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小说: scaramouche 字数: 每页4000字

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exasperation; 〃is to transfer the government to other hands。〃

〃And you think that will make a difference?〃
〃I know it will。〃

〃Ah!  I take it that being now in minor orders; you already possess
the confidence of the Almighty。  He will have confided to you His
intention of changing the pattern of mankind。〃

M。 de Vilmorin's fine ascetic face grew overcast。  〃You are profane;
Andre;〃 he reproved his friend。

〃I assure you that I am quite serious。  To do what you imply would
require nothing short of divine intervention。  You must change man;
not systems。  Can you and our vapouring friends of the Literary
Chamber of Rennes; or any other learned society of France; devise a
system of government that has never yet been tried?  Surely not。
And can they say of any system tried that it proved other than a
failure in the end?  My dear Philippe; the future is to be read
with certainty only in the past。  Ab actu ad posse valet consecutio。
Man never changes。  He is always greedy; always acquisitive; always
vile。  I am speaking of Man in the bulk。〃

〃Do you pretend that it is impossible to ameliorate the lot of the
people?〃 M。 de Vilmorin challenged him。

〃When you say the people you mean; of course; the populace。  Will
you abolish it?  That is the only way to ameliorate its lot; for as
long as it remains populace its lot will be damnation。〃

〃You argue; of course; for the side that employs you。  That is
natural; I suppose。〃  M。 de Vilmorin spoke between sorrow and

〃On the contrary; I seek to argue with absolute detachment。  Let us
test these ideas of yours。  To what form of government do you aspire?
A republic; it is to be inferred from what you have said。  Well; you
have it already。  France in reality is a republic to…day。〃

Philippe stared at him。 〃You are being paradoxical; I think。  What
of the King?〃

〃The King?  All the world knows there has been no king in France
since Louis XIV。  There is an obese gentleman at Versailles who
wears the crown; but the very news you bring shows for how little
he really counts。  It is the nobles and clergy who sit in the high
places; with the people of France harnessed under their feet; who
are the real rulers。  That is why I say that France is a republic;
she is a republic built on the best pattern … the Roman pattern。
Then; as now; there were great patrician families in luxury;
preserving for themselves power and wealth; and what else is
accounted worth possessing; and there was the populace crushed and
groaning; sweating; bleeding; starving; and perishing in the Roman
kennels。  That was a republic; the mightiest we have seen。〃

Philippe strove with his impatience。  〃At least you will admit … you
have; in fact; admitted it … that we could not be worse governed
than we are?〃

〃That is not the point。  The point is should we be better governed
if we replaced the present ruling class by another?  Without some
guarantee of that I should be the last to lift a finger to effect a
change。  And what guarantees can you give?  What is the class that
aims at government?  I will tell you。  The bourgeoisie。〃


〃That startles you; eh?  Truth is so often disconcerting。  You hadn't
thought of it?  Well; think of it now。  Look well into this Nantes
manifesto。  Who are the authors of it?〃

〃I can tell you who it was constrained the municipality of Nantes
to send it to the King。  Some ten thousand workmen … shipwrights;
weavers; labourers; and artisans of every kind。〃

