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dr. faustus-及12准

弌傍 dr. faustus 忖方 耽匈4000忖

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FIRST SCHOLAR。 Why did not Faustus tell us of this before

that divines might have prayed for thee

FAUSTUS。 Oft have I thought to have done so察but the devil

threatened to tear me in pieces察if I named God察to fetch me

body and soul察if I once gave ear to divinity此 and now 'tis

too late。  Gentlemen察away察lest you perish with me。

SECOND SCHOLAR。 O察what may we do to save Faustus

FAUSTUS。 Talk not of me察but save yourselves察and depart。

THIRD SCHOLAR。 God will strengthen me察I will stay with Faustus。

FIRST SCHOLAR。 Tempt not God察sweet friend察but let us into the

next room察and pray for him。

FAUSTUS。 Ay察pray for me察pray for me察and what noise soever

you hear察come not unto me察for nothing can rescue me。

SECOND SCHOLAR。 Pray thou察and we will pray that God may have mercy

upon thee。

FAUSTUS。 Gentlemen察farewell此 if I live till morning察I'll visit

you察if not察Faustus is gone to hell。

ALL。 Faustus察farewell。

     Exeunt SCHOLARS。

MEPHIST。 Ay察Faustus察now thou hast no hope of heaven

Therefore despair察think only upon hell

For that must be thy mansion察there to dwell。

FAUSTUS。 O thou bewitching fiend察'twas thy temptation

Hath robb'd me of eternal happiness

MEPHIST。 I do confess it察Faustus察and rejoice

'Twas I that察when thou wert i'the way to heaven

Damm'd up thy passage察when thou took'st the book

To view the Scriptures察then I turn'd the leaves

And led thine eye。

What察weep'st thou拭'tis too late察despair  Farewell

Fools that will laugh on earth must weep in hell。


     Enter GOOD ANGEL and EVIL ANGEL at several doors。

GOOD ANGEL。 0 Faustus察if thou hadst given ear to me

Innumerable joys had follow'd thee

But thou didst love the world。

EVIL ANGEL。 Gave ear to me

And now must taste hell´pains perpetually。

GOOD ANGEL。 O察what will all thy riches察pleasures察pomps

Avail thee now

EVIL ANGEL。 Nothing察but vex thee more

To want in hell察that had on earth such store。

GOOD ANGEL。 0察thou hast lost celestial happiness

Pleasures unspeakable察bliss without end

Hadst thou affected sweet divinity

Hell or the devil had had no power on thee

Hadst thou kept on that way察Faustus察behold

     Music察while a throne descends。

In what resplendent glory thou hadst sit

In yonder throne察like those bright´shining saints

And triumph'd over hell  That hast thou lost

And now察poor soul察must thy good angel leave thee

The jaws of hell are open to receive thee。

     Exit。  The throne ascends。

EVIL ANGEL。 Now察Faustus察let thine eyes with horror stare

     Hell is discovered。

Into that vast perpetual torture´house

There are the Furies tossing damned souls

On burning forks察there bodies boil in lead

There are live quarters broiling on the coals

That ne'er can die察this ever´burning chair

Is for o'er´tortur'd souls to rest them in

These that are fed with sops of flaming fire

Were gluttons察and lov'd only delicates

And laugh'd to see the poor starve at their gates

But yet all these are nothing察thou shalt see

Ten thousand tortures that more horrid be。

FAUSTUS。 O察I have seen enough to torture me

EVIL ANGEL。 Nay察thou must feel them察taste the smart of all

He that loves pleasure must for pleasure fall

And so I leave thee察Faustus察till anon

Then wilt thou tumble in confusion。

     Exit。  Hell disappears。The clock strikes eleven。

FAUSTUS。 O Faustus

Now hast thou but one bare hour to live

And then thou must be damn'd perpetually

Stand still察you ever´moving spheres of heaven

That time may cease察and midnight never come

Fair Nature's eye察rise察rise again察and make

Perpetual day察or let this hour be but

A year察a month察a week察a natural day

That Faustus may repent and save his soul

O lente察lente currite察noctis equi

The stars move still察time runs察the clock will strike

The devil will come察and Faustus must be damn'd。

