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That this proud Pope may Faustus' cunning see。

MEPHIST。 Let it be so察my Faustus。  But察first察stay

And view their triumphs as they pass this way

And then devise what best contents thy mind

By cunning in thine art to cross the Pope

Or dash the pride of this solemnity

To make his monks and abbots stand like apes

And point like antics at his triple crown

To beat the beads about the friars' pates

Or clap huge horns upon the Cardinals' heads

Or any villany thou canst devise

And I'll perform it察Faustus。  Hark they come

This day shall make thee be admir'd in Rome。

     Enter the CARDINALS and BISHOPS察some bearing crosiers察some

     the pillars察MONKS and FRIARS察singing their procession

     then the POPE察RAYMOND king of Hungary察the ARCHBISHOP

     OF RHEIMS察BRUNO led in chains察and ATTENDANTS。

POPE。 Cast down our footstool。

RAYMOND。 Saxon Bruno察stoop

Whilst on thy back his Holiness ascends

Saint Peter's chair and state pontifical。

BRUNO。 Proud Lucifer察that state belongs to me

But thus I fall to Peter察not to thee。

POPE。 To me and Peter shalt thou grovelling lie

And crouch before the Papal dignity。

Sound trumpets察then察for thus Saint Peter's heir

〃From Bruno's back察ascends Saint Peter's chair。

     A flourish while he ascends。

Thus察as the gods creep on with feet of wool

Long ere with iron hands they punish men

So shall our sleeping vengeance now arise

And smite with death thy hated enterprise。

Lord Cardinals of France and Padua

Go forthwith to our holy consistory

And read察amongst the statutes decretal

What察by the holy council held at Trent

The sacred synod hath decreed for him

That doth assume the Papal government

Without election and a true consent

Away察and bring us word with speed。

CARDINAL OF FRANCE。 We go察my lord。

     Exeunt CARDINALS of France and Padua。

POPE。 Lord Raymond。

     They converse in dumb show。

FAUSTUS。 Go察haste thee察gentle Mephistophilis

Follow the cardinals to the consistory

And察as they turn their superstitious books

Strike them with sloth and drowsy idleness

And make them sleep so sound察that in their shapes

Thyself and I may parley with this Pope

This proud confronter of the Emperor

And察in despite of all his holiness

Restore this Bruno to his liberty

And bear him to the states of Germany。

MEPHIST。 Faustus察I go。

FAUSTUS。 Despatch it soon

The Pope shall curse察that Faustus came to Rome。


BRUNO。 Pope Adrian察let me have right of law

I was elected by the Emperor。

POPE。 We will depose the Emperor for that deed

And curse the people that submit to him

Both he and thou shall stand excommunicate

And interdict from church's privilege

And all society of holy men。

He grows too proud in his authority

Lifting his lofty head above the clouds

And察like a steeple察overpeers the church

But we'll pull down his haughty insolence

And察as Pope Alexander察our progenitor

Trod on the neck of German Frederick

Adding this golden sentence to our praise

;That Peter's heirs should tread on Emperors

And walk upon the dreadful adder's back

Treading the lion and the dragon down

And fearless spurn the killing basilisk察

So will we quell that haughty schismatic

And察by authority apostolical

Depose him from his regal government。

BRUNO。 Pope Julius swore to princely Sigismond

For him and the succeeding Popes of Rome

To hold the Emperors their lawful lords。

POPE。 Pope Julius did abuse the church's rights

And therefore none of his decrees can stand。

Is not all power on earth bestow'd on us

And therefore察though we would察we cannot err。

Behold this silver belt察whereto is fix'd

Seven golden seals察fast sealed with seven seals

In token of our seven´fold power from heaven

To bind or loose察lock fast察condemn or judge

Resign or seal察or what so pleaseth us

Then he and thou察and all the world察shall stoop

Or be assured of our dreadful curse

To light as heavy as the pains of hell。

     Re´enter FAUSTUS and MEPHISTOPHILIS察in the shapes of the

     CARDINALS of France and Padua。

MEPHIST。 Now tell me察Faustus察are we not fitted well

FAUSTUS。 Yes察Mephistophilis察and two such cardinals

Ne'er serv'd a holy Pope as we shall do。

But察whilst they sleep within the consistory

