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弌傍 dr. faustus 忖方 耽匈4000忖

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Where we are tortur'd and remain for ever

Hell hath no limits察nor is circumscrib'd

In one self´place察but where we are is hell

And where hell is察there must we ever be

And察to be short察when all the world dissolves

And every creature shall be purified

All places shall be hell that are not heaven。

FAUSTUS。 I think hell's a fable。

MEPHIST。 Ay察think so still察till experience change thy mind。

FAUSTUS。 Why察dost thou think that Faustus shall be damn'd

MEPHIST。 Ay察of necessity察for here's the scroll

In which thou hast given thy soul to Lucifer。

FAUSTUS。 Ay察and body too察and what of that

Think'st thou that Faustus is so fond to imagine

That察after this life察there is any pain

No察these are trifles and mere old wives' tales。

MEPHIST。 But I am an instance to prove the contrary

For I tell thee I am damn'd and now in hell。

FAUSTUS。 Nay察an this be hell察I'll willingly be damn'd

What sleeping察eating察walking察and disputing

But察leaving this察let me have a wife

The fairest maid in Germany

For I am wanton and lascivious

And cannot live without a wife。

MEPHIST。 Well察Faustus察thou shalt have a wife。


FAUSTUS。 What sight is this

MEPHIST。 Now察Faustus察wilt thou have a wife

FAUSTUS。 Here's a hot whore察indeed此 no察I'll no wife。

MEPHIST。 Marriage is but a ceremonial toy

And察if thou lov'st me察think no more of it。

I'll cull thee out the fairest courtezans

And bring them every morning to thy bed

She whom thine eye shall like察thy heart shall have

Were she as chaste as was Penelope

As wise as Saba察or as beautiful

As was bright Lucifer before his fall。

Here察take this book察peruse it well

The iterating of these lines brings gold

The framing of this circle on the ground

Brings thunder察whirlwinds察storm察and lightning

Pronounce this thrice devoutly to thyself

And men in harness shall appear to thee

Ready to execute what thou command'st。

FAUSTUS。 Thanks察Mephistophilis察for this sweet book

This will I keep as chary as my life。


     Enter FAUSTUS察in his study察and MEPHISTOPHILIS。

FAUSTUS。 When I behold the heavens察then I repent

And curse thee察wicked Mephistophilis

Because thou hast depriv'd me of those joys。

MEPHIST。 'Twas thine own seeking察Faustus察thank thyself。

But察think'st thou heaven is such a glorious thing

I tell thee察Faustus察it is not half so fair

As thou察or any man that breathes on earth。

FAUSTUS。 How prov'st thou that

MEPHIST。 'Twas made for man察then he's more excellent。

FAUSTUS。 If heaven was made for man察'twas made for me

I will renounce this magic and repent。


GOOD ANGEL。 Faustus察repent察yet God will pity thee。

EVIL ANGEL。 Thou art a spirit察God cannot pity thee。

FAUSTUS。 Who buzzeth in mine ears I am a spirit

Be I a devil察yet God may pity me

Yea察God will pity me察if I repent。

EVIL ANGEL。 Ay察but Faustus never shall repent。

     Exeunt ANGELS。

FAUSTUS。 My heart is harden'd察I cannot repent

Scarce can I name salvation察faith察or heaven

Swords察poisons察halters察and envenom'd steel

Are laid before me to despatch myself

And long ere this I should have done the deed

Had not sweet pleasure conquer'd deep despair。

Have not I made blind Homer sing to me

Of Alexander's love and Oenon's death

And hath not he察that built the walls of Thebes

With ravishing sound of his melodious harp

Made music with my Mephistophilis

Why should I die察then察or basely despair

I am resolv'd察Faustus shall not repent。

Come察Mephistophilis察let us dispute again

And reason of divine astrology。

Speak察are there many spheres above the moon

Are all celestial bodies but one globe

As is the substance of this centric earth

MEPHIST。 As are the elements察such are the heavens

Even from the moon unto th' empyreal orb

Mutually folded in each other's spheres

And jointly move upon one axletree

Whose termine is term'd the world's wide pole

Nor are the names of Saturn察Mars察or Jupiter

Feign'd察but are erring stars。

FAUSTUS。 But have they all one motion察both situ et tempore

MEPHIST。 All move from east to west in four´and´twenty