O察I'll leap up to heavenWho pulls me down

See察where Christ's blood streams in the firmament

One drop of blood will save me此 O my Christ

Rend not my heart for naming of my Christ

Yet will I call on him此 O察spare me察Lucifer

Where is it now拭'tis gone

And察see察a threatening arm察an angry brow

Mountains and hills察come察come察and fall on me

And hide me from the heavy wrath of heaven


Then will I headlong run into the earth

Gape察earth  O察no察it will not harbour me

You stars that reign'd at my nativity

Whose influence hath allotted death and hell

Now draw up Faustus察like a foggy mist

Into the entrails of yon labouring cloudsВ

That察when you vomit forth into the air

My limbs may issue from your smoky mouths

But let my soul mount and ascend to heaven

     The clock strikes the half´hour。

O察half the hour is past 'twill all be past anon。

O察if my soul must suffer for my sin

Impose some end to my incessant pain

Let Faustus live in hell a thousand years

A hundred thousand察and at last be sav'd

No end is limited to damned souls。

Why wert thou not a creature wanting soul

Or why is this immortal that thou hast

O察Pythagoras' metempsychosis察were that true

This soul should fly from me察and I be chang'd

Into some brutish beast all beasts are happy

For察when they die

Their souls are soon dissolv'd in elements

But mine must live still to be plagu'd in hell。

Curs'd be the parents that engender'd me

No察Faustus察curse thyself察curse Lucifer

That hath depriv'd thee of the joys of heaven。

     The clock strikes twelve。

It strikes察it strikes  Now察body察turn to air

Or Lucifer will bear thee quick to hell

O soul察be chang'd into small water´drops

And fall into the ocean察ne'er be found

     Thunder。  Enter DEVILS。

O察mercy察heaven look not so fierce on me

Adders and serpents察let me breathe a while

Ugly hell察gape not come not察Lucifer

I'll burn my booksO Mephistophilis

     Exeunt DEVILS with FAUSTUS。

     Enter SCHOLARS。

FIRST SCHOLAR。 Come察gentlemen察let us go visit Faustus

For such a dreadful night was never seen

Since first the world's creation did begin

Such fearful shrieks and cries were never heard

Pray heaven the doctor have escap'd the danger。


O察help us察heaven see察here are Faustus' limbs

All torn asunder by the hand of death


The devils whom Faustus serv'd have torn him thus

For察twixt the hours of twelve and one察methought

I heard him shriek and call aloud for help

At which self time the house seem'd all on fire

With dreadful horror of these damned fiends。

SECOND SCHOLAR。 Well察gentlemen察though Faustus' end be such

As every Christian heart laments to think on

Yet察for he was a scholar once admir'd

For wondrous knowledge in our German schools

We'll give his mangled limbs due burial

And all the students察cloth'd in mourning black

Shall wait upon his heavy funeral。


     Enter CHORUS。

CHORUS。 Cut is the branch that might have grown full straight

And burned is Apollo's laurel´bough

That sometime grew within this learned man。

Faustus is gone此 regard his hellish fall

Whose fiendful fortune may exhort the wise

Only to wonder at unlawful things

Whose deepness doth entice such forward wits

To practise more than heavenly power permits。


Terminat hora diem察terminat auctor opus。

 CarthagensАSo 4tos 1616察1624察。and compare 4to 1604

p。 79。2to 1631 ;Carthagen。;


 herАOld eds。 ;his。;

 ofАSo 4to 1616。2tos 1624察1631察 and。;

 uponАSo 4to 1616。2tos 1624 1631 ;on the。;

 thousandАSo 4to 1616。2tos 1624察1631察 diuers。;

 themАSo 4to 1616。2tos 1624察1631察 men。;

 legaturАOld eds。 ;legatus。;

 pettyАI may notice that 4to 1604 has ;pretty察─which is

perhaps the right reading。

 &c。АSo 4tos 1624察1631。Not in 4to 1616。

 circles察scenes察letters察and charactersАSo 4to 1604 see

note 察p。 80。The later 4tos ;circles察letters察characters。;


 gainАSo 4tos 1624察1631 and so 4to 1604。2to 1616 ;get。;

 theseАSee note 拭p。 80。


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