〃Stimulated to it; driven to it; by their employers; the wealthy
traders and shipowners of that city;〃 Andre…Louis replied。  〃I have
a habit of observing things at close quarters; which is why our
colleagues of the Literary Chamber dislike me so cordially in debate。
Where I delve they but skim。 Behind those labourers and artisans of
Nantes; counselling them; urging on these poor; stupid; ignorant
toilers to shed their blood in pursuit of the will o' the wisp of
freedom; are the sail…makers; the spinners; the ship…owners and the
slave…traders。  The slave…traders!  The men who live and grow rich
by a traffic in human flesh and blood in the colonies; are conducting
at home a campaign in the sacred name of liberty!  Don't you see that
the whole movement is a movement of hucksters and traders and
peddling vassals swollen by wealth into envy of the power that lies
in birth alone?  The money…changers in Paris who hold the bonds in
the national debt; seeing the parlous financial condition of the
State; tremble at the thought that it may lie in the power of a
single man to cancel the debt by bankruptcy。  To secure themselves
they are burrowing underground to overthrow a state and build upon
its ruins a new one in which they shall be the masters。  And to
accomplish this they inflame the people。  Already in Dauphiny we
have seen blood run like water … the blood of the populace; always
the blood of the populace。  Now in Brittany we may see the like。
And if in the end the new ideas prevail?  if the seigneurial rule
is overthrown; what then?  You will have exchanged an aristocracy
for a plutocracy。  Is that worth while?  Do you 'think that under
money…changers and slave…traders and men who have waxed rich in
other ways by the ignoble arts of buying and selling; the lot of
the people will be any better than under their priests and nobles?
Has it ever occurred to you; Philippe; what it is that makes the
rule of the nobles so intolerable?  Acquisitiveness。  Acquisitiveness
is the curse of mankind。  And shall you expect less acquisitiveness
in men who have built themselves up by acquisitiveness?  Oh; I am
ready to admit that the present government is execrable; unjust;
tyrannical … what you will; but I beg you to look ahead; and to see
that the government for which it is aimed at exchanging it may be
infinitely worse。〃

Philippe sat thoughtful a moment。  Then he returned to the attack。

〃You do not speak of the abuses; the horrible; intolerable abuses
of power under which we labour at present。〃

〃Where there is power there will always be the abuse of it。〃

〃Not if the tenure of power is dependent upon its equitable

〃The tenure of power is power。  We cannot dictate to those who hold

〃The people can … the people in its might。〃

〃Again I ask you; when you say the people do you mean the populace?
You do。  What power can the populace wield?  It can run wild。  It
can burn and slay for a time。  But enduring power it cannot wield;
because power demands qualities which the populace does not possess;
or it would not be populace。  The inevitable; tragic corollary of
civilization is populace。  For the rest; abuses can be corrected by
equity; and equity; if it is not found in the enlightened; is not
to be found at all。  M。 Necker is to set about correcting abuses;
and limiting privileges。  That is decided。  To that end the States
General are to assemble。〃

〃And a promising beginning we have made in Brittany; as Heaven hears
me!〃 cried Philippe。

〃Pooh!  That is nothing。  Naturally the nobles will not yield without
a struggle。  It is a futile and ridiculous struggle … but then。。。 it
is human nature; I suppose; to be futile and ridiculous。〃

M。 de Vilmorin became witheringly sarcastic。  〃Probably you will
also qualify the shooting of Mabey as futile and ridiculous。  I
should even be prepared to hear you argue in defence of the Marquis
de La Tour d' Azyr that his gamekeeper was merciful in shooting
Mabey; since the alternative would have been a life…sentence to
the galleys。〃

Andre…Louis drank the remainder of his chocolate; set down his cup;
and pushed back his chair; his breakfast done。

〃I confess that I have not your big charity; my dear Philippe。  I
am touched by Mabey's fate。  But; having conquered the shock of
this news to my emotions; I do not forget that; after all; Mabey
was thieving when he met his death。〃

M。 de Vilmorin heaved himself up in his indignation。

〃That is the point of view to be expected in one who is the assistant
fiscal intendant of a nobleman; and the delegate of a nobleman to
the States of Brittany。〃

〃Philippe; is that just?  You are angry with me!〃 he cried; in real

〃I am hurt;〃 Vilmorin admitted。  〃I am deeply hurt by your attitude。
And I am not alone in resenting your reactionary tendencies。  Do
you know that the Literary Chamber is seriously considering your

Andre…Louis shrugged。  〃That neither surprises nor troubles me。〃

M。 de Vilmorin swept on; passionately: 〃Sometimes I think that you
have no heart。  With you it is always the law; never equity。  It
occurs to me; Andre; that I was mistaken in coming to you。  You are
not likely to be of assistance to me in my interview with M。 de
Kercadiou。〃  He took up his hat; clearly with the intention of

Andre…Louis sprang up and caught him by the arm。

〃I vow;〃 said he; 〃that this is the last time ever I shall consent
to talk law or politics with you; Philippe。  I love you too well
to quarrel with you over other men's affairs。〃

〃But I make them my own;〃 Philippe insisted vehemently。

〃Of course you do; and I love you for it。  It is right that you

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