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that has happened to the National Assembly is that it has introduced
five or six hundred enemies to hamper and hinder its deliberations。

But all this is an oft…told tale; to be read in detail elsewhere。
I give you here just so much of it as I have found in Andre…Louis'
own writings; almost in his own words; reflecting the changes that
were operated in his mind。  Silent now; he came fully to believe
in those things in which he had not believed when earlier he had
preached them。

Meanwhile together with the change in his fortune had come a change
in his position towards the law; a change brought about by the
other changes wrought around him。  No longer need he hide himself。
Who in these days would prefer against him the grotesque charge of
sedition for what he had done in Brittany?  What court would dare
to send him to the gallows for having said in advance what all
France was saying now?  As for that other possible charge of murder;
who should concern himself with the death of the miserable Binet
killed by him … if; indeed; he had killed him; as he hoped … in

And so one fine day in early August; Andre…Louis gave himself a
holiday from the academy; which was now working smoothly under his
assistants; hired a chaise and drove out to Versailles to the Caf?
d'Amaury; which he knew for the meeting…place of the Club Breton;
the seed from which was to spring that Society of the Friends of
the Constitution better known as the Jacobins。  He went to seek
Le Chapelier; who had been one of the founders of the club; a man
of great prominence now; president of the Assembly in this important
season when it was deliberating upon the Declaration of the Rights
of Man。

Le Chapelier's importance was reflected in the sudden servility of
the shirt…sleeved; white…aproned waiter of whom Andre…Louis inquired
for the representative。

M。 Le Chapelier was above…stairs with friends。  The waiter desired
to serve the gentleman; but hesitated to break in upon the assembly
in which M。 le Depute found himself。

Andre…Louis gave him a piece of silver to encourage him to make the
attempt。  Then he sat down at a marble…topped table by the window
looking out over the wide tree…encircled square。  There; in that
common…room of the caf? deserted at this hour of mid…afternoon; the
great man came to him。 Less than a year ago he had yielded precedence
to Andre…Louis in a matter of delicate leadership; to…day he stood
on the heights; one of the great leaders of the Nation in travail;
and Andre…Louis was deep down in the shadows of the general mass。

The thought was in the minds of both as they scanned each other;
each noting in the other the marked change that a few months had
wrought。  In Le Chapelier; Andre…Louis observed certain heightened
refinements of dress that went with certain subtler refinements of
countenance。  He was thinner than of old; his face was pale and
there was a weariness in the eyes that considered his visitor
through a gold…rimmed spy…glass。  In Andre…Louis those jaded but
quick…moving eyes of the Breton deputy noted changes even more
marked。  The almost constant swordmanship of these last months had
given Andre…Louis a grace of movement; a poise; and a curious;
indefinable air of dignity; of command。  He seemed taller by virtue
of this; and he was dressed with an elegance which if quiet was
none the less rich。  He wore a small silver…hilted sword; and wore
it as if used to it; and his black hair that Le Chapelier had never
seen other than fluttering lank about his bony cheeks was glossy
now and gathered into a club。  Almost he had the air of a

In both; however; the changes were purely superficial; as each was
soon to reveal to the other。  Le Chapelier was ever the same direct
and downright Breton; abrupt of manner and of speech。  He stood
smiling a moment in mingled surprise and pleasure; then opened wide
his arms。  They embraced under the awe…stricken gaze of the waiter;
who at once effaced himself。

〃Andre…Louis; my friend!  Whence do you drop?〃

〃We drop from above。  I come from below to survey at close quarters
one who is on the heights。〃

〃On the heights!  But that you willed it so; it is yourself might
now be standing in my place。〃

〃I have a poor head for heights; and I find the atmosphere too
rarefied。  Indeed; you look none too well on it yourself; Isaac。
You are pale。〃

〃The Assembly was in session all last night。  That is all。  These
damned Privileged multiply our difficulties。  They will do so until
we decree their abolition。〃

They sat down。  〃Abolition!  You contemplate so much?  Not that you
surprise me。  You have always been an extremist。〃

〃I contemplate it that I may save them。 I seek to abolish them
officially; so as to save them from abolition of another kind at
the hands of a people they exasperate。〃

