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dr. faustus-及10准

弌傍 dr. faustus 忖方 耽匈4000忖

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gave me my money and fell to eating察and察as I am a cursen

man察he never left eating till he had eat up all my load of hay。

ALL。 O察monstrous eat a whole load of hay

ROBIN。 Yes察yes察that may be察for I have heard of one that has eat

a load of logs。

HORSE´COURSER。 Now察sirs察you shall hear how villanously he

served me。  I went to him yesterday to buy a horse of him察and

he would by no means sell him under forty dollars。  So察sir

because I knew him to be such a horse as would run over hedge

and ditch and never tire察I gave him his money。  So察when I had

my horse察Doctor Faustus bad me ride him night and day察and spare

him no time察but察quoth he察in any case察ride him not into the

water。  Now察sir察I thinking the horse had had some quality

that he would not have me know of察what did I but rid him

into a great river拭and when I came just in the midst察my horse

vanished away察and I sate straddling upon a bottle of hay。

ALL。 O察brave doctor

HORSE´COURSER。 But you shall hear how bravely I served him for

it。  I went me home to his house察and there I found him asleep。

I kept a hallooing and whooping in his ears察but all could not

wake him。  I察seeing that察took him by the leg察and never rested

pulling till I had pulled me his leg quite off察and now 'tis at

home in mine hostry。

ROBIN。 And has the doctor but one leg察then拭that's excellent

for one of his devils turned me into the likeness of an ape's face。

CARTER。 Some more drink察hostess

ROBIN。 Hark you察we'll into another room and drink a while察and

then we'll go seek out the doctor。



     and ATTENDANTS。

DUKE。 Thanks察Master Doctor察for these pleasant sights察nor know

I how sufficiently to recompense your great deserts in erecting

that enchanted castle in the air察the sight whereof so

delighted me as nothing in the world could please me more。

FAUSTUS。 I do think myself察my good lord察highly recompensed in

that it pleaseth your grace to think but well of that which

Faustus hath performed。But察gracious lady察it may be that you

have taken no pleasure in those sights察therefore察I pray you

tell me察what is the thing you most desire to have察be it in the

world察it shall be yours此I have heard that great´bellied women

do long for things are rare and dainty。

DUCHESS。 True察Master Doctor察and察since I find you so kind

I will make known unto you what my heart desires to have察and

were it now summer察as it is January察a dead time of the winter

I would request no better meat than a dish of ripe grapes。

FAUSTUS。 This is but a small matter。Go察Mephistophilis察away


Madam察I will do more than this for your content。

     Re´Enter MEPHISTOPHILIS with grapes。

Here now察taste you these此they should be good察for they come

from a far country察I can tell you。

DUKE。 This makes me wonder more than all the rest察that at this

time of the year察when every tree is barren of his fruit察from

whence you had these ripe grapes。

FAUSTUS。 Please it your grace察the year is divided into two

circles over the whole world察so that察when it is winter with

us察in the contrary circle it is likewise summer with them察as

in India察Saba察and such countries that lie far east察where

they have fruit twice a´year察from whence察by means of a swift

spirit that I have察I had these grapes brought察as you see。

DUCHESS。 And察trust me察they are the sweetest grapes that e'er

I tasted。

     The CLOWNS bounce at the gate察within。

DUKE。 What rude disturbers have we at the gate

Go察pacify their fury察set it ope

And then demand of them what they would have。

     They knock again察and call out to talk with FAUSTUS。

SERVANT。 Why察how now察masters what a coil is there

What is the reason you disturb the Duke

DICK withinА We have no reason for it察therefore a fig for him

SERVANT。 Why察saucy varlets察dare you be so bold

HORSE´COURSER withinА I hope察sir察we have wit enough to be

more bold than welcome。

SERVANT。 It appears so此 pray察be bold elsewhere察and trouble

not the Duke。

DUKE。 What would they have

SERVANT。 They all cry out to speak with Doctor Faustus。

