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the mirror of kong ho-第7节

小说: the mirror of kong ho 字数: 每页4000字

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most important transactions of existence。

Shortly after his arrival in the Island; this person was initiated by

the widely…esteemed Quang…Tsun into the private life of one whose

occupation was that of a Law…giver; where he frequently drank tea on

terms of mutual cordiality。 Upon such an occasion he was one day

present; conversing with the lesser ones of the householdthe head

thereof being absent; setting forth the Law in the Templewhen one of

the maidens cried out with amiable vivacity; 〃Why; Mr。 Kong; you say

such consistently graceful things of the ladies you have met over

here; that we shall expect you to take back an English wife with you。

But perhaps you are already married in China?〃

〃The conclusion is undeviating in its accuracy;〃 replied this person;

unable to evade the allusion。 〃To Ning; Hia…Fa and T'ain Yen; as the

matter stands。〃

〃Ning Hia…Fa An T'ain Yen!〃 exclaimed the wife of the Law…giver

pleasantly。 〃What an important name。 Can you pardon our curiosity and

tell us what she is like?〃

〃Ning; Hia…Fa AND T'ain Yen;〃 repeated this person; not submitting to

be deprived of the consequence of two wives without due protest。

〃Three names; three wives。 Three very widely separated likes。〃

At this in no way boastfully uttered statement the agreeably outlined

surface of the faces around variated suddenly; the effect being one

which I have frequently observed in the midst of my politest

expressions of felicity。 For a moment; indeed; I could not disguise

from myself that the one who had made the inquiry stretched forth her

lotus…like hand towards the secret spring by which it is customary to

summon the attending slaves from the underneath parts; but restraining

herself with the manner of one who would desire to make less of a

thing that it otherwise might seem; she turned to me again。

〃How nice!〃 she murmured。 〃What a pity you did not bring them all with

you; Mr。 Kong。 They would have been a great acquisition。〃

〃Yet it must be well weighed;〃 I replied; not to be out…complimented

touching one another; 〃that here they would have met so many fine and

superior gentlemen that they might have become dissatisfied with my

less than average prepossessions。〃

〃I wonder if they did not think of that in your case; and refuse to

let you come;〃 said one of the maidens。

〃The various persons must not be regarded as being on their all

fours;〃 I replied; anxious that there should be no misunderstanding on

this point。 〃They; of course; reside within one inner chamber; but

there would be no duplicity in this one adding indefinitely to the


〃Of course not; how silly of me!〃 exclaimed the maiden。 〃What splendid

musical evenings you can have。 But tell me; Mr。 Kong (ought it not to

be Messrs。 Kong; mamma?); if a girl married you here would she be

legally married to you in China?〃

〃Oh yes;〃 replied this person positively。

〃But could you not; by your own laws; have the marriage set aside

whenever you wished?〃

〃Assuredly;〃 I admitted。 〃It is so appointed。〃

〃Then how could she be legally married?〃 she persisted; with really

unbecoming suspicion。

〃Legally married; legally unmarried;〃 replied this person; quite

distressed within himself at not being able to understand the

difficulty besetting her。 〃All perfectly legal and honourably


〃I think; Gwendoline〃 said the one of authority; and although the

matter was no further expressed; by an instinct which he was powerless

to avert; this person at once found himself rising with ceremonious


Not desiring that the obstacle should remain so inadequately swept

away; I have turned my presumptuous footsteps in the direction of the

Law…giver's house on several later occasions; but each time the word

of the slave guarding the door has been that they of the household;

down even to those of the most insignificant degree of kinship; have

withdrawn to a distant and secluded spot。

With renewed assurances that the enterprise is being gracefully

conducted; however ill…digested and misleading these immature

compositions may appear。



Concerning a desire to expatiate upon subjects of

philosophical importance and its no accomplishment。 Three

examples of the mental concavity sunk into by these

barbarians。 An involved episode which had the outward

appearance of being otherwise than what it was。

VENERATED SIRE (whose genial liberality on all necessary occasions is

well remembered by this person in his sacrifices; with the titles

〃Benevolent〃 and 〃Open…sleeved〃);

I had it in my head at one time to tell you somewhat of the Classics

most reverenced in this country; of the philosophical opinions which

prevail; and to enlighten you generally upon certain other subjects of

distinguished eminence。 As the deities arranged; however; it chanced

that upon my way to a reputable quarter of the city where the

actuality of these matters can be learnt with the least evasion; my

footsteps were drawn aside by an incident which now permeates my

truth…laden brush to the exclusion of all else。

But in the first place; if it be permitted for a thoroughly

untrustworthy son to take so presumptuous a liberty with an

unvaryingly sagacious father; let this one entreat you to regard

everything he writes in a very wide…headed spirit of looking at the

matter from all round。 My former letters will have readily convinced

you that much that takes place here; even among those who can afford

long finger…nails; would not be tolerated in Yuen…ping; and in order

to avoid the suspicion that I am suffering from a serious injury to

the head; or have become a prey to a conflicting demon; it will be

necessary to continue an even more highly…sustained tolerant

alertness。 This person himself has frequently suffered the ill effects

of rashly assuming that because he is conducting the adventure in a

prepossessing spirit his efforts will be honourably received; as when

he courteously inquired the ages of a company of maidens into whose

presence he was led; and complimented the one whom he was desirous of

especially gratifying by assuring her that she had every appearance of

being at least twice the nine…and…twenty years to which she modestly

laid claim。

Upon another occasion I entered a barber's stall; and finding it

oppressively hot within; I commanded the attendant to carry a

reclining stool into the street and there shave my lower limbs and

anoint my head。 As he hesitated to obeydoubtless on account of the

trivial labour involvedI repeated my words in a tone of fuller

authority; holding out the inducement of a just payment when he

complied; and assuring him that he would certainly be dragged before

the nearest mandarin and tortured if he held his joints stiffly。 At

this he evidently understood his danger; for obsequiously protesting

that he was only a barber of very mean attainments; and that his

deformed utensils were quite inadequate for the case; he very

courteously directed me in inquire for a public chariot bound for a

quarter called Colney Hatch (the place of commerce; it is reasonable

to infer; of the higher class barbers); and; seating myself in it;

instruct the attendant to put me down at the large gates; where they

possessed every requisite appliance; and also would; if desirable;

shave my head also。 Here the incident assumes a more doubtful guise;

for; notwithstanding the admitted politeness of the one who spoke;

each of those to whom I subsequently addressed myself on the subject;

presented to me a face quite devoid of encouragement。 While none

actually pointed out the vehicle I sought; many passed on in a state

of inward contemplation without replying; and somechiefly the

attendants of other chariots of a similar kindreplied in what I

deemed to be a spirit of elusive metaphor; as he who asserted that

such a conveyance must be sought for at a point known intimately as

the Aldgate Pump; whence it started daily at half…past the thirteenth

gong…stroke; and another; who maintained that I had no prospect of

reaching the desired spot until I secured the services of one of a

class of female attendants who wear flowing blue robes in order to

indicate that they are prepared t

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