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a collection of beatrix potter stories-第13节

小说: a collection of beatrix potter stories 字数: 每页4000字

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had to run。 It was most conspicuous。

All the village could see that

Ribby was fetching the doctor。

〃I KNEW they would over…eat

themselves!〃 said Cousin Tabitha


But while Ribby had been hunting

for the doctora curious thing

had happened to Duchess; who had

been left by herself; sitting before

the fire; sighing and groaning and

feeling very unhappy。

〃How COULD I have swallowed it!

such a large thing as a patty…pan!〃

She got up and went to the table;

and felt inside the pie…dish again

with a spoon。

〃No; there is no patty…pan; and

I put one in; and nobody has eaten

pie except me; so I must have

swallowed it!〃

She sat down again; and stared

mournfully at the grate。 The fire

crackled and danced; and something


Duchess started! She opened the

door of the TOP oven;out came a

rich steamy flavour of veal and

ham; and there stood a fine brown

pie;and through a hole in the top

of the pie…crust there was a glimpse

of a little tin patty…pan!

Duchess drew a long breath

〃Then I must have been eating

MOUSE! 。 。 。 NO wonder I feel ill。

。 。 。 But perhaps I should feel worse

if I had really swallowed a patty…

pan!〃 Duchess reflected〃What

a very awkward thing to have

to explain to Ribby! I think

I will put my pie in the back…yard

and say nothing about it。 When

I go home; I will run round and

take it away。〃 She put it outside

the back…door; and sat down again

by the fire; and shut her eyes; when

Ribby arrived with the doctor; she

seemed fast asleep。

〃Gammon; ha; HA?〃 said the


〃I am feeling very much better;〃

said Duchess; waking up with a


〃I am truly glad to hear it!〃

He has brought you a pill; my dear


〃I think I should feel QUITE well

if he only felt my pulse;〃 said

Duchess; backing away from the

magpie; who sidled up with something

in his beak。

〃It is only a bread pill; you had

much better take it; drink a little

milk; my dear Duchess!〃

〃Gammon? Gammon?〃 said

the doctor; while Duchess coughed

and choked。

〃Don't say that again!〃 said

Ribby; losing her temper〃Here;

take this bread and jam; and get out

into the yard!〃


and spinach!

ha ha HA!〃

shouted Dr。


triumphantly outside the back door。

〃I am feeling very much better;

my dear Ribby;〃 said Duchess。

〃Do you not think that I had better

go home before it gets dark?〃

〃Perhaps it might be wise; my

dear Duchess。 I will lend you a

nice warm shawl; and you shall

take my arm。〃

〃I would not trouble you for

worlds; I feel wonderfully better。

One pill of Dr。 Maggotty〃

〃Indeed it is most admirable; if

it has cured you of a patty…pan! I

will call directly after breakfast to

ask how you have slept。〃

Ribby and Duchess said good…

bye affectionately; and Duchess

started home。 Half…way up the

lane she stopped and looked back;

Ribby had gone in and shut her

door。 Duchess slipped through the

fence; and ran round to the back

of Ribby's house; and peeped into

the yard。

Upon the roof of the pig…stye sat

Dr。 Maggotty and three jackdaws。

The jackdaws were eating pie…

crust; and the magpie was drinking

gravy out of a patty…pan。

〃Gammon; ha; HA!〃 he shouted

when he saw Duchess's little black

nose peeping round the corner。

Duchess ran home feeling uncommonly


When Ribby came out for a pailful

of water to wash up the tea…

things; she found a pink and white

pie…dish lying smashed in the middle

of the yard。 The patty…pan

was under the pump; where Dr

Maggotty had considerately left it。

Ribby stared with amazement

〃Did you ever see the like! so there

really WAS a patty…pan? 。 。 。 。 But

my patty…pans are all in the kitchen

cupboard。 Well I never did! 。 。 。 。

Next time I want to give a party

I will invite Cousin Tabitha








WHAT a funny sight it is

to see a brood of

ducklings with a hen!

