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a theologico-political treatise [part iv]-第14节

小说: a theologico-political treatise [part iv] 字数: 每页4000字

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their right to God; they were able to do so rather in theory than in

practice; for; as a matter of fact (as we pointed out above) they

absolutely retained the right of dominion till they transferred it to Moses;

who in his turn became absolute king; so that it was only through him that

God reigned over the Hebrews。 (23) For this reason (namely; that religion

only acquires the force of law by means of the sovereign power) Moses was

not able to punish those who; before the covenant; and consequently while

still in possession of their rights; violated the Sabbath (Exod。 xvi:27);

but was able to do so after the covenant (Numb。 xv:36); because everyone had

then yielded up his natural rights; and the ordinance of the

Sabbath had received the force of law。

(19:24) Lastly; for the same reason; after the destruction of the Hebrew

dominion; revealed religion ceased to have the force of law; for we cannot

doubt that as soon as the Jews transferred their right to the king of

Babylon; the kingdom of God and the Divine right forthwith ceased。 (25)

For the covenant wherewith they promised to obey all the utterances of God

was abrogated; God's kingdom; which was based thereupon; also ceased。 (26)

The Hebrews could no longer abide thereby; inasmuch as their rights no

longer belonged to them but to the king of Babylon; whom (as we showed in

Chapter XVI。) they were bound to obey in all things。 (27) Jeremiah (chap。

xxix:7) expressly admonishes them of this fact: 〃And seek the peace of the

city; whither I have caused you to be carried away captives; and pray unto

the Lord for it; for in the peace thereof shall ye have peace。〃 (28) Now;

they could not seek the peace of the City as having a share in its

government; but only as slaves; being; as they were; captives; by

obedience in all things; with a view to avoiding seditions; and by observing

all the laws of the country; however different from their own。 (29) It is

thus abundantly evident that religion among the Hebrews only acquired the

form of law through the right of the sovereign rule; when that rule was

destroyed; it could no longer be received as the law of a particular

kingdom; but only as the universal precept of reason。 (30) I say of reason;

for the universal religion had not yet become known by revelation。 (31) We

may therefore draw the general conclusion that religion; whether revealed

through our natural faculties or through prophets; receives the force of a

command solely through the decrees of the holders of sovereign power; and;

further; that God has no special kingdom among men; except in so far as He

reigns through earthly potentates。

(19:32) We may now see in a clearer light what was stated in Chapter IV。;

namely; that all the decrees of God involve eternal truth and necessity; so

that we cannot conceive God as a prince or legislator giving laws to

mankind。 (33) For this reason the Divine precepts; whether revealed through

our natural faculties; or through prophets; do not receive immediately from

God the force of a command; but only from those; or through the mediation of

those; who possess the right of ruling and legislating。 (34) It is only

through these latter means that God rules among men; and directs human

affairs with justice and equity。

(19:35) This conclusion is supported by experience; for we find traces of

Divine justice only in places where just men bear sway; elsewhere the same

lot (to repeat; again Solomon's words) befalls the just and the unjust; the

pure and the impure: a state of things which causes Divine Providence to be

doubted by many who think that God immediately reigns among men; and

directs all nature for their benefit。

'19:3' (36) As; then; both reason and experience tell us that the Divine

right is entirely dependent on the decrees of secular rulers; it follows

that secular rulers are its proper interpreters。 (37) How this is so we

shall now see; for it is time to show that the outward observances of

religion; and all the external practices of piety should be brought into

accordance with the public peace and well…being if we would obey God

rightly。 (38) When this has been shown we shall easily understand how the

sovereign rulers are the proper interpreters of religion and piety。

(19:39) It is certain that duties towards one's country are the highest that

man can fulfil; for; if government be taken away; no good thing can last;

all falls into dispute; anger and anarchy reign unchecked amid universal

fear。 (40) Consequently there can be no duty towards our neighbour which

would not become an offence if it involved injury to the whole state; nor

can there be any offence against our duty towards our neighbour; or anything

but loyalty in what we do for the sake of preserving the state。 (41) For

instance: it is in the abstract my duty when my neighbour quarrels with me

and wishes to take my cloak; to give him my coat also; but if it be thought

that such conduct is hurtful to the maintenance of the state; I ought to

bring him to trial; even at the risk of his being condemned to death。

(19:42) For this reason Manlius Torquatus is held up to honour; inasmuch as

the public welfare outweighed with him his duty towards his children。 (43)

This being so; it follows that the public welfare is the sovereign law to

which all others; Divine and human; should be made to conform。 (44) Now; it

is the function of the sovereign only to decide what is necessary for the

public welfare and the safety of the state; and to give orders accordingly;

therefore it is also the function of the sovereign only to decide the limits

of our duty towards our neighbour … in other words; to determine how we

should obey God。 (45) We can now clearly understand how the sovereign

is the interpreter of religion; and further; that no one can obey God

rightly; if the practices of his piety do not conform to the public welfare;

or; consequently; if he does not implicitly obey all the commands of the

sovereign。 (46) For as by God's command we are bound to do our duty to all

men without exception; and to do no man an injury; we are also bound not

to help one man at another's loss; still less at a loss to the whole state。

(47) Now; no private citizen can know what is good for the state; except he

learn it through the sovereign power; who alone has the right to transact

public business: therefore no one can rightly practise piety or obedience to

God; unless he obey the sovereign power's commands in all things。 (48) This

proposition is confirmed by the facts of experience。 (49) For if the

sovereign adjudge a man to be worthy of death or an enemy; whether he be a

citizen or a foreigner; a private individual or a separate ruler; no subject

is allowed to give him assistance。 (50) So also though the Jews were

bidden to love their fellow…citizens as themselves (Levit。 xix:17; 18); they

were nevertheless bound; if a man offended against the law; to point him out

to the judge (Levit。 v:1; and Deut。 xiii:8; 9); and; if he should be

condemned to death; to slay him (Deut。 xvii:7)。

(19:51) Further; in order that the Hebrews might preserve the liberty they

had gained; and might retain absolute sway over the territory they had

conquered; it was necessary; as we showed in Chapter XVII。; that their

religion should be adapted to their particular government; and that they

should separate themselves from the rest of the nations: wherefore it was

commanded to them; 〃Love thy neighbour and hate thine enemy〃 (Matt。 v:43);

but after they had lost their dominion and had gone into captivity in

Babylon; Jeremiah bid them take thought for the safety of the state into

which they had been led captive; and Christ when He saw that they would be

spread over the whole world; told them to do their duty by all men without

exception; all of which instances show that religion has always been made to

conform to the public welfare。 '19:4' (52) Perhaps someone will ask: By what

right; then; did the disciples of Christ; being private citizens; preach

a new religion? (53) I answer that they did so by the right of the

power which they had received from Christ against unclean spirits (see Matt。

x:1)。 (54) I have already stated in Chapter XVI。 that all are bound to obey

a tyrant; unless they have received from God through undoubted revelation a

promise of aid against him; so let no one take example from the Apostles

unless he too has the power of working miracles。 (55) The point is brought

out more clearly by Christ's command to His disciples; 〃Fear not those who

kill the body〃 (Matt。 x:28)。 (56) If this command were imposed on everyone;

governments would be founded in vain; and Solomon's words (Prov。 xxiv:21);

〃My son; fear God 

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