CARTER withinА Ay察and we will speak with him。

DUKE。 Will you察sirCommit the rascals。

DICK withinА Commit with us he were as good commit with his

father as commit with us。

FAUSTUS。 I do beseech your grace察let them come in

They are good subject for a merriment。

DUKE。 Do as thou wilt察Faustus察I give thee leave。

FAUSTUS。 I thank your grace。


Why察how now察my good friends

Faith察you are too outrageous此 but察come near

I have procur'd your pardons此 welcome察all。

ROBIN。 Nay察sir察we will be welcome for our money察and we will

pay for what we take。What察ho give's half a dozen of beer here

and be hanged

FAUSTUS。 Nay察hark you察can you tell me where you are

CARTER。 Ay察marry察can I察we are under heaven。

SERVANT。 Ay察but察Sir Saucebox察know you in what place

HORSE´COURSER。 Ay察ay察the house is good enough to drink in。

Zouns察fill us some beer察or we'll break all the barrels in

the house察and dash out all your brains with your bottles

FAUSTUS。 Be not so furious此 come察you shall have beer。

My lord察beseech you give me leave a while

I'll gage my credit 'twill content your grace。

DUKE。 With all my heart察kind doctor察please thyself

Our servants and our court's at thy command。

FAUSTUS。 I humbly thank your grace。Then fetch some beer。

HORSE´COURSER。 Ay察marry察there spake a doctor察indeed

and察faith察I'll drink a health to thy wooden leg for that word。

FAUSTUS。 My wooden leg what dost thou mean by that

CARTER。 Ha察ha察haDost hear him察Dick拭he has forgot his


HORSE´COURSER。 Ay察ay察he does not stand much upon that。

FAUSTUS。 No察faith察not much upon a wooden leg。

CARTER。 Good Lord察that flesh and blood should be so frail with

your worship  Do not you remember a horse´courser you sold a

horse to

FAUSTUS。 Yes察I remember I sold one a horse。

CARTER。 And do you remember you bid he should not ride him

into the water

FAUSTUS。 Yes察I do very well remember that。

CARTER。 And do you remember nothing of your leg

FAUSTUS。 No察in good sooth。

CARTER。 Then察I pray you察remember your courtesy。

FAUSTUS。 I thank you察sir。

CARTER。 'Tis not so much worth。  I pray you察tell me one thing。

FAUSTUS。 What's that

CARTER。 Be both your legs bed´fellows every night together

FAUSTUS。 Wouldst thou make a Colossus of me察that thou askest me

such questions

CARTER。 No察truly察sir察I would make nothing of you察but I would

fain know that。

     Enter HOSTESS with drink。

FAUSTUS。 Then察I assure thee certainly察they are。

CARTER。 I thank you察I am fully satisfied。

FAUSTUS。 But wherefore dost thou ask

CARTER。 For nothing察sir此 but methinks you should have a wooden

bed´fellow of one of 'em。

HORSE´COURSER。 Why察do you hear察sir拭did not I pull off

one of your legs when you were asleep

FAUSTUS。 But I have it again察now I am awake此look you here察sir。

ALL。 O察horrible had the doctor three legs

CARTER。 Do you remember察sir察how you cozened me察and eat up my

load of

     FAUSTUS察in the middle of each speech察charms them dumb。

DICK。 Do you remember how you made me wear an ape's

HORSE´COURSER。 You whoreson conjuring scab察do you remember how

you cozened me with a ho

ROBIN。 Ha' you forgotten me拭you think to carry it away with

your hey´pass and re´pass此 do you remember the dog's fa

     Exeunt CLOWNS。

HOSTESS。 Who pays for the ale拭hear you察Master Doctor察now you

have sent away my guess察I pray who shall pay me for my a

     Exit HOSTESS。

DUCHESS。 My lord

We are much beholding to this learned man。

DUKE。 So are we察madam察which we will recompense

With all the love and kindness that we may

His artful sport drives all sad thoughts away。


     Thunder and lightning。  Enter DEVILS with covered dishes

     MEPHISTOPHILIS leads them into FAUSTUS'S study察then enter


WAGNER。 I think my master means to die shortly察he has made

his will察and given me his wealth察his house察his goods察and

store of golden plate察besides two thousand ducats ready´coined。

I wonder what he means此 if death were nigh察he would not frolic

thus。  He's now at supper with the scholars察where there's such

belly´cheer as Wagner in his life ne'er saw the like此 and

see where they come belike the feast is ended。

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