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the works of edgar allan poe-3-第33节

小说: the works of edgar allan poe-3 字数: 每页4000字

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of the adventure; no person was ready immediately with a second shot;
and the bear had actually succeeded in getting half his vast bulk
across our gunwale; and seizing one of the men by the small of his
back; before any efficient means were taken to repel him。 In this
extremity nothing but the promptness and agility of Peters saved us
from destruction。 Leaping upon the back of the huge beast; he plunged
the blade of a knife behind the neck; reaching the spinal marrow at a
blow。 The brute tumbled into the sea lifeless; and without a
struggle; rolling over Peters as he fell。 The latter soon recovered
himself; and a rope being thrown him; returned in triumph to the
schooner; towing our trophy behind us。 This bear; upon admeasurement;
proved to be full fifteen feet in his greatest length。 His wool was
perfectly white; and very coarse; curling tightly。 The eyes were of a
blood red; and larger than those of the Arctic bear; the snout also
more rounded; rather resembling the snout of the bulldog。 The meat
was tender; but excessively rank and fishy; although the men devoured
it with avidity; and declared it excellent eating。

     Scarcely had we got our prize alongside; when the man at the
masthead gave the joyful shout of 〃land on the starboard bow!〃 All
hands were now upon the alert; and; a breeze springing up very
opportunely from the northward and eastward; we were soon close in
with the coast。 It proved to be a low rocky islet; of about a league
in circumference; and altogether destitute of vegetation; if we
except a species of prickly pear。 In approaching it from the
northward; a singular ledge of rock is seen projecting into the sea;
and bearing a strong resemblance to corded bales of cotton。 Around
this ledge to the westward is a small bay; at the bottom of which our
boats effected a convenient landing。

     It did not take us long to explore every portion of the island;
but; with one exception; we found nothing worthy of our observation。
In the southern extremity; we picked up near the shore; half buried
in a pile of loose stones; a piece of wood; which seemed to have
formed the prow of a canoe。 There had been evidently some attempt at
carving upon it; and Captain Guy fancied that he made out the figure
of a tortoise; but the resemblance did not strike me very forcibly。
Besides this prow; if such it were; we found no other token that any
living creature had ever been here before。 Around the coast we
discovered occasional small floes of ice… but these were very few。
The exact situation of the islet (to which Captain Guy gave the name
of Bennet's Islet; in honour of his partner in the ownership of the
schooner) is 82 degrees 50' S。 latitude; 42 degrees 20' W。 longitude。

