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shouldst see how fat I'd be。  But must thou sit察and I stand

come down察with a vengeance

FAUSTUS。 Out察envious wretchBut what art thou察the fourth

WRATH。 I am Wrath。  I had neither father nor mother此 I leapt

out of a lion's mouth when I was scarce an hour old察and ever

since have run up and down the world with this case of

rapiers察wounding myself when I could get none to fight withal。

I was born in hell察and look to it察for some of you shall be my


FAUSTUS。 And what art thou察the fifth

GLUTTONY。 I am Gluttony。  My parents are all dead察and the devil

a penny they have left me察but a small pension察and that buys me

thirty meals a´day and ten beversa small trifle to suffice

nature。  I come of a royal pedigree此 my father was a Gammon

of Bacon察my mother was a Hogshead of Claret´wine察my godfathers

were these察Peter Pickled´herring and Martin Martlemas´beef察but

my godmother察O察she was an ancient gentlewoman察her name was

Margery March´beer。  Now察Faustus察thou hast heard all my progeny

wilt thou bid me to supper


GLUTTONY。 Then the devil choke thee

FAUSTUS。 Choke thyself察gluttonWhat art thou察the sixth

SLOTH。 Heigho  I am Sloth。  I was begotten on a sunny bank。

Heigho  I'll not speak a word more for a king's ransom。

FAUSTUS。 And what are you察Mistress Minx察the seventh and last

LECHERY。 Who察I察sir拭 I am one that loves an inch of raw

mutton better than an ell of fried stock´fish察and the first

letter of my name begins with L。

LUCIFER。 Away to hell察away  On察piper

     Exeunt the SINS。

FAUSTUS。 O察how this sight doth delight my soul

LUCIFER。 Tut察Faustus察in hell is all manner of delight。

FAUSTUS。 O察might I see hell察and return again safe

How happy were I then

LUCIFER。 Faustus察thou shalt察at midnight I will send for thee。

Meanwhile peruse this book and view it throughly

And thou shalt turn thyself into what shape thou wilt。

FAUSTUS。 Thanks察mighty Lucifer

This will I keep as chary as my life。

LUCIFER。 Now察Faustus察farewell。

FAUSTUS。 Farewell察great Lucifer。

     Exeunt LUCIFER and BELZEBUB。



     Enter ROBIN察with a book。

ROBIN。 What察Dick look to the horses there察till I come again。

I have gotten one of Doctor Faustus' conjuring´books察and now

we'll have such knavery as't passes。

     Enter DICK。

DICK。 What察Robin you must come away and walk the horses。

ROBIN。 I walk the horses  I scorn't察faith此 I have other

matters in hand此 let the horses walk themselves察an they will。


A per se察a察t察h察e察the察o per se察o察Demy orgon gorgon。

Keep further from me察O thou illiterate and unlearned hostler

DICK。 'Snails察what hast thou got there拭a book why察thou canst

not tell ne'er a word on't。

ROBIN。 That thou shalt see presently此 keep out of the circle

I say察lest I send you into the ostry with a vengeance。

DICK。 That's like察faith you had best leave your foolery察for

an my master come察he'll conjure you察faith。

ROBIN。 My master conjure me  I'll tell thee what察an my master

come here察I'll clap as fair a pair of horns on's head as

e'er thou sawest in thy life。

DICK。 Thou need'st not do that察for my mistress hath done it。

ROBIN。 Ay察there be of us here that have waded as deep into

matters as other men察if they were disposed to talk。

DICK。 A plague take you  I thought you did not sneak up and down

after her for nothing。  But察I prithee察tell me in good sadness

Robin察is that a conjuring´book

ROBIN。 Do but speak what thou'lt have me to do察and I'll do't

if thou'lt dance naked察put off thy clothes察and I'll conjure

thee about presently察or察if thou'lt go but to the tavern with

me察I'll give thee white wine察red wine察claret´wine察sack

muscadine察malmsey察and whippincrust察hold察belly察hold察and

we'll not pay one penny for it。

DICK。 0察brave  Prithee察let's to it presently察for I am as

dry as a dog。

ROBIN。 Come察then察let's away。


     Enter CHORUS。

CHORUS。 Learned Faustus

To find the secrets of astronomy

Graven in the book of Jove's high firmament

Did mount him up to scale Olympus' top

Where察sitting in a chariot burning bright

Drawn by the strength of yoked dragons' necks

He views the clouds察the planets察and the stars

The tropic zones察and quarters of the sky