Let us salute his reverend fatherhood。

RAYMOND。 Behold察my lord察the Cardinals are return'd。

POPE。 Welcome察grave fathers此answer presently

What hath our holy council there decreed

Concerning Bruno and the Emperor

In quittance of their late conspiracy

Against our state and papal dignity

FAUSTUS。 Most sacred patron of the church of Rome

By full consent of all the synod

Of priests and prelates察it is thus decreed

That Bruno and the German Emperor

Be held as Lollards and bold schismatics

And proud disturbers of the church's peace

And if that Bruno察by his own assent

Without enforcement of the German peers

Did seek to wear the triple diadem

And by your death to climb Saint Peter's chair

The statutes decretal have thus decreed

He shall be straight condemn'd of heresy

And on a pile of faggots burnt to death。

POPE。 It is enough。  Here察take him to your charge

And bear him straight to Ponte Angelo

And in the strongest tower enclose him fast。

To´morrow察sitting in our consistory

With all our college of grave cardinals

We will determine of his life or death。

Here察take his triple crown along with you

And leave it in the church's treasury。

Make haste again察my good Lord Cardinals

And take our blessing apostolical。

MEPHIST。 So察so察was never devil thus bless'd before。

FAUSTUS。 Away察sweet Mephistophilis察be gone

The Cardinals will be plagu'd for this anon。


POPE。 Go presently and bring a banquet forth

That we may solemnize Saint Peter's feast

And with Lord Raymond察King of Hungary

Drink to our late and happy victory。

     A Sennet while the banquet is brought in察and then enter

     FAUSTUS and MEPHISTOPHILIS in their own shapes。

MEPHIST。 Now察Faustus察come察prepare thyself for mirth

The sleepy Cardinals are hard at hand

To censure Bruno察that is posted hence

And on a proud´pac'd steed察as swift as thought

Flies o'er the Alps to fruitful Germany

There to salute the woful Emperor。

FAUSTUS。 The Pope will curse them for their sloth to´day

That slept both Bruno and his crown away。

But now察that Faustus may delight his mind

And by their folly make some merriment

Sweet Mephistophilis察so charm me here

That I may walk invisible to all

And do whate'er I please察unseen of any。

MEPHIST。 Faustus察thou shalt此 then kneel down presently

Whilst on thy head I lay my hand

And charm thee with this magic wand。

First察wear this girdle察then appear

Invisible to all are here

The planets seven察the gloomy air

Hell察and the Furies' forked hair

Pluto's blue fire察and Hecat's tree

With magic spells so compass thee

That no eye may thy body see

So察Faustus察now察for all their holiness

Do what thou wilt察thou shalt not be discern'd。

FAUSTUS。 Thanks察Mephistophilis。Now察friars察take heed

Lest Faustus make your shaven crowns to bleed。

MEPHIST。 Faustus察no more此 see察where the Cardinals come

     Re´enter the CARDINALS of France and Padua with a book。

POPE。 Welcome察Lord Cardinals察come察sit down。

Lord Raymond察take your seat。Friars察attend

And see that all things be in readiness

As best beseems this solemn festival。

CARDINAL OF FRANCE。 First察may it please your sacred Holiness

To view the sentence of the reverend synod

Concerning Bruno and the Emperor

POPE。 What needs this question拭did I not tell you

To´morrow we would sit i' the consistory

And there determine of his punishment

You brought us word even now察it was decreed

That Bruno and the cursed Emperor

Were by the holy council both condemn'd

For loathed Lollards and base schismatics

Then wherefore would you have me view that book

CARDINAL OF FRANCE。 Your grace mistakes察you gave us no such charge。

RAYMOND。 Deny it not察we all are witnesses

That Bruno here was late deliver'd you

With his rich triple crown to be reserv'd

And put into the church's treasury。

BOTH CARDINALS。 By holy Paul察we saw them not

POPE。 By Peter察you shall die

Unless you bring them forth immediately

Hale them to prison察lade their limbs with gyves。

False prelates察for this hateful treachery

Curs'd be your souls to hellish misery

     Exeunt ATTENDANTS with the two CARDINALS。

FAUSTUS。 So察they are safe。  Now察Faustus察to the feast

The Pope had never such a frolic guest。

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