    We had now advanced to the southward more than eight degrees
farther than any previous navigators; and the sea still lay perfectly
open before us。 We found; too; that the variation uniformly decreased
as we proceeded; and; what was still more surprising; that the
temperature of the air; and latterly of the water; became milder。 The
weather might even be called pleasant; and we had a steady but very
gentle breeze always from some northern point of the compass。 The sky
was usually clear; with now and then a slight appearance of thin
vapour in the southern horizon… this; however; was invariably of
brief duration。 Two difficulties alone presented themselves to our
view; we were getting short of fuel; and symptoms of scurvy had
occurred among several of the crew。 These considerations began to
impress upon Captain Guy the necessity of returning; and he spoke of
it frequently。 For my own part; confident as I was of soon arriving
at land of some description upon the course we were pursuing; and
having every reason to believe; from present appearances; that we
should not find it the sterile soil met with in the higher Arctic
latitudes; I warmly pressed upon him the expediency of persevering;
at least for a few days longer; in the direction we were now holding。
So tempting an opportunity of solving the great problem in regard to
an Antarctic continent had never yet been afforded to man; and I
confess that I felt myself bursting with indignation at the timid and
ill…timed suggestions of our commander。 I believe; indeed; that what
I could not refrain from saying to him on this head had the effect of
inducing him to push on。 While; therefore; I cannot but lament the
most unfortunate and bloody events which immediately arose from my
advice; I must still be allowed to feel some degree of gratification
at having been instrumental; however remotely; in opening to the eye
of science one of the most intensely exciting secrets which has ever
engrossed its attention。

~~~ End of Text of Chapter 17 ~~~


    January 18。… This morning {*4} we continued to the southward;
with the same pleasant weather as before。 The sea was entirely
smooth; the air tolerably warm and from the northeast; the
temperature of the water fifty…three。 We now again got our
sounding…gear in order; and; with a hundred and fifty fathoms of
line; found the current setting toward the pole at the rate of a mile
an hour。 This constant tendency to the southward; both in the wind
and current; caused some degree of speculation; and even of alarm; in
different quarters of the schooner; and I saw distinctly that no
little impression had been made upon the mind of Captain Guy。 He was
exceedingly sensitive to ridicule; however; and I finally succeeded
in laughing him out of his apprehensions。 The variation was now very
trivial。 In the course of the day we saw several large whales of the
right species; and innumerable flights of the albatross passed over
the vessel。 We also picked up a bush; full of red berries; like those
of the hawthorn; and the carcass of a singular…looking land…animal。
It was three feet in length; and but six inches in height; with four
very short legs; the feet armed with long claws of a brilliant
scarlet; and resembling coral in substance。 The body was covered with
a straight silky hair; perfectly white。 The tail was peaked like that
of a rat; and about a foot and a half long。 The head resembled a
cat's; with the exception of the ears… these were flopped like the
ears of a dog。 The teeth were of the same brilliant scarlet as the

    January 19。… To…day; being in latitude 83 degrees 20'; longitude
43 degrees 5' W。 (the sea being of an extraordinarily dark colour);
we again saw land from the masthead; and; upon a closer scrutiny;
found it to be one of a group of very large islands。 The shore was
precipitous; and the interior seemed to be well wooded; a
circumstance which occasioned us great joy。 In about four hours from
our first discovering the land we came to anchor in ten fathoms;
sandy bottom; a league from the coast; as a high surf; with strong
ripples here and there; rendered a nearer approach of doubtful
expediency。 The two largest boats were now ordered out; and a party;
well armed (among whom were Peters and myself); proceeded to look for
an opening in the reef which appeared to encircle the island。 After
searching about for some time; we discovered an inlet; which we were
entering; when we saw four large canoes put off from the shore;
filled with men who seemed to be well armed。 We waited for them to
come up; and; as they moved with great rapidity; they were soon
within hail。 Captain Guy now held up a white handkerchief on the
blade of an oar; when the strangers made a full stop; and commenced a
loud jabbering all at once; intermingled with occasional shouts; in
which we could distinguish the words Anamoo…moo! and Lama…Lama! They
continued this for at least half an hour; during which we had a good
opportunity of observing their appearance。

     In the four canoes; which might have been fifty feet long and
five broad; there were a hundred and ten savages in all。 They were
about the ordinary stature of Europeans; but of a more muscular and
brawny frame。 Their complexion a jet black; with thick and long
woolly hair。 They were clothed in skins of an unknown black animal;
shaggy and silky; and made to fit the body with some degree of skill;
the hair being inside; except where turned out about the neck;
wrists; and ankles。 Their arms consisted principally of clubs; of a
dark; and apparently very heavy wood。 Some spears; however; were
observed among them; headed with flint; and a few slings。 The bottoms
of the canoes were full of black stones about the size of a large egg。

     When they had concluded their harangue (for it was clear they
intended their jabbering for such); one of them who seemed to be the
chief stood up in the prow of his canoe; and made signs for us to
bring our boats alongside of him。 This hint we pretended not to
understand; thinking it the wiser plan to maintain; if possible; the
interval between us; as their number more than quadrupled our own。
Finding this to be the case; the chief ordered the three other canoes
to hold back; while he advanced toward us with his own。 As soon as he
came up with us he leaped on board the largest of our boats; and
seated himself by the side of Captain Guy; pointing at the same time

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