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the mirror of kong ho-第29节

小说: the mirror of kong ho 字数: 每页4000字

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so degraded; that for several minutes I was incapable of further

acquiescence than that conveyed by an adoring silence and an

unchanging smile。 No formality appeared worthy to greet her by; no

expression of self…contempt sufficiently offensive to convey to her

enlightenment my own sense of a manifold inferiority; and doubtless I

should have remained in a transfixed attitude until she had at length

turned aside; had not your seasonable reference to a Swatow

limb…contorter struck me heavily and abruptly turned off the source of

my agreement。 Might not this all…water entertainment; it occurred to

this one; consist in enticing him to drink a potion made unsuspectedly

hot; in projecting him backwards into a vat of the same liquid; or

some similar device for the pleasurable amusement of those around;

which would come within the boundaries of your refined disapproval? As

one by himself there was no indignity that this person would not

cheerfully have submitted to; but the inexorable cords of an ingrained

filial regard suddenly pulled him sideways and into another direction。

〃But; Mr。 Kong;〃 exclaimed the bee…lipped maiden; when I had explained

(as being less involved to her imagination;) that I was under a vow;

〃we have been relying upon you。 Could you not〃and here she dropped

her eyes and picked them up again with a fluttering motion which our

lesser ones are; to an all…wise end; quite unacquainted with〃could

you not unvow yourself for one night; just to please ME?〃

At these words; the illuminated proficiency of her glance; and her

honourable resolution to implicate me in the display by head or feet;

the ever…revered image of a just and obedience…loving father ceased to

have any further tangible influence。 Let it be remembered that there

is a deep saying; 〃A virtuous woman will cause more evil than ten

river pirates。〃 As for the person who is recording his incompetence;

the room and all those about began to engulf him in an ever…increasing

circular motion; his knees vibrated together with unrestrained

pliancy; and concentrating his voice to indicate by the allegory some

faint measure of his emotion; he replied passionately; 〃Let the

amusement referred to take the form of sitting in a boiling cauldron

exposed to the derision of all beholders; this one will now enter it

wearing yellow silk trousers。〃


It is characteristic of these illogical out…countries that the

all…water diversion did not; as a matter to record; concern itself

with that liquid in any detail; beyond the contents of a glass vessel

from which a venerable person; who occupied a raised chair;

continually partook。 This discriminating individual spoke so

confidently of the beneficial action of the fluid; and so unswervingly

described my own feelings at the momentas of head giddiness; an

inexactitude of speech; and no clear definition of where the next step

would be arrived atas the common lot of all who did not consume

regularly; that when that same Helena had passed on to speak to

another; I left the hall unobserved and drank successive portions; in

each case; as the night was cold; prudently adding a measure of the

native rice spirit。 His advice had been well…directed; for with the

fourth portion I suddenly found all doubtful and oppressive visions

withdrawn; and a new and exhilarating self…confidence raised in their

place。 In this agreeable temper I returned to the place of meeting to

find a priest of one of the lesser orders relating a circumstance

whereby he had encountered a wild maiden in the woods; who had

steadfastly persisted that she was one of a band of seven (this being

the luckiest protective number among the superstitious)。 Though unable

to cause their appearance; she had gone through a most precise

examination at his hands without deviating in the slightest

particular; whereupon distrusting the outcome of the strife; the

person who was relating the adventure had withdrawn breathless。

When this versatile lesser priest had finished the narration; and the

applause; which clearly showed that those present approved of the

solitary maiden's discreet stratagem; had ceased; the one who occupied

the central platform; rising; exclaimed loudly; 〃Mr。 Kong will next

favour us with a contribution; which will consist; I am informed; of a

Chinese tale。〃

Now there chanced to be present a certain one who had already become

offensive to me by the systematic dexterity with which he had planted

his inopportune shadow between the sublime…souled Helena and any other

who made a movement to approach her heaven…dowered outline。 When this

presumptuous and ill…nurtured outcast; who was; indeed; then seated

by the side of the enchanting maiden last referred to; heard the

announcement he said in a voice feigned to reach her peach…skin ear

alone; yet intentionally so modulated as to penetrate the furthest

limit of the room; 〃A Chinese tale! Why; assuredly; that must be a

pig…tail。〃 At this unseemly shaft many of those present allowed

themselves to become immoderately amused; and even the goat…like sage

who had called upon my name concealed his face behind an open hand;

but the amiably…disposed Helena; after looking at the undiscriminating

youth coldly for a moment; deliberately rose and moved to a vacant

spot at a distance。 Encouraged by this fragrant act of sympathy I

replied with a polite bow to indicate the position; 〃On the contrary;

the story which it is now my presumptuous intention to relate will

contain no reference whatever to the carefully…got…up one occupying

two empty seats in the front row;〃 and without further introduction

began the history of Kao and his three brothers; to which I had added

the title; 〃The Three Gifts。〃

At the conclusion of this classical example of the snares ever lying

around the footsteps of the impious; I perceived that the jocular

stripling; whom I had so delicately reproved; was no longer present。

Doubtless he had been unable to remain in the same room with the

commanding Helena's high…spirited indignation; and anticipating that

in consequence there would now be no obstacle to her full…faced

benignity; I drew near with an appropriate smile。

It is somewhere officially recorded; 〃There is only one man who knew

with accurate certainty what a maiden's next attitude would be; and he

died young of surprise。〃 As I approached I had the sensation of

passing into so severe an atmosphere of rigid disfavour; that the

ingratiating lines upon my face became frozen in its intensity;

despite the ineptness of their expression。 Unable to penetrate the

cause of my offence; I made a variety of agreeable remarks; until

finding that nothing tended towards a becoming reconciliation; I

gradually withdrew in despair; and again turned my face in the

direction of that same accommodation which I had already found beneath

the sign of an Encompassed Goat。 Here; by the sarcasm of destiny; I

encountered the person who had drawn the slighting analogy between

this one's pig…tail and his ability as a story…teller。 For a brief

space of time the ultimate development of the venture was doubtfully

poised; but recognising in each other's features the overhanging cloud

of an allied pang; the one before me expressed a becoming contrition

for the jest; together with a proffered cup。 Not to appear out…classed

I replied in a suitable vein; involving the supply of more vessels;

whereupon there succeeded many more vessels; called for both singly

and in harmonious unison; and the reappearance of numerous bright

images; accompanied by a universal scintillation of meteor…like

iridescence。 In this genial and greatly…enlarged spirit we returned

affably together to the hall; and entered unperceived at the moment

when the one who made the announcements was crying aloud; 〃According

to the programme the next item should have been a Chinese poem; but as

Mr。 Kong Ho appears to have left the building; we shall pass him


〃What Ho?〃 exclaimed the somewhat impetuous one by my side; stepping

forward indignantly and mounting the platform in his affectionate

zeal。 〃No one shall pass over my old and valued friendthis Howhile

I have a paw to raise。 Step forward; Mandarin; and let them behold the

inventor and sole user of the justly far…famed G。 R。 Ko…Ho hair

restorersent in five guinea bottles to any address on receipt of four

penny stampsas he app

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