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the little white bird-第14节

小说: the little white bird 字数: 每页4000字

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I made this nurse the following offer: If she would bring the

dilatory boy to my rooms and leave him there for half an hour I

would look at him。  At first Mary; to whom the offer was passed

on; rejected it with hauteur; but presently she wavered; and the

upshot was that Irene; looking scornful and anxious; arrived one

day with the perambulator。  Without casting eyes on its occupant;

I pointed Irene to the door: 〃In half…an…hour;〃 I said。

She begged permission to remain; and promised to turn her back;

and so on; but I was obdurate; and she then delivered herself of

a passionately affectionate farewell to her charge; which was

really all directed against me; and ended with these powerful

words: 〃And if he takes off your socks; my pretty; may he be

blasted for evermore。〃

〃I shall probably take off her socks;〃 I said carelessly to this。

Her socks。  Do you see what made Irene scream?

〃It is a girl; is it not?〃 I asked; thus neatly depriving her of

coherent speech as I pushed her to the door。  I then turned round

toto begin; and; after reflecting; I began by sitting down

behind the hood of his carriage。  My plan was to accustom him to

his new surroundings before bursting on the scene myself。

I had various thoughts。  Was he awake?  If not; better let him

wake naturally。  Half…an…hour was a long time。  Why had I not

said quarter…of…an…hour?  Anon; I saw that if I was to sit there

much longer I should have said an hour; so I whistled softly; but

he took no notice。  I remember trying to persuade myself that if

I never budged till Irene's return; it would be an amusing

triumph over Mary。  I coughed; but still there was no response。 

Abruptly; the fear smote me。  Perhaps he is not there。

I rose hastily; and was striding forward; when I distinctly

noticed a covert movement somewhere near the middle of the

carriage; and heard a low gurgle; which was instantly suppressed。

I stopped dead at this sharp reminder that I was probably not the

only curious person in the room; and for a long moment we both

lay low; after which; I am glad to remember; I made the first

advance。 Earlier in the day I had arranged some likely articles

on a side… table: my watch and chain; my bunch of keys; and two

war…medals for plodding merit; and with a glance at these (as

something to fall back upon); I stepped forward doggedly; looking

(I fear now) a little like a professor of legerdemain。  David was

sitting up; and he immediately fixed his eyes on me。

It would ill become me to attempt to describe this dear boy to

you; for of course I know really nothing about children; so I

shall say only this; that I thought him very like what Timothy

would have been had he ever had a chance。

I to whom David had been brought for judgment; now found myself

being judged by him; and this rearrangement of the pieces seemed

so natural that I felt no surprise; I felt only a humble craving

to hear him signify that I would do。  I have stood up before

other keen judges and deceived them all; but I made no effort to

deceive David; I wanted to; but dared not。  Those unblinking eyes

were too new to the world to be hooded by any of its tricks。  In

them I saw my true self。  They opened for me that pedler's pack

of which I have made so much ado; and I found that it was

weighted less with pretty little sad love…tokens than with

ignoble thoughts and deeds and an unguided life。  I looked

dejectedly at David; not so much; I think; because I had such a

sorry display for him; as because I feared he would not have me

in his service。  I seemed to know that he was making up his mind

once and for all。

And in the end he smiled; perhaps only because I looked so

frightened; but the reason scarcely mattered to me; I felt myself

a fine fellow at once。  It was a long smile; too; opening slowly

to its fullest extent (as if to let me in); and then as slowly


Then; to divert me from sad thoughts; or to rivet our friendship;

or because the time had come for each of us to show the other

what he could do; he immediately held one foot high in the air。 

This made him slide down the perambulator; and I saw at once that

it was very necessary to replace him。  But never before had I

come into such close contact with a child; the most I had ever

done was; when they were held up to me; to shut my eyes and kiss

a vacuum。  David; of course; though no doubt he was eternally

being replaced; could tell as little as myself how it was

contrived; and yet we managed it between us quite easily。  His

body instinctively assumed a certain position as I touched him;

which compelled my arms to fall into place; and the thing was

done。  I felt absurdly pleased; but he was already considering

what he should do next。

He again held up his foot; which had a gouty appearance owing to

its being contained in a dumpy little worsted sock; and I thought

he proposed to repeat his first performance; but in this I did

him an injustice; for; unlike Porthos; he was one who scorned to

do the same feat twice; perhaps; like the conjurors; he knew that

the audience were more on the alert the second time。

I discovered that he wanted me to take off his sock!

Remembering Irene's dread warnings on this subject I must say

that I felt uneasy。  Had he heard her; and was he daring me?  And

what dire thing could happen if the sock was removed?  I sought

to reason with him; but he signed to me to look sharp; and I

removed the sock。  The part of him thus revealed gave David

considerable pleasure; but I noticed; as a curious thing; that he

seemed to have no interest in the other foot。

However; it was not there merely to be looked at; for after

giving me a glance which said 〃Now observe!〃 he raised his bare

foot and ran his mouth along the toes; like one playing on a

barbaric instrument。  He then tossed his foot aside; smiled his

long triumphant smile and intimated that it was now my turn to do

something。  I thought the best thing I could do would be to put

his sock on him again; but as soon as I tried to do so I

discovered why Irene had warned me so portentously against taking

it off。  I should say that she had trouble in socking him every


Nevertheless I managed to slip it on while he was debating what

to do with my watch。  I bitterly regretted that I could do

nothing with it myself; put it under a wine…glass; for instance;

and make it turn into a rabbit; which so many people can do。  In

the meantime David; occupied with similar thoughts; very nearly

made it disappear altogether; and I was thankful to be able to

pull it back by the chain。


Thus he commented on his new feat; but it was also a reminder to

me; a trifle cruel; that he was not my boy。  After all; you see;

Mary had not given him the whole of his laugh。  The watch said

that five and twenty minutes had passed; and looking out I saw

Irene at one end of the street staring up at my window; and at

the other end Mary's husband staring up at my window; and beneath

me Mary staring up at my window。  They had all broken their


I returned to David; and asked him in a low voice whether he

would give me a kiss。  He shook his head about six times; and I

was in despair。  Then the smile came; and I knew that he was

teasing me only。  He now nodded his head about six times。

This was the prettiest of all his exploits。  It was so pretty

that; contrary to his rule; he repeated it。  I had held out my

arms to him; and first he shook his head; and then after a long

pause (to frighten me); he nodded it。

But no sooner was he in my arms than I seemed to see Mary and her

husband and Irene bearing down upon my chambers to take him from

me; and acting under an impulse I whipped him into the

perambulator and was off with it without a license down the back

staircase。  To the Kensington Gardens we went; it may have been

Manitoba we started for; but we arrived at the Kensington

Gardens; and it had all been so unpremeditated and smartly

carried out that I remember clapping my hand to my head in the

street; to make sure that I was wearing a hat。

I watched David to see what he thought of it; and he had not yet

made up his mind。  Strange to say; I no longer felt shy。  I was

grown suddenly indifferent to public comment; and my elation

increased when I discovered that I was being pursued。  They drew

a cordon round me near Margot Meredith's tree; but I broke

through it by a strategic movement to the south; and was next

heard of in the Baby's Walk。  They held both ends of this

passage; and then thought to close on me; but I slipped through

their fingers by doubling up Bunting's Thumb into Picnic Street。 

Cowering at St。 Govor's Well; we saw them rush distractedly up

the Hump; and when they had crossed to the Round Pond we paraded

gaily in the Broad Walk; not feeling the tiniest bit sorry for


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