Listen to the story of

Jemima Puddle…duck; who was

annoyed because the farmer's

wife would not let her hatch

her own eggs。

HER sister…in…law; Mrs。

Rebeccah Puddle…duck;

was perfectly willing to leave

the hatching to some one else

〃I have not the patience to

sit on a nest for twenty…eight

days; and no more have you;

Jemima。 You would let them

go cold; you know you would!〃

〃I wish to hatch my own

eggs; I will hatch them all

by myself;〃 quacked Jemima


SHE tried to hide her eggs;

but they were always found

and carried off。

Jemima Puddle…duck

became quite desperate。 She

determined to make a nest

right away from the farm。

SHE set off on a fine spring

afternoon along the cart…

road that leads over the hill。

She was wearing a shawl

and a poke bonnet。

WHEN she reached the top

of the hill; she saw a

wood in the distance。

She thought that it looked

a safe quiet spot。


was not much in the habit

of flying。 She ran downhill a

few yards flapping her shawl;

and then she jumped off into

the air。

SHE flew beautifully when

she had got a good start。

She skimmed along over the

tree…tops until she saw an open

place in the middle of the wood;

where the trees and brushwood

had been cleared。

JEMIMA alighted rather

heavily; and began to

waddle about in search of a

convenient dry nesting…place。

She rather fancied a tree…stump

amongst some tall fox…gloves。

Butseated upon the stump;

she was startled to find an

elegantly dressed gentleman

reading a newspaper。

He had black prick ears and

sandy coloured whiskers。

〃Quack?〃 said Jemima

Puddle…duck; with her head

and her bonnet on one side


THE gentleman raised his

eyes above his newspaper

and looked curiously at


〃Madam; have you lost your

way?〃 said he。 He had a long

bushy tail which he was sitting

upon; as the stump was somewhat


Jemima thought him mighty

civil and handsome。 She

explained that she had not

lost her way; but that she was

trying to find a convenient

dry nesting…place。

〃AH! is that so? indeed!〃 said

the gentleman with sandy

whiskers; looking curiously at

Jemima。 He folded up the

newspaper; and put it in his

coat…tail pocket。

Jemima complained of the

superfluous hen。

〃Indeed! how interesting!

I wish I could meet with that

fowl。 I would teach it to mind

its own business!〃

〃BUT as to a nestthere is

no difficulty: I have a

sackful of feathers in my wood…

shed。 No; my dear madam;

you will be in nobody's way。

You may sit there as long as

you like;〃 said the bushy long…

tailed gentleman。

He led the way to a very

retired; dismal…looking house

amongst the fox…gloves。

It was built of faggots and

turf; and there were two broken

pails; one on top of another;

by way of a chimney。

〃THIS is my summer

residence; you would not

find my earthmy winter

houseso convenient;〃 said

the hospitable gentleman。

There was a tumble…down

shed at the back of the house;

made of old soap…boxes。 The

gentleman opened the door;

and showed Jemima in。

THE shed was almost quite

full of feathersit was

almost suffocating; but it was

comfortable and very soft。

Jemima Puddle…duck was

rather surprised to find such a

vast quantity of feathers。 But

it was very comfortable; and

she made a nest without any

trouble at all。

WHEN she came out; the

sandy whiskered gentleman

was sitting on a log

reading the newspaperat

least he had it spread out; but

he was looking over the top

of it。

He was so polite; that he

seemed almost sorry to let

Jemima go home for the night。

He promised to take great care

of her nest until she came back

again next day。

He said he loved eggs and

ducklings; he should be proud

to see a fine nestful in his



came every afternoon; she

laid nine eggs in the nest。

They were greeny white and

very large。 The foxy gentleman

admired them immensely。

He used to turn them over

and count them when Jemima

was not there。

At last Jemima told him

that she intended to begin to

sit next day〃and I will bring

a bag of corn with me; so that

I need never leave my nest

until the eggs are hatched。

They might catch cold;〃 said

the conscientious Jemima。

〃MADAM; I beg you not

to trouble yourself with

a bag; I will provide oats。

But before you commence your

tedious sitting; I intend to give

you a treat。 Let us have a

dinner…party all to ourselves!

〃May I as

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