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the mirror of kong ho-第12节

小说: the mirror of kong ho 字数: 每页4000字

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barbarians frequently maintain a narrow…minded suspicion。 Many whom I

have approached feign to become amused or have evaded a deliberate

answer under the subterfuge of a jest; yet; whenever I would have

lurked by night in their temples or among the enclosed spaces of their

tombs to learn more; at a given signal one in authority has approached

me with anxiety and mistrust engraved upon his features; and;

disregarding my unassuming protest that I would remain alone in a

contemplative reverie; has signified that so devout an exercise is

contrary to their written law。

On one occasion only did this person seem to hold himself poised on

the very edge of a fuller enlightenment。 This was when; in the

venerable company of several benevolent persons; he was being taken

from place to place to see the more important buildings; and to

observe the societies of artificers labouring at their crafts。 The

greater part of the day had already been spent in visiting temples;

open spaces reserved to children and those whose speech; appearance;

and general manner of behaving make it desirable that they should be

set apart from the contact of the impressionable; halls containing

relics and emblems of the past; places of no particular size or

attraction but described as being of unparalleled historic interest;

and the stalls of the more reputable venders of merchandise。

Doubtless; with observing so many details of a conflicting nature;

this person's discriminating faculties had become obscured; but

towards evening he certainly understood that we sought the company of

an assembly of those who had been selected from all the Empire to

pronounce definitely upon matters of supreme import。 The building

before which our chariot stopped had every appearance of being worthy

of so exceptional a gathering; and with a most affluent joy that I

should at last be able to glean a decisive pronouncement; I evaded

those who had accompanied me; and; mingling self…reliantly with the

throng inside; I quickly surrounded myself with many of the

wisest…looking; and begged that they would open their heads freely and

express their innermost opinions upon the subject of demons of all


Although I had admittedly hoped that these persons would not conceal

themselves behind the wings of epigram or intangible prevarication; I

was far from being prepared for the candour with which they greeted

me; and although by long usage I am reasonably unconcerned at the

proximity of any of our own recognised genii; it is not to be denied

that my organs of ferocity grew small and unstable at the revelations。

From their words it appeared that the spot on which we stood had long

been the recognised centre and meeting…place for every class of

abandoned and objectionable spirit of the universe。 Not only this; but

several of the persons who had gathered around were confidently

pointed out as the earthly embodiment of various diabolical Forces;

while others cheerfully admitted that they themselves were the shadows

of certain illustrious ones who had long Passed Above; and all united

in declaring that those who moved among them wearing the distinction

of a dark blue uniform were Evil Beings of a most ghoulish and

repulsive type。 Indeed; as I looked more closely; I could see that not

only those pointed out; but all standing around; had expressions

immeasurably more in keeping with a band of outcast spirits than

suggestive of an assembly representing wisdom and dignified ease。 At

that moment; however; a most inelegant movement was caused by one

suddenly declaring that he had recognised this one who is inscribing

his experiences to be the apparition of a certain great reformer who

during the period of his ordinary existence had received the name of

Guy Fawkes; and amid a tumult of overwhelming acclamation a proposal

was raised that I should be carried around in triumph and afterwards

initiated into the observance of a time…honoured custom。 Although it

had now become doubtful to what end the adventure was really tending;

this person would have submitted himself agreeably to the

participation had not the blue…apparelled band cleft their way into

the throng just as I was about to be borne off in triumph; and forming

themselves into a ringed barrier around me they presently succeeded in

rearranging the contending elements and in restoring me to the society

of my friends。 To these persons they complained with somewhat

unreasoning acrimony that I had been exciting the inmates into a state

of rebellion with wild imaginings; and for the first time I then began

to understand that an important error had been perpetrated by some

one; and that instead of being a meeting…place for those upholding the

wisdom and authority of the country; the building was in reality an

establishment for the mentally defective and those of treacherous


For some time after this occurrence I failed to regard the subject of

demons and allied Forces in any but a spirit of complete no

enthusiasm; but more recently my interest and research have been

enlarged by the zeal and supernatural conversation of a liberal…minded

person who sought my prosaic society with indefatigable persistence。

When we had progressed to such a length that the one might speak of

affairs without the other at once interposing that he himself had also

unfortunately come out quite destitute of money; this stranger; who

revealed to me that his name was Glidder; but that in the company of a

certain chosen few he was known intimately as the Keeper of the

Salograma; approached me confidentially; and inquired whether we of

our Central Kingdom were in the habit of receiving manifestations from

the spirits of those who had Passed Beyond。

At the unassumed ingenuousness of this remark I suffered my

impassiveness to relax; as I replied with well…established pride that

although a country which neglected its ancestors might doubtless be

able to produce more of the ordinary or graveyard spectres; we were

unapproachable for the diverse forms and malignant enmity of our

apparitions。 Of invisible beings alone; I continued tolerantly; we had

the distinction of being harassed by upwards of seven hundred

clearly…defined varieties; while the commoner inflictions of demons;

shades; visions; warlocks; phantoms; sprites; imps; phenomena; ghosts;

and reflections passed almost without comment; and touching our

admitted national speciality of dragons; the honour of supremacy had

never been questioned。

At this; the agreeable person said that the pleasure he derived

from meeting me was all…excelling; and that I must certainly accompany

him to a meeting…place of this same chosen few the following evening;

when; by the means of sacred expedients; they hoped to invoke the

presence of some departed spirits; and perchance successfully raise a

tangible vision or two。 To so fair…minded a proposal I held myself

acquiescently; and then inquired where the meeting…place in question

was destined to bewhether in a ruined and abandoned sanctuary; or

upon some precipitous spot of desolation。

The inquiry was gracefully intended; but a passing cloud of unworthy

annoyance revealed itself upon the upper part of the other's

expression as he replied; 〃We; the true seekers; despise theatrical

accessories; and; as a matter of act; I couldn't well get away from

the office in time to go anywhere far。 To…morrow we meet at my place

in the Camden Road。 It's only a three…half…penny tram stage from the

Euston and Tottenham Court corner; so it couldn't be much more

convenient for you。〃 He thereupon gave me an inscribed fragment of

paper and mentioned the appointed hour。

〃I'll tell you why I am particularly anxious for you to come

to…morrow;〃 he said as we were each departing from one another。

〃Pashhe's the Reader of the Veda among usand his people have got

hold of a Greek woman (they SAY she is a princess; of course); who can

do a lot of things with flowers and plate glass。 They are bringing her

for the first time to…morrow; and it struck me that if I have YOU

there already when they arriveyou'll come in your national costume

by the way?it will be a considerable set…off。 Since his daughter was

presented to the duchess at the opening of a bazaar; there has been no

holding Pash; why he was ever elected Reader of the Books; I don't

know。 Erwe have had scoffers sometimes; but I trust

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