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the little white bird-第10节

小说: the little white bird 字数: 每页4000字

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his outfit。

You must be told who they were。


The Inconsiderate Waiter

They were the family of William; one of our club waiters who had

been disappointing me grievously of late。  Many a time have I

deferred dining several minutes that I might have the attendance

of this ingrate。  His efforts to reserve the window…table for me

were satisfactory; and I used to allow him privileges; as to

suggest dishes; I have given him information; as that someone had

startled me in the reading…room by slamming a door; I have shown

him how I cut my finger with a piece of string。  William was none

of your assertive waiters。  We could have plotted a murder safely

before him。  It was one member who said to him that Saucy Sarah

would win the Derby and another who said that Saucy Sarah had no

chance; but it was William who agreed with both。  The excellent

fellow (as I thought him) was like a cheroot which may be smoked

from either end。

I date his lapse from one evening when I was dining by the

window。 I had to repeat my order 〃Devilled kidney;〃 and instead

of answering brightly; 〃Yes; sir;〃 as if my selection of devilled

kidney was a personal gratification to him; which is the manner

one expects of a waiter; he gazed eagerly out at the window; and

then; starting; asked; 〃Did you say devilled kidney; sir?〃  A few

minutes afterward I became aware that someone was leaning over

the back of my chair; and you may conceive my indignation on

discovering that this rude person was William。  Let me tell; in

the measured words of one describing a past incident; what next

took place。  To get nearer the window he pressed heavily on my

shoulder。  〃William;〃 I said; 〃you are not attending to me!〃

To be fair to him; he shook; but never shall I forget his

audacious apology; 〃Beg pardon; sir; but I was thinking of

something else。〃

And immediately his eyes resought the window; and this burst from

him passionately; 〃For God's sake; sir; as we are man and man;

tell me if you have seen a little girl looking up at the club…


Man and man!  But he had been a good waiter once; so I pointed

out the girl to him。  As soon as she saw William she ran into the

middle of Pall Mall; regardless of hansoms (many of which seemed

to pass over her); nodded her head significantly three times and

then disappeared (probably on a stretcher)。  She was the

tawdriest little Arab of about ten years; but seemed to have

brought relief to William。  〃Thank God!〃 said he fervently; and

in the worst taste。

I was as much horrified as if he had dropped a plate on my toes。

〃Bread; William;〃 I said sharply。

〃You are not vexed with me; sir?〃 he had the hardihood to


〃It was a liberty;〃 I said。

〃I know; sir; but I was beside myself。〃

〃That was a liberty again。〃

〃It is my wife; sir; she〃

So William; whom I had favoured in so many ways; was a married

man。  I felt that this was the greatest liberty of all。

I gathered that the troublesome woman was ailing; and as one who

likes after dinner to believe that there is no distress in the

world; I desired to be told by William that the signals meant her

return to health。  He answered inconsiderately; however; that the

doctor feared the worst。

〃Bah; the doctor;〃 I said in a rage。

〃Yes; sir;〃 said William。

〃What is her confounded ailment?〃

〃She was allus one of the delicate kind; but full of spirit; and

you see; sir; she has had a baby…girl lately〃

〃William; how dare you;〃 I said; but in the same moment I saw

that this father might be useful to me。  〃How does your baby

sleep; William?〃 I asked in a low voice; 〃how does she wake up? 

what do you put in her bath?〃

I saw surprise in his face; so I hurried on without waiting for

an answer。  〃That little girl comes here with a message from your


〃Yes; sir; every evening; she's my eldest; and three nods from

her means that the missus is a little better。〃

〃There were three nods to…day?〃

〃Yes; sir。

〃I suppose you live in some low part; William?〃

The impudent fellow looked as if he could have struck me。  〃Off

Drury Lane;〃 he said; flushing; 〃but it isn't low。  And now;〃 he

groaned; 〃she's afeared she will die without my being there to

hold her hand。〃

〃She should not say such things。〃

〃She never says them; sir。  She allus pretends to be feeling

stronger。  But I knows what is in her mind when I am leaving the

house in the morning; for then she looks at me from her bed; and

I looks at her from the dooroh; my God; sir!〃


At last he saw that I was angry; and it was characteristic of him

to beg my pardon and withdraw his wife as if she were some

unsuccessful dish。  I tried to forget his vulgar story in

billiards; but he had spoiled my game; and next day to punish him

I gave my orders through another waiter。  As I had the window…

seat; however; I could not but see that the little girl was late;