hours upon the poles of the world察but differ in their motions

upon the poles of the zodiac。

FAUSTUS。 These slender questions Wagner can decide

Hath Mephistophilis no greater skill

Who knows not the double motion of the planets

That the first is finish'd in a natural day

The second thus察Saturn in thirty years察Jupiter in twelve

Mars in four察the Sun察Venus察and Mercury in a year察the Moon

in twenty´eight days。  These are freshmen's questions。  But

tell me察hath every sphere a dominion or intelligentia


FAUSTUS。 How many heavens or spheres are there

MEPHIST。 Nine察the seven planets察the firmament察and the empyreal


FAUSTUS。 But is there not coelum igneum et crystallinum

MEPHIST。 No察Faustus察they be but fables。

FAUSTUS。 Resolve me察then察in this one question察why are not

conjunctions察oppositions察aspects察eclipses察all at one time

but in some years we have more察in some less

MEPHIST。 Per inoequalem motum respectu totius。

FAUSTUS。 Well察I am answered。  Now tell me who made the world

MEPHIST。 I will not。

FAUSTUS。 Sweet Mephistophilis察tell me。

MEPHIST。 Move me not察Faustus。

FAUSTUS。 Villain察have I not bound thee to tell me any thing

MEPHIST。 Ay察that is not against our kingdom察this is。

Thou art damned察think thou of hell。

FAUSTUS。 Think察Faustus察upon God that made the world。

MEPHIST。 Remember this。


FAUSTUS。 Ay察go察accursed spirit察to ugly hell

'Tis thou hast damn'd distressed Faustus' soul。

Is't not too late

     Re´enter GOOD ANGEL and EVIL ANGEL。

EVIL ANGEL。 Too late。

GOOD ANGEL。 Never too late察if Faustus will repent。

EVIL ANGEL。 If thou repent察devils will tear thee in pieces。

GOOD ANGEL。 Repent察and they shall never raze thy skin。

     Exeunt ANGELS。

FAUSTUS。 O Christ察my Saviour察my Saviour

Help to save distressed Faustus' soul


LUCIFER。 Christ cannot save thy soul察for he is just

There's none but I have interest in the same。

FAUSTUS。 O察what art thou that look'st so terribly

LUCIFER。 I am Lucifer

And this is my companion´prince in hell。

FAUSTUS。 O Faustus察they are come to fetch thy soul

BELZEBUB。 We are come to tell thee thou dost injure us。

LUCIFER。 Thou call'st of Christ察contrary to thy promise。

BELZEBUB。 Thou shouldst not think on God。

LUCIFER。 Think of the devil。

BELZEBUB。 And his dam too。

FAUSTUS。 Nor will Faustus henceforth此 pardon him for this

And Faustus vows never to look to heaven。

LUCIFER。 So shalt thou shew thyself an obedient servant

And we will highly gratify thee for it。

BELZEBUB。 Faustus察we are come from hell in person to shew thee

some pastime此 sit down察and thou shalt behold the Seven Deadly

Sins appear to thee in their own proper shapes and likeness。

FAUSTUS。 That sight will be as pleasant unto me

As Paradise was to Adam the first day

Of his creation。

LUCIFER。 Talk not of Paradise or creation察but mark the show。

Go察Mephistophilis察and fetch them in。


BELZEBUB。 Now察Faustus察question them of their names and


FAUSTUS。 That shall I soon。What art thou察the first

PRIDE。 I am Pride。  I disdain to have any parents。  I am like to

Ovid's flea察I can creep into every corner of a wench察sometimes

like a perriwig察I sit upon her brow察next察like a necklace察I hang

about her neck察then察like a fan of feathers察I kiss her lips

and then察turning myself to a wrought smock察do what I list。

But察fie察what a smell is here  I'll not speak a word more for

a king's ransom察unless the ground be perfumed察and covered with

cloth of arras。

FAUSTUS。 Thou art a proud knave察indeed。What art thou察the second

COVETOUSNESS。 I am Covetousness察begotten of an old churl察in a

leather bag此 and察might I now obtain my wish察this house察you

and all察should turn to gold察that I might lock you safe into

my chest此 O my sweet gold

FAUSTUS。 And what art thou察the third

ENVY。 I am Envy察begotten of a chimney´sweeper and an oyster´wife。

I cannot read察and therefore wish all books burned。  I am lean

with seeing others eat。  O察that there would come a famine over

all the world察that all might die察and I live alone then thou

shouldst see how fat I'd be。  But must thou sit察and I stand

come down察with a vengeance


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