〃I see。  And the King?〃

〃The King is the incarnation of the Nation。  We shall deliver him
together with the Nation from the bondage of Privilege。  Our
constitution will accomplish it。  You agree?〃

Andre…Louis shrugged。  〃Does it matter?  I am a dreamer in politics;
not a man of action。  Until lately I have been very moderate; more
moderate than you think。  But now almost I am a republican。  I have
been watching; and I have perceived that this King is … just nothing;
a puppet who dances according to the hand that pulls the string。〃

〃This King; you say?  What other king is possible?  You are surely
not of those who weave dreams about Orleans?  He has a sort of
party; a following largely recruited by the popular hatred of the
Queen and the known fact that she hates him。  There are some who
have thought of making him regent; some even more; Robespierre is
of the number。〃

〃Who?〃 asked Andre…Louis; to whom the name was unknown。

〃Robespierre … a preposterous little lawyer who represents Arras;
a shabby; clumsy; timid dullard; who will make speeches through
his nose to which nobody listens … an ultra…royalist whom the
royalists and the Orleanists are using for their own ends。  He
has pertinacity; and he insists upon being heard。  He may be
listened to some day。  But that he; or the others; will ever make
anything of Orleans。。。 pish!  Orleans himself may desire it; but。
the man is a eunuch in crime; he would; but he can't。  The phrase
is Mirabeau's。〃

He broke off to demand Andre…Louis' news of himself。

〃You did not treat me as a friend when you wrote to me;〃 he
complained。  〃You gave me no clue to your whereabouts; you
represented yourself as on the verge of destitution and withheld
from me the means to come to your assistance。  I have been troubled
in mind about you; Andre。  Yet to judge by your appearance I might
have spared myself that。  You seem prosperous; assured。  Tell me
of it。〃

Andre…Louis told him frankly all that there was to tell。  〃Do you
know that you are an amazement to me?〃 said the deputy。  〃From the
robe to the buskin; and now from the buskin to the sword!  What
will be the end of you; I wonder?〃

〃The gallows; probably。〃

〃Fish!  Be serious。  Why not the toga of the senator in senatorial
France?  It might be yours now if you had willed it so。〃

〃The surest way to the gallows of all;〃 laughed Andre…Louis。

At the moment Le Chapelier manifested impatience。  I wonder did the
phrase cross his mind that day four years later when himself he rode
in the death…cart to the Greve。

〃We are sixty…six Breton deputies in the Assembly。  Should a vacancy
occur; will you act as suppleant?  A word from me together with the
influence of your name in Rennes and Nantes; and the thing is done。〃

Andre…Louis laughed outright。  〃Do you know; Isaac; that I never
meet you but you seek to thrust me into politics?〃

〃Because you have a gift for politics。  You were born for politics。〃

〃Ah; yes … Scaramouche in real life。  I've played it on the stage。
Let that suffice。  Tell me; Isaac; what news of my old friend; La
Tour d'Azyr?〃

〃He is here in Versailles; damn him … a thorn in the flesh of
the Assembly。  They've burnt his chateau at La Tour d'Azyr。
Unfortunately he wasn't in it at the time。  The flames haven't even
singed his insolence。  He dreams that when this philosophic
aberration is at an end; there will be serfs to rebuild it for him。〃

〃So there has been trouble in Brittany?〃 Andre…Louis had become
suddenly grave; his thoughts swinging to Gavrillac。

〃An abundance of it; and elsewhere too。  Can you wonder?  These
delays at such a time; with famine in the land?  Chateaux have been
going up in smoke during the last fortnight。  The peasants took
their cue from the Parisians; and treated every castle as a Bastille。
Order is being restored; there as here; and they are quieter now。〃

〃What of Gavrillac?  Do you know?〃

〃I believe all to be well。  M。 de Kercadiou was not a Marquis de La
Tour d'Azyr。  He was in sympathy with his people。  It is not likely
that they would injure Gavrillac。  But don't you correspond with
your godfather?〃

〃In the circumstances … no。  What you tell me would make it now more
difficult than ever; for he must account me one of those who helped
to light the torch that has set fire to so much belonging to hi

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