a new view of society-第4节
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times: and all the complicated and counteracting motives for good conduct; which have been multiplied almost to infinity; will be reduced to one single principle of action; which; by its evident operation and sufficiency; shall render this intricate system unnecessary: and ultimately supersede it in all parts of the earth。 That principle is the happiness of self; clearly understood and uniformly practised; which can only be attained by conduct that must promote the happiness of the community。 For that power which governs and pervades the universe has; evidently so formed man; that he must progressively pass from a state of ignorance to intelligence; the limits of which it is not for man himself to define; and in that progress to discover; that his individual happiness can be increased and extended only in proportion as he actively endeavours to increase and extend the happiness of all around him。 The principle admits neither of exclusion nor of limitation; and such appears evidently the state of the public mind; that it will now seize and cherish this principle as the most precious boon which it has yet been allowed to attain。 The errors of all opposing motives will appear in their true light; and the ignorance whence they arose will become so glaring; that even the most unenlightened will speedily reject them。 For this state of matters; and for all the gradual changes contemplated; the extraordinary events of the present times have essentially contributed to prepare the way。 Even the late Ruler of France; although immediately influenced by the most mistaken principles of ambition; has contributed to this happy result; by shaking to its foundation that mass of superstition and bigotry; which on the continent of Europe had been accumulating for ages; until it had so overpowered and depressed the human intellect; that to attempt improvement without its removal would have been most unavailing。 And in the next place; by carrying the mistaken selfish principles in which mankind have been hitherto educated to the extreme in practice; he has rendered their error manifest; and left no doubt of the fallacy of the source whence they originated。 These transactions; in which millions have been immolated; or consigned to poverty and bereft of friends; will be preserved in the records of time; and impress future ages with a just estimation of the principles now about to be introduced into practice; and will thus prove perpetually useful to all succeeding generations。 For the direful effects of Napoleon's government have created the most deep…rooted disgust at notions which could produce a belief that such conduct was glorious; or calculated to increase the happiness of even the individual by whom it was pursued。 And the late discoveries and proceedings of the Rev Dr Bell and Mr Joseph Lancaster have also been preparing the way; in a manner the most opposite; but yet not less effectual; by directing the public attention to the beneficial effects; on the young and unresisting mind; of even the limited education which their systems embrace。 They have already effected enough to prove that all which is now in contemplation respecting the training of youth may be accomplished without fear of disappointment。 And by so doing; as the consequences of their improvements cannot be confined within the British Isles; they will for ever be ranked among the most important benefactors of the human race; but henceforward to contend for any new exclusive system will be in vain: the public mind is already too well informed; and has too far passed the possibility of retrogression; much longer to permit the continuance of any such evil。 For it is now obvious that such a system must be destructive of the happiness of the excluded; by their seeing others enjoy what they are not permitted to possess; and also that it tends; by creating opposition from the justly injured feelings of the excluded; in proportion to the extent of the exclusion; to diminish the happiness even of the privileged: the former therefore can have no rational motive for its continuance。 If; however; owing to the irrational principles by which the world has been hitherto governed; individuals; or sects; or parties; shall yet by their plans of exclusion attempt to retard the amelioration of society; and prevent the introduction into PRACTICE of that truly just spirit which knows no exclusion; such facts shall yet be brought forward as cannot fail to render all their efforts vain。 It will therefore be the essence of wisdom in the privileged class to co…operate sincerely and cordially with those who desire not to touch one iota of the supposed advantages which they now possess; and whose first and last wish is to increase the particular happiness of those classes; as well as the general happiness of society。 A very little reflection on the part of the privileged will ensure this line of conduct; whence; without domestic revolution without war or bloodshed nay; without prematurely disturbing any thing which exists; the world will be prepared to receive principles which are alone calculated to build up a system of happiness; and to destroy those irritable feelings which have so long afflicted society solely because society has hitherto been ignorant of the true means by which the most useful and valuable character may be formed。 This ignorance being removed; experience will soon teach us how to form character; individually and generally; so as to give the greatest sum of happiness to the individual and to mankind。 These principles require only to be known in order to establish themselves; the outline of our future proceedings then becomes clear and defined; nor will they permit us henceforth to wander from the right path。 They direct that the governing powers of all countries should establish rational plans for the education and general formation of the characters of their subjects。 These plans must be devised to train children from their earliest infancy in good habits of every description which will of course prevent them from acquiring those of falsehood and deception)。 They must afterwards be rationally educated; and their labour be usefully directed。 Such habits and education will impress them with an active and ardent desire to promote the happiness of every individual; and that without the shadow of exceptions for sect; or party; or country; or climate。 They will also ensure; with the fewest possible exceptions; health; strength; and vigour of body; for the happiness of man can be erected only on the foundations of health of body and Peace of mind。 And that health of body and peace of mind may be preserved sound and entire; through youth and manhood; to old age; it becomes equally necessary that the irresistible propensities which form a part of his nature; and which now produce the endless and ever multiplying evils with which humanity is afflicted; should be so directed as to increase and not to counteract his happiness。 The knowledge however thus introduced will make it evident to the understanding; that by far the greater part of the misery with which man is encircled may be easily dissipated and removed; and that with mathematical precision he may be surrounded with those circumstances which must gradually increase his happiness。 Hereafter; when the public at large shall be satisfied that these principles can and will withstand the ordeal through which they must inevitably pass; when they shall prove themselves true to the clear comprehension and certain conviction of the unenlightened as well as the learned; and when; by the irresistible power of truth; detached from falsehood; they shall establish themselves in the mind; no more to be removed but by the entire annihilation of human intellect; then the consequent practice which they direct shall be explained; and rendered easy of adoption。 In the meantime; let no one anticipate evil; even in the slightest degree; from these principles; they are not innoxious only; but pregnant with consequences to be wished and desired beyond all others by every individual in society。 Some of the best intentioned among the various classes in society may still say; 'All this is very delightful and very beautiful in theory。 but visionaries alone expect to see it realized。' To this remark only one reply can or ought to be made; that these principles have been carried most successfully into practice。 (The beneficial effects of this practice have been experienced for; many years among a population of between two and three thousand at New Lanark; in Scotland; at Munich; in Bavaria; and in the Pauper Colonies; at Fredericks…oord。) The present Essays; therefore; are not brought forward as mere matter of speculation; to amuse the idle visionary who thinks in his closet; and never acts in the world; but to create universal activity; pervade society with a knowledge of its true interests; and direct the public mind to the most important object to which it can be directed to a national proceeding for rationally forming the character of that immense mass of population which is now allowed to be so formed as to fill the world with crimes。 Shall questions of merely local and temporary interest; whose ult