〃From the bright circle of the horned moon

Even to the height of Primum Mobile

And察whirling round with this circumference

Within the concave compass of the pole

〃From east to west his dragons swiftly glide

And in eight days did bring him home again。

Not long he stay'd within his quiet house

To rest his bones after his weary toil

But new exploits do hale him out again

And察mounted then upon a dragon's back

That with his wings did part the subtle air

He now is gone to prove cosmography

That measures coasts and kingdoms of the earth

And察as I guess察will first arrive at Rome

To see the Pope and manner of his court

And take some part of holy Peter's feast

The which this day is highly solemniz'd。



FAUSTUS。 Having now察my good Mephistophilis

Pass'd with delight the stately town of Trier

Environ'd round with airy mountain´tops

With walls of flint察and deep´entrenched lakes

Not to be won by any conquering prince

〃From Paris next察coasting the realm of France

We saw the river Maine fall into Rhine

Whose banks are set with groves of fruitful vines

Then up to Naples察rich Campania

Whose buildings fair and gorgeous to the eye

The streets straight forth察and pav'd with finest brick

Quarter the town in four equivalents

There saw we learned Maro's golden tomb

The way he cut察an English mile in length

Thorough a rock of stone察in one night's space

〃From thence to Venice察Padua察and the rest

In one of which a sumptuous temple stands

That threats the stars with her aspiring top

Whose frame is pav'd with sundry´colour'd stones

And roof'd aloft with curious work in gold。

Thus hitherto hath Faustus spent his time

But tell me now察what resting´place is this

Hast thou察as erst I did command

Conducted me within the walls of Rome

MEPHIST。 I have察my Faustus察and察for proof thereof

This is the goodly palace of the Pope

And察'cause we are no common guests

I choose his privy´chamber for our use。

FAUSTUS。 I hope his Holiness will bid us welcome。

MEPHIST。 All's one察for we'll be bold with his venison。

But now察my Faustus察that thou mayst perceive

What Rome contains for to delight thine eyes

Know that this city stands upon seven hills

That underprop the groundwork of the same

Just through the midst runs flowing Tiber's stream

With winding banks that cut it in two parts

Over the which two stately bridges lean

That make safe passage to each part of Rome

Upon the bridge call'd Ponte Angelo

Erected is a castle passing strong

Where thou shalt see such store of ordnance

As that the double cannons察forg'd of brass

Do match the number of the days contain'd

Within the compass of one complete year

Beside the gates察and high pyramides

That Julius Caesar brought from Africa。

FAUSTUS。 Now察by the kingdoms of infernal rule

Of Styx察of Acheron察and the fiery lake

Of ever´burning Phlegethon察I swear

That I do long to see the monuments

And situation of bright´splendent Rome

Come察therefore察let's away。

MEPHIST。 Nay察stay察my Faustus此 I know you'd see the Pope

And take some part of holy Peter's feast

The which察in state and high solemnity

This day察is held through Rome and Italy

In honour of the Pope's triumphant victory。

FAUSTUS。 Sweet Mephistophilis察thou pleasest me。

Whilst I am here on earth察let me be cloy'd

With all things that delight the heart of man

My four´and´twenty years of liberty

I'll spend in pleasure and in dalliance

That Faustus' name察whilst this bright frame doth stand

May be admir'd thorough the furthest land。

MEPHIST。 'Tis well said察Faustus。  Come察then察stand by me

And thou shalt see them come immediately。

FAUSTUS。 Nay察stay察my gentle Mephistophilis

And grant me my request察and then I go。

Thou know'st察within the compass of eight days

We view'd the face of heaven察of earth察and hell

So high our dragons soar'd into the air

That察looking down察the earth appear'd to me

No bigger than my hand in quantity

There did we view the kingdoms of the world

And what might please mine eye I there beheld。

Then in this show let me an actor be

That this proud Pope may Faustus' cunning see。

MEPHIST。 Let it be 

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