic of you;〃 she said at the window。

〃Characteristic;〃 I echoed uneasily。  〃Ha!〃

〃And how kind。〃

〃Did you say kind; ma'am?〃

〃But it is I who have the substance and you who have the shadow;

as you know very well;〃 said she。

Yes; I had always known that this was the one flaw in my

dedication; but how could I have expected her to have the wit to

see it?  I was very depressed。

〃And there is another mistake;〃 said she。

〃Excuse me; ma'am; but that is the only one。〃

〃It was never of my little white bird I wanted to write;〃 she


I looked politely incredulous; and then indeed she overwhelmed

me。  〃It was of your little white bird;〃 she said; 〃it was of a

little boy whose name was Timothy。〃

She had a very pretty way of saying Timothy; so David and I went

into another room to leave her alone with the manuscript of this

poor little book; and when we returned she had the greatest

surprise of the day for me。  She was both laughing and crying;

which was no surprise; for all of us would laugh and cry over a

book about such an interesting subject as ourselves; but said

she; 〃How wrong you are in thinking this book is about me and

mine; it is really all about Timothy。〃

At first I deemed this to be uncommon nonsense; but as I

considered I saw that she was probably right again; and I gazed

crestfallen at this very clever woman。

〃And so;〃 said she; clapping her hands after the manner of David

when he makes a great discovery; 〃it proves to be my book after


〃With all your pretty thoughts left out;〃 I answered; properly


She spoke in a lower voice as if David must not hear。  〃I had

only one pretty thought for the book;〃 she said; 〃I was to give

it a happy ending。〃  She said this so timidly that I was about to

melt to her when she added with extraordinary boldness; 〃The

little white bird was to bear an olive…leaf in its mouth。〃

For a long time she talked to me earnestly of a grand scheme on

which she had set her heart; and ever and anon she tapped on me

as if to get admittance for her ideas。  I listened respectfully;

smiling at this young thing for carrying it so motherly to me;

and in the end I had to remind her that I was forty…seven years

of age。

〃It is quite young for a man;〃 she said brazenly。

〃My father;〃 said I; 〃was not forty…seven when he died; and I

remember thinking him an old man。〃

〃But you don't think so now; do you?〃 she persisted; 〃you feel

young occasionally; don't you?  Sometimes when you are playing

with David in the Gardens your youth comes swinging back; does it


〃Mary A;〃 I cried; grown afraid of the woman; 〃I forbid you to

make any more discoveries to…day。〃

But still she hugged her scheme; which I doubt not was what had

brought her to my rooms。  〃They are very dear women;〃 said she


〃I am sure;〃 I said; 〃they must be dear women if they are friends

of yours。〃

〃They are not exactly young;〃 she faltered; 〃and perhaps they are

not very pretty〃

But she had been reading so recently about the darling of my

youth that she halted abashed at last; feeling; I apprehend; a

stop in her mind against proposing this thing to me; who; in

those presumptuous days; had thought to be content with nothing

less than the loveliest lady in all the land。

My thoughts had reverted also; and for the last time my eyes saw

the little hut through the pine wood haze。  I met Mary there; and

we came back to the present together。

I have already told you; reader; that this conversation took

place no longer ago than yesterday。

〃Very well; ma'am;〃 I said; trying to put a brave face on it; 〃I

will come to your tea…parties; and we shall see what we shall


It was really all she had asked for; but now that she had got

what she wanted of me the foolish soul's eyes became wet; she

knew so well that the youthful romances are the best。

It was now my turn to comfort her。  〃In twenty years;〃 I said;

smiling at her tears; 〃a man grows humble; Mary。  I have stored

within me a great fund of affection; with nobody to give it to;

and I swear to you; on the word of a soldier; that if there is

one of those ladies who can be got to care for me I shall be very

proud。〃  Despite her semblance of delight I knew that she was

wondering at me; and I wondered at myself; but it was true。


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