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over the teacups-第19节

小说: over the teacups 字数: 每页4000字

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river streams from sources even as yet but imperfectly explored。

I have thought a good deal about Egypt; lately; with reference to our

historical monuments。  How did the great unknown mastery who fixed

the two leading forms of their monumental records arrive at those

admirable and eternal types; the pyramid and the obelisk?  How did

they get their model of the pyramid?

Here is an hour…glass; not inappropriately filled with sand from the

great Egyptian desert。  I turn it; and watch the sand as it

accumulates in the lower half of the glass。  How symmetrically; how

beautifully; how inevitably; the little particles pile up the cone;

which is ever building and unbuilding itself; always aiming at the

stability which is found only at a certain fixed angle!  The Egyptian

children playing in the sand must have noticed this as they let the

grains fall from their hands; and the sloping sides of the miniature

pyramid must have been among the familiar sights to the little boys

and girls for whom the sand furnished their earliest playthings。

Nature taught her children through the working of the laws of

gravitation how to build so that her forces should act in harmony

with art; to preserve the integrity of a structure meant to reach

a far…off posterity。  The pyramid is only the cone in which Nature

arranges her heaped and sliding fragments; the cone with flattened

Surfaces; as it is prefigured in certain well…known crystalline

forms。  The obelisk is from another of Nature's patterns; it is only

a gigantic acicular crystal。

The Egyptians knew what a monument should be; simple; noble; durable。

It seems to me that we Americans might take a lesson from those early

architects。  Our cemeteries are crowded with monuments which are very

far from simple; anything but noble; and stand a small chance of

being permanent。  The pyramid is rarely seen; perhaps because it

takes up so much room; and when built on a small scale seems

insignificant as we think of it; dwarfed by the vast structures of

antiquity。  The obelisk is very common; and when in just proportions

and of respectable dimensions is unobjectionable。

But the gigantic obelisks like that on Bunker Hill; and especially

the Washington monument at the national capital; are open to critical

animadversion。  Let us contrast the last mentioned of these great

piles with the obelisk as the Egyptian conceived and executed it。

The new Pharaoh ordered a memorial of some important personage or

event。  In the first place; a mighty stone was dislodged from its

connections; and lifted; unbroken; from the quarry。  This was a feat

from which our modern stone…workers shrink dismayed。  The Egyptians

appear to have handled these huge monoliths as our artisans handle

hearthstones and doorsteps; for the land actually bristled with such

giant columns。  They were shaped and finished as nicely as if they

were breastpins for the Titans to wear; and on their polished

surfaces were engraved in imperishable characters the records they

were erected to preserve。

Europe and America borrow these noble productions of African art and

power; and find them hard enough to handle after they have succeeded

in transporting them to Rome; or London; or New York。  Their

simplicity; grandeur; imperishability; speaking symbolism; shame all

the pretentious and fragile works of human art around them。  The

obelisk has no joints for the destructive agencies of nature to

attack; the pyramid has no masses hanging in unstable equilibrium;

and threatening to fall by their own weight in the course of a

thousand or two years。

America says the Father of his Country must have a monument worthy of

his exalted place in history。  What shall it be?  A temple such as

Athens might have been proud to rear upon her Acropolis?  An obelisk

such as Thebes might have pointed out with pride to the strangers who

found admission through her hundred gates?  After long meditation and

the rejection of the hybrid monstrosities with which the nation was

menaced; an obelisk is at last decided upon。  How can it be made

grand and dignified enough to be equal to the office assigned it?  We

dare not attempt to carve a single stone from the living rock;all

our modern appliances fail to make the task as easy to us as it seems

to have been to the early Egyptians。  No artistic skill is required

in giving a four…square tapering figure to a stone column。  If we

cannot shape a solid obelisk of the proper dimensions; we can build

one of separate blocks。  How can we give it the distinction we demand

for it?  The nation which can brag that it has 〃the biggest show on

earth〃 cannot boast a great deal in the way of architecture; but it

can do one thing;it can build an obelisk that shall be taller than

any structure now standing which the hand of man has raised。  Build

an obelisk!  How different the idea of such a structure from that of

the unbroken; unjointed prismatic shaft; one perfect whole; as

complete in itself; as fitly shaped and consolidated to defy the

elements; as the towering palm or the tapering pine!  Well; we had

the satisfaction for a time of claiming the tallest structure in the

world; and now that the new Tower of Babel which has sprung up in

Paris has killed that pretention; I think we shall feel and speak

more modestly about our stone hyperbole; our materialization of the

American love of the superlative。  We have the higher civilization

among us; and we must try to keep down the forth…putting instincts of

the lower。  We do not want to see our national monument placarded as

〃the greatest show on earth;〃 perhaps it is well that it is taken

down from that bad eminence。

I do not think that this speech of mine was very well received。  It

appeared to jar somewhat on the nerves of the American Annex。  There

was a smile on the lips of the other Annex;the English girl;which

she tried to keep quiet; but it was too plain that she enjoyed my


It must be remembered that I and the other Teacups; in common with

the rest of our fellow…citizens; have had our sensibilities greatly

worked upon; our patriotism chilled; our local pride outraged; by the

monstrosities which have been allowed to deform our beautiful public

grounds。  We have to be very careful in conducting a visitor; say

from his marble…fronted hotel to the City Hall。 Keep pretty

straight along after entering the Garden;you will not care to

inspect the little figure of the military gentleman to your right。 

Yes; the Cochituate water is drinkable; but I think I would not turn

aside to visit that small fabric which makes believe it is a temple;

and is a weak…eyed fountain feebly weeping over its own

insignificance。  About that other stone misfortune; cruelly reminding

us of the 〃Boston Massacre;〃 we will not discourse; it is not

imposing; and is rarely spoken of。

What a mortification to the inhabitants of a city with some

hereditary and contemporary claims to cultivation; which has noble

edifices; grand libraries; educational institutions of the highest

grade; an art…gallery filled with the finest models and rich in

paintings and statuary;a stately city that stretches both arms

across the Charles to clasp the hands of Harvard; her twin…sister;

each lending lustre to the other like double stars;what a pity that

she should be so disfigured by crude attempts to adorn her and

commemorate her past that her most loving children blush for her

artificial deformities amidst the wealth of her natural beauties!

One hardly knows which to groan over most sadly;the tearing down of

old monuments; the shelling of the Parthenon; the overthrow of the

pillared temples of Rome; and in a humbler way the destruction of the

old Hancock house; or the erection of monuments which are to be a

perpetual eyesore to ourselves and our descendants。

We got talking on the subject of realism; of which so much has been

said of late。

It seems to me; I said; that the great additions which have been made

by realism to the territory of literature consist largely in swampy;

malarious; ill…smelling patches of soil which had previously been

left to reptiles and vermin。  It is perfectly easy to be original by

violating the laws of decency and the canons of good taste。  The

general consent of civilized people was supposed to have banished

certain subjects from the conversation of well…bred people and the

pages of respectable literature。  There is no subject; or hardly any;

which may not be treated of at the proper time; in the proper place;

by the fitting person; for the right kind of listener or reader。  But

when the poet or the story…teller invades the province of the man of

science; he is on dangerous ground。  I need say nothing of the

blunders he is pretty sure to make。  The imaginative writer is after

effects。  The scientific man is after truth。  Science is decent;

modest; does not try to startle; but to instruct。  The sam

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