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the celeatial railroad-第5节

小说: the celeatial railroad 字数: 每页4000字

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grafts from the celestial gardens。 Once; as we dashed onward like

a hurricane; there was a flutter of wings and the bright

appearance of an angel in the air; speeding forth on some

heavenly mission。 The engine now announced the close vicinity of

the final station…house by one last and horrible scream; in which

there seemed to be distinguishable every kind of wailing and woe;

and bitter fierceness of wrath; all mixed up with the wild

laughter of a devil or a madman。 Throughout our journey; at every

stopping…place; Apollyon had exercised his ingenuity in screwing

the most abominable sounds out of the whistle of the

steam…engine; but in this closing effort he outdid himself and

created an infernal uproar; which; besides disturbing the

peaceful inhabitants of Beulah; must have sent its discord even

through the celestial gates。

While the horrid clamor was still ringing in our ears we heard an

exulting strain; as if a thousand instruments of music; with

height and depth and sweetness in their tones; at once tender and

triumphant; were struck in unison; to greet the approach of some

illustrious hero; who had fought the good fight and won a

glorious victory; and was come to lay aside his battered arms

forever。 Looking to ascertain what might be the occasion of this

glad harmony; I perceived; on alighting from the cars; that a

multitude of shining ones had assembled on the other side of the

river; to welcome two poor pilgrims; who were just emerging from

its depths。 They were the same whom Apollyon and ourselves had

persecuted with taunts; and gibes; and scalding steam; at the

commencement of our journeythe same whose unworldly aspect and

impressive words had stirred my conscience amid the wild

revellers of Vanity Fair。

〃How amazingly well those men have got on;〃 cried I to Mr。

Smoothitaway。 〃I wish we were secure of as good a reception。〃

〃Never fear; never fear!〃 answered my friend。 〃Come; make haste;

the ferry boat will be off directly; and in three minutes you

will be on the other side of the river。 No doubt you will find

coaches to carry you up to the city gates。〃

A steam ferry boat; the last improvement on this important route;

lay at the river side; puffing; snorting; and emitting all those

other disagreeable utterances which betoken the departure to be

immediate。 I hurried on board with the rest of the passengers;

most of whom were in great perturbation: some bawling out for

their baggage; some tearing their hair and exclaiming that the

boat would explode or sink; some already pale with the heaving of

the stream; some gazing affrighted at the ugly aspect of the

steersman; and some still dizzy with the slumberous influences of

the Enchanted Ground。 Looking back to the shore; I was amazed to

discern Mr。 Smooth…it…away waving his hand in token of farewell。

〃Don't you go over to the Celestial City?〃 exclaimed I。

〃Oh; no!〃 answered he with a queer smile; and that same

disagreeable contortion of visage which I had remarked in the

inhabitants of the Dark Valley。 〃Oh; no! I have come thus far

only for the sake of your pleasant company。 Good…by! We shall

meet again。〃

And then did my excellent friend Mr。 Smooth…it…away laugh

outright; in the midst of which cachinnation a smoke…wreath

issued from his mouth and nostrils; while a twinkle of lurid

flame darted out of either eye; proving indubitably that his

heart was all of a red blaze。 The impudent fiend! To deny the

existence of Tophet; when he felt its fiery tortures raging

within his breast。 I rushed to the side of the boat; intending to

fling myself on shore; but the wheels; as they began their

revolutions; threw a dash of spray over me so coldso deadly

cold; with the chill that will never leave those waters until

Death be drowned in his own riverthat with a shiver and a

heartquake I awoke。 Thank Heaven it was a Dream!

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