and though this mattered nothing to me and I had finished my

dinner; I lingered till she came。  She not only nodded three

times but waved her hat; and I arose; having now finished my


William came stealthily toward me。  〃Her temperature has gone

down; sir;〃 he said; rubbing his hands together。

〃To whom are you referring?〃 I asked coldly; and retired to the

billiard…room; where I played a capital game。

I took pains to show William that I had forgotten his

maunderings; but I observed the girl nightly; and once; instead

of nodding; she shook her head; and that evening I could not get

into a pocket。 Next evening there was no William in the

dining…room; and I thought I knew what had happened。  But;

chancing to enter the library rather miserably; I was surprised

to see him on a ladder dusting books。  We had the room

practically to ourselves; for though several members sat on

chairs holding books in their hands they were all asleep; and

William descended the ladder to tell me his blasting tale。  He

had sworn at a member!

〃I hardly knew what I was doing all day; sir; for I had left her

so weakly that〃

I stamped my foot。

〃I beg your pardon for speaking of her;〃 he had the grace to say。

〃But Irene had promised to come every two hours; and when she

came about four o'clock and I saw she was crying; it sort of

blinded me; sir; and I stumbled against a member; Mr。 B; and he

said; 'Damn you!'  Well; sir; I had but touched him after all;

and I was so broken it sort of stung me to be treated so and I

lost my senses; and I said; 'Damn you!'〃

His shamed head sank on his chest; and I think some of the

readers shuddered in their sleep。

〃I was turned out of the dining…room at once; and sent here until

the committee have decided what to do with me。  Oh; sir; I am

willing to go on my knees to Mr。 B〃

How could I but despise a fellow who would be thus abject for a

pound a week?

〃For if I have to tell her I have lost my place she will just

fall back and die。〃

〃I forbid your speaking to me of that woman;〃 I cried wryly;

〃unless you can speak pleasantly;〃 and I left him to his fate and

went off to look for B。  〃What is this story about your

swearing at one of the waiters?〃 I asked him。

〃You mean about his swearing at me;〃 said B; reddening。

〃I am glad that was it;〃 I said; 〃for I could not believe you

guilty of such bad form。  The version which reached me was that

you swore at each other; and that he was to be dismissed and you


〃Who told you that?〃 asked B; who is a timid man。

〃I am on the committee;〃 I replied lightly; and proceeded to talk

of other matters; but presently B; who had been reflecting;

said: 〃Do you know I fancy I was wrong in thinking that the

waiter swore at me; and I shall withdraw the charge to…morrow。〃

I was pleased to find that William's troubles were near an end

without my having to interfere in his behalf; and I then

remembered that he would not be able to see the girl Irene from

the library windows; which are at the back of the club。  I was

looking down at her; but she refrained from signalling because

she could not see William; and irritated by her stupidity I went

out and asked her how her mother was。

〃My;〃 she ejaculated after a long scrutiny of me; 〃I b'lieve you

are one of them!〃 and she gazed at me with delighted awe。  I

suppose William tells them of our splendid doings。

The invalid; it appeared; was a bit better; and this annoying

child wanted to inform William that she had took all the

tapiocar。 She was to indicate this by licking an imaginary plate

in the middle of Pall Mall。  I gave the little vulgarian a

shilling; and returned to the club disgusted。

〃By the way; William;〃 I said; 〃Mr。 B is to inform the

committee that he was mistaken in thinking you used improper

language to him; so you will doubtless be restored t

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