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lady susan-第2节

小说: lady susan 字数: 每页4000字

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sixteen who has received so wretched an education; could not be a very

desirable companion here。 Reginald has long wished; I know; to see the

captivating Lady Susan; and we shall depend on his joining our party soon。

I am glad to hear that my father continues so well; and am; with best love;






My dear Sister;I congratulate you and Mr。 Vernon on being about to

receive into your family the most accomplished coquette in England。 As a

very distinguished flirt I have always been taught to consider her; but it

has lately fallen In my way to hear some particulars of her conduct at

Langford: which prove that she does not confine herself to that sort of

honest flirtation which satisfies most people; but aspires to the more

delicious gratification of making a whole family miserable。 By her

behaviour to Mr。 Mainwaring she gave jealousy and wretchedness to his wife;

and by her attentions to a young man previously attached to Mr。

Mainwaring's sister deprived an amiable girl of her lover。

I learnt all this from Mr。 Smith; now in this neighbourhood (I have

dined with him; at Hurst and Wilford); who is just come from Langford where

he was a fortnight with her ladyship; and who is therefore well qualified

to make the communication。

What a woman she must be! I long to see her; and shall certainly accept

your kind invitation; that I may form some idea of those bewitching powers

which can do so muchengaging at the same time; and in the same house; the

affections of two men; who were neither of them at liberty to bestow them…

…and all this without the charm of youth! I am glad to find Miss Vernon

does not accompany her mother to Churchhill; as she has not even manners to

recommend her; and; according to Mr。 Smith's account; is equally dull and

proud。 Where pride and stupidity unite there can be no dissimulation worthy

notice; and Miss Vernon shall be consigned to unrelenting contempt; but by

all that I can gather Lady Susan possesses a degree of captivating deceit

which it must be pleasing to witness and detect。 I shall be with you very

soon; and am ever;

Your affectionate brother;





I received your note; my dear Alicia; just before I left town; and

rejoice to be assured that Mr。 Johnson suspected nothing of your engagement

the evening before。 It is undoubtedly better to deceive him entirely; and

since he will be stubborn he must be tricked。 I arrived here in safety; and

have no reason to complain of my reception from Mr。 Vernon; but I confess

myself not equally satisfied with the behaviour of his lady。 She is

perfectly well…bred; indeed; and has the air of a woman of fashion; but her

manners are not such as can persuade me of her being prepossessed in my

favour。 I wanted her to be delighted at seeing me。 I was as amiable as

possible on the occasion; but all in vain。 She does not like me。 To be sure

when we consider that I DID take some pains to prevent my brother…in…law's

marrying her; this want of cordiality is not very surprizing; and yet it

shows an illiberal and vindictive spirit to resent a project which

influenced me six years ago; and which never succeeded at last。

I am sometimes disposed to repent that I did not let Charles buy Vernon

Castle; when we were obliged to sell it; but it was a trying circumstance;

especially as the sale took place exactly at the time of his marriage; and

everybody ought to respect the delicacy of those feelings which could not

endure that my husband's dignity should be lessened by his younger

brother's having possession of the family estate。 Could matters have been

so arranged as to prevent the necessity of our leaving the castle; could we

have lived with Charles and kept him single; I should have been very far

from persuading my husband to dispose of it elsewhere; but Charles was on

the point of marrying Miss De Courcy; and the event has justified me。 Here

are children in abundance; and what benefit could have accrued to me from

his purchasing Vernon? My having prevented it may perhaps have given his

wife an unfavourable impression; but where there is a disposition to

dislike; a motive will never be wanting; and as to money matters it has not

withheld him from being very useful to me。 I really have a regard for him;

he is so easily imposed upon! The house is a good one; the furniture

fashionable; and everything announces plenty and elegance。 Charles is very

rich I am sure; when a man has once got his name in a banking…house he

rolls in money; but they do not know what to do with it; keep very little

company; and never go to London but on business。 We shall be as stupid as

possible。 I mean to win my sister…in…law's heart through the children; I

know all their names already; and am going to attach myself with the

greatest sensibility to one in particular; a young Frederic; whom I take on

my lap and sigh over for his dear uncle's sake。

Poor Mainwaring! I need not tell you how much I miss him; how

perpetually he is in my thoughts。 I found a dismal letter from him on my

arrival here; full of complaints of his wife and sister; and lamentations

on the cruelty of his fate。 I passed off the letter as his wife's; to the

Vernons; and when I write to him it must be under cover to you。

Ever yours;





Well; my dear Reginald; I have seen this dangerous creature; and must

give you some description of her; though I hope you will soon be able to

form your own judgment she is really excessively pretty; however you may

choose to question the allurements of a lady no longer young; I must; for

my own part; declare that I have seldom seen so lovely a woman as Lady

Susan。 She is delicately fair; with fine grey eyes and dark eyelashes; and

from her appearance one would not suppose her more than five and twenty;

though she must in fact be ten years older; I was certainly not disposed to

admire her; though always hearing she was beautiful; but I cannot help

feeling that she possesses an uncommon union of symmetry; brilliancy; and

grace。 Her address to me was so gentle; frank; and even affectionate; that;

if I had not known how much she has always disliked me for marrying Mr。

Vernon; and that we had never met before; I should have imagined her an

attached friend。 One is apt; I believe; to connect assurance of manner with

coquetry; and to expect that an impudent address will naturally attend an

impudent mind; at least I was myself prepared for an improper degree of

confidence in Lady Susan; but her countenance is absolutely sweet; and her

voice and manner winningly mild。 I am sorry it is so; for what is this but

deceit? Unfortunately; one knows her too well。 She is clever and agreeable;

has all that knowledge of the world which makes conversation easy; and

talks very well; with a happy command of language; which is too often used;

I believe; to make black appear white。 She has already almost persuaded me

of her being warmly attached to her daughter; though I have been so long

convinced to the contrary。 She speaks of her with so much tenderness and

anxiety; lamenting so bitterly the neglect of her education; which she

represents however as wholly unavoidable; that I am forced to recollect how

many successive springs her ladyship spent in town; while her daughter was

left in Staffordshire to the care of servants; or a governess very little

better; to prevent my believing what she says。

If her manners have so great an influence on my resentful heart; you may

judge how much more strongly they operate on Mr。 Vernon's generous temper。

I wish I could be as well satisfied as he is; that it was really her choice

to leave Langford for Churchhill; and if she had not stayed there for

months before she discovered that her friend's manner of living did not

suit her situation or feelings; I might have believed that concern for the

loss of such a husband as Mr。 Vernon; to whom her own behaviour was far

from unexceptionable; might for a time make her wish for retirement。 But

I cannot forget the length